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Relates the scientific story and the human struggle behind the search for the string theory--the ultimate theory which scientists believe is capable of describing all physical phenomena, large and small; and discusses how the theory is impacting human understanding of space and time.
"String theory, many physicists believe, is the key to the unified field theory that eluded Einstein for more than thirty years. At last, science has found a way to overcome the nearly century-old rift between the laws of the large - general relativity - and the laws of the small - quantum mechanics. String theory deftly unites these two pillars of modern physics into a single, harmonious whole by declaring that all of the wondrous happenings in the universe arise from the vibrations of one single entity: microscopically tiny loops of energy that lie deep within the heart of matter." "In this articulated and clear book, Brian Greene relates the scientific story and the human struggle behind the search for the ultimate theory. Through the artful use of metaphor and analogy, The Elegant Universe makes some of the most sophisticated concepts ever contemplated viscerally accessible and thoroughly entertaining, bringing us closer than ever to understanding how the universe works."--BOOK JACKET.
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Superstring theories, Cosmology, Superstringtheorie, Supercordes (Physique nucle aire), Gro©e Vereinheitlichung, Cosmologie, Große Vereinheitlichung, Supercordes (Physique nucléaire), Champ unitaire, Théories du, Quantum theory, Physique mathématique, Unified field theories, Cosmogony, Teori a de las Supercuerdas, Teori a de los Quanta, Teori a de cuerdas, Snaartheorie, Particles (Nuclear physics), Popular worksShowing 8 featured editions. View all 30 editions?
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Work Description
In this refreshingly clear book, Brian Greene, a leading string theorist, relates the scientific story and the human struggle behind the search for the ultimate theory. String theory, as the author vividly describes, reveals a vision of the universe that is sending shock waves through the world of physics.
Thrilling and revolutionary ideas such as new dimensions hidden within the fabric of space, black holes transmuting into elementary particles, rips and punctures in the space-time continuum, gigantic universes interchangeable with minuscule ones, and a wealth of others are playing a pivotal role as physicists use string theory to grapple with some of the deepest questions of the ages.
With authority and grace, The Elegant Universe introduces us to the discoveries and the remaining mysteries, the exhilaration and the frustrations of those who relentlessly probe the ultimate nature of space, time, and matter.
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- Created September 25, 2010
- 14 revisions
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