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I want to know why / Sherwood Anderson
Death by Landscape
Related: Atwood, Why do you write? / Margaret Atwood
Sonny's blues / James Baldwin
Gorilla, my love
Related: Bambara, What is it I think I'm doing anyhow? / Toni Cade Bambara
Snow / Ann Beattie
Occurrence at Owl Creek Bridge / Ambrose Bierce
Pierre Menard, author of the Quixote / Jorge Luis Borges
Miriam /Truman Capote
Related: Carver, From on writing / Raymond Carver
Paul's case
Related: Andrea Barrett on Paul's case / Willa Cather
Enormous radio / John Cheever
Lady with the dog
Related: Chekhov, Letter to DV Grigorovich
Letter to A S Suvorin / Anton Chekhov
Story of an hour / Kate Chopin
Heart of darkness
Related: Conrad, Preface to the nigger of the Narcissus''
Letter to Barrett H Clark
Barry Hannah on heart of darkness
C P Sarvan, Racism and the heart of darkness / Joseph Conrad
Continuity of parks / Julio Cortazar
Open boat
Related: Crane, Letter to John Northern Hiliard
Allan Gurganus on the open boat
Charles C Walcutt, [Stephen Crane: Naturalist] / Stephen Crane
Wall of fire rising / Edwidge Danticat
Intruder / Andre Dubus
King of the bingo game
Related: Ellison, an interview / Ralph Ellison
Matchimanito / Louise Erdrich
Barn burning
Rose for Emily
Related: Faulkner, an interview / William Faulkner
Babylon revisited / F Scott Fitzgerald
Great falls
Related: Ford on Bharati Mukherjee's
Management of grief / Richard Ford
Handsomest drowned man in the world / Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Yellow wallpaper / Charlotte Perkins Gilman
Soldier's embrace / Nadine Gordimer
Young Goodman Brown
Related: Edgar Allan Poe, Review of Hawthorne's twice told tales / Nathaniel Hawthorne
Hills like white elephants
Related: Frederick Busch on hills like white elephants
Hemingway, an interview / Ernest Hemingway
Conscience of the court / Zora Neale Hurston
Related: C C Loomis, Jr., structure and sympathy in Joyce's The dead'' / James Joyce
Hunger artist
Related: Stanley Corngold, Kafka's the metamorphosis: metamorphosis of the metaphor
Kafka, Letter to Max Brod / Franz Kafka
White horse / Yasunari Kawabata
Girl / Jamaica Kincaid
Horse dealer's daughter
Rocking horse winner
Related: Lawrence, Why the novel matters / DH Lawrence
Ones who walk away from Omelas / Ursula K Le Guin
Angel Levine / Bernard Malamud
Disorder and early sorrow
Related: Mann, letter to Paul Amann / Thomas Mann
Bliss / Katherine Mansfield
Shiloh / Bobbie Ann Mason
Adventure in Paris
Related: Maupassant, the novel / Guy De Maupassant
Why I like country music / James Alan Mcpherson
Bartleby, the Scrivener
Related: Leo Marx, Melville's parable of the walls / Herman Melville
Management of grief
Related: Richard Ford on the Management of grief
Mukherjee, a four-hundred-year-old woman / Bharati Mukherjee
Royal beatings
Related: Munro, What is real? / Alice Munro
Signs and symbols / Vladimir Nabokov
How I contemplated the world from the Detroit house of correction and began my life over again
Related: Oates, the Art and craft of revision / Joyce Carol Oates
Things they carried / Tim O'Brien
Good man is hard to find
Everything that rises must converge
Related: O'Connor, the Nature and aim of fiction
Lee Smith on a good man is hard to find / Flannery O'Connor
Guests of the nation
Related: Edward P Jones on Guests of the nation / Frank O'Connor
O yes / Tillie Olsen
Fall of the House of Usher
Related: Poe, the Philosophy of composition
Poe, Review of Hawthorne's twice told tales
Richard Wilbur, the House of Poe / Edgar Allan Poe
Jilting of Granny Weatherall
Related: Porter, an interview / Katherine Anne Porter
Conversion of the Jews / Philip Roth
Gimpel the fool / Isaac Bashevis Singer
Chrysanthemums / John Steinbeck
Rules of the game / Amy Tan
Secret life of Walter Mitty
Related: Thurber, an interview / James Thurber
Death of Ivan Ilych
Related: Gary Saul Morson, the Reader as Voyeur: Tolstoi and the poetics of didactic fiction
Tolstoy, What is art? / Leo Tolstoy
A & P
Related: Updike, Accepting the Howells medal / John Updike
Moths / Helena Maria Viramontes
Everyday use / Alice Walker
Blackberry winter / Robert Penn Warren
Worn path
Related: Susan Dodd on a Worn path
Welty, an interview / Eudora Welty
Use of force / William Carlos Williams
In the garden of the North American martyrs / Tobias Wolff
Kew gardens / Virginia Woolf
Man who was almost a man / Richard Wright
Writers On Writing
Why do you write? / Margaret Atwood
What is it I think I'm doing anyhow? / Toni Cade Bambara
Letter to a young writer / Richard Bausch
from On writing / Raymond Carver
Letter to DV Grigorovich, March 28, 1886
Letter to AS Suvorin, October 27, 1888 / Anton Chekhov
Preface to the Nigger of the Narcissus''
Letter to Barrett H Clark, May 14, 1918 / Joseph Conrad
Letter to John Northern Hiliard, February 1895 / Stephen Crane
Interview / Ralph Ellison
Interview / William Faulkner
Interview / Ernest Hemingway
Letter to Max Brod, July 5, 1922 / Franz Kafka
Why the novel matters / D H Lawrence
Letter to Paul Amann, September 10, 1915 / Thomas Mann
Novel / Guy De Maupassant
Four-hundred-year-old woman / Bharati Mukherjee
What is real /Alice Munro
Art and craft of revision / Joyce Carol Oates
Nature and aim of fiction / Flannery O'Connor
Philosophy of composition / Edgar Allan Poe
Interview / Katherine Anne Porter
Interview / James Thurber
What is art? / Leo Tolstoy
Accepting the Howells medal / John Updike
Interview / Eudora Welty
Writing Fiction
Reviews And Commentaries
Willa Cather's Paul's case'' / Andrea Barrett
Ernest Hemingway's Hills like white, elephants'' / Frederick Busch
Kafka's the Metamorphosis: metamorphosis of the metaphor / Stanley Corngold
Eudora Welty's A worn path'' / Susan Dodd
Bharati Mukherjee's The management of grief'' / Richard Ford
Stephen Crane's The open boat / Allan Gurganus
Joseph Conrad's Heart of darkness / Barry Hannah
Frank O'Connor's Guests of the nation'' / Edward P Jones
Structure and Sympathy in Joyce's The dead'' / C C Loomis, Jr
Melville's Parable of the walls / Leo Marx
Reader as voyeur: Tolstoi and the poetics of didactic fiction / Gary Saul Morson
Review of Hawthorne's twice told tales / Edgar Allan Poe
Racism and the heart of darkness / C P Sarvan
Flannery O'Connor's "A good man is hard to find'' / Lee Smith
[Stephen Crane: Naturalist] / Charles C Walcutt
From the house of Poe / Richard Wilbur
Glossary of critical terms
Permissions acknowledgments
Index of titles
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Previews available in: English
Short stories, tradition, change, death, allegory, nonlinear narrative, gentleman's agreements, recluses, Mentally ill women, Fiction, freedom, selfhood, self-fulfilment, meaning of love, short story, class conflict, Satanism, Puritans, catechism, Devil, Children's fiction, Boys, 20th century English fiction, British and irish fiction (fictional works by one author), christian fiction, Christmas, Christmas fiction, Christmas stories, Criticism and interpretation, Daily Express, Domestic fiction, English fiction, family life, Family reunions, Stories (texts), The Lass of Aughrim, Three Graces, West Britons, Irish literature, Young men, Copyists, classic literature, Psychology, Securities industry, history and criticism, American Horror tales, burial vaults, catalepsy, dragons, gothic fiction, hermitages, heroic romances, horror, horror tales, hysteria, knights, maces, psychogenic death, tarns, History, Juvenile audience, civil war, hanging, American Civil War, Confederate States of America, UnionPeople
Peyton Farquhar, Louise Mallard, Brently Mallard, Josephine, Richards, Sartoris Snopes, Abner Snopes, Lennie Snopes, Lizzie, Major de Spain, Mr. Harris, Emily Grierson, Homer Barron, Mr. Grierson, Tobe, Colonel Sartoris, Goodman Brown, Faith Brown, Goody Cloyse, Devil, Mangan's sister, Gabriel Conroy, Kate Morkan, Julia Morkan, Mary Jane Morkan, Lily, Gretta Conroy, Molly Ivors, Mr Browne, Freddy Malins, Mrs Malins, Bartell D'Arcy, Patrick Morkan, Michael Furey, Bartleby, Turkey, Nippers, Ginger Nut, John Jacob Astor, Cicero, Roderick Usher, Madeline Usher, EthelredPlaces
United States, Alabama, Owl Creek Bridge, Mallard residence, Justice of the Peace Court, Jefferson, Mississippi, Yoknapatawpha County, New England, Salem Village, Massachusetts, Araby, North Richmond Street, Araby bazaar, Ireland, Galway, New York, Wall StreetTimes
19th century, Antebellum era, 1600s, 1861-65Edition | Availability |
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Shorter Seventh Edition
2006, W. W. Norton & Company
in English
- Shorter Seventh Edition
0393926125 9780393926125
The Norton Anthology of Short Fiction: Shorter Seventh Edition
2006, W.W. Norton & Company
in English
- Shorter 7th ed.
0393926125 9780393926125
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