An edition of An itinerary (1617)

An itinerary

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May 8, 2021 | History
An edition of An itinerary (1617)

An itinerary

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Book Details

Table of Contents

(from t.p.) Diuided into III parts: The I. part. Containeth a iournall through all the said twelue dominions, shewing particularly the number of miles, the soyle of the country, the situation of cities, the descriptions of them with all monuments in each place worth the seeing, as also the rates of hiring coaches or horses from place to place, with each daies expences for diet, horse-meate, and the like
The II. part. Containeth the rebellion of Hugh, Earle of Tyrone, and the appeasing thereof, written also in forme of a iournall
The III. part. Containeth a discourse vpon seuerall heads, through all the said seuerall dominions.

Edition Notes

Two-page t.p.: [par.]2v and [par.]3.
Parts 1-3 of a projected work of 5 parts; part 4 was written but never printed. Cf. DNB.
Signatures: [par.]⁸ A-4D⁶ 4E⁸ (1st leaf blank except for signature mark).
LC copy has inscriptions: Ed. Bauldw[in] 1702, William Hamlin. Extensive ms. annotations in various hands on prelim. blanks. Wanting 1st and last leaves.
STC (2nd ed.) 18205
Bitting, K.G. Gastronomic bib., p. 332-333

Published in
At London
Early works to 1800.


Library of Congress
D915 .M89 1617

The Physical Object

[16], 295, 301, 292, [2] p. (last leaf blank) :
Number of pages

Edition Identifiers

Open Library
Internet Archive

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May 8, 2021 Edited by ImportBot import existing book
September 21, 2020 Edited by MARC Bot import existing book
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December 14, 2009 Edited by WorkBot link works
April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user Imported from Scriblio MARC record