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How Sex Changed is a fascinating social, cultural, and medical history of transsexuality in the United States. Joanne Meyerowitz tells a powerful human story about people who had a deep and unshakable desire to transform their bodily sex. In the last century when many challenged the social categories and hierarchies of race, class, and gender, transsexuals questioned biological sex itself, the category that seemed most fundamental and fixed of all.
From early twentieth-century sex experiments in Europe, to the saga of Christine Jorgensen, whose sex-change surgery made headlines in 1952, to today’s growing transgender movement, Meyerowitz gives us the first serious history of transsexuality. She focuses on the stories of transsexual men and women themselves, as well as a large supporting cast of doctors, scientists, journalists, lawyers, judges, feminists, and gay liberationists, as they debated the big questions of medical ethics, nature versus nurture, self and society, and the scope of human rights.
In this story of transsexuality, Meyerowitz shows how new definitions of sex circulated in popular culture, science, medicine, and the law, and she elucidates the tidal shifts in our social, moral, and medical beliefs over the twentieth century, away from sex as an evident biological certainty and toward an understanding of sex as something malleable and complex. How Sex Changed is an intimate history that illuminates the very changes that shape our understanding of sex, gender, and sexuality today.
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Previews available in: English
Transsexualism, Sex change, History, LGBT history, LGBTQ history, LGBTQ gender identity, Stonewall Book Awards, Gender transition, Gender Identity, Transsexualisme, Transition de genre, PSYCHOLOGY, Human Sexuality, SELF-HELP, Sexual Instruction, SOCIAL SCIENCE, Gender Studies, Transsexualität, Geschichte, Transseksualiteit, Histoire, Changements de sexe, Hormone therapy, Gender reassignment surgeryTimes
20th centuryEdition | Availability |
1 |
How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States
April 1, 2004, Harvard University Press
in English
- New Ed edition
0674013794 9780674013797
How Sex Changed: A History of Transsexuality in the United States
October 1, 2002, Harvard University Press
in English
0674009258 9780674009257
How sex changed: a history of transsexuality in the United States
2002, Harvard University Press
in English
0674009258 9780674009257
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- Created April 29, 2008
- 8 revisions
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September 15, 2013 | Edited by Elisha Cooke | merge authors |
August 6, 2010 | Edited by IdentifierBot | added LibraryThing ID |
April 24, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Fixed duplicate goodreads IDs. |
April 29, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |