The annals of San Francisco

containing a summary of the history of ... California, and a complete history of ... its great city: to which are added, biographical memoirs of some prominent citizens.

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Last edited by mikemccabe
September 9, 2011 | History

The annals of San Francisco

containing a summary of the history of ... California, and a complete history of ... its great city: to which are added, biographical memoirs of some prominent citizens.

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PART I. CHAPTER I.— Proposed treatment of the work.— Etymology of the name California — ^Lower or Old Calit'i/inia — Grixalva and Mendoza — First discovery — Expeditions of Cortez — Cabrillo — Fen-elo — Drake — Drake's descrijition of the natives — Bodega and San Francisco Bays — Sir Francis Drake's Bay.— Captain Thomas Cavendish — Captain "Woodes Rogers — His description of the natives — The English buccaneering expeditions along the west coasts of the Americas — Political reasons why the Spanish Government strenuously prosecuted the discovery and settle- ment of California p Page 21 CHAPTER. II.— Expeditions of Viscaino — Admiral Otondo and Father Kino — First settlement, and introduction of the priest rule in the Californias — Failure and withdi'awal of the first missions — Renewed attempts to make settlements — Father Salva-Tierra and his coadjutors.— Final estab- lishment of the Jesuits in the country — Geographical discoveries of Father Kino — Jesuits ex- pelled and superseded by Franciscan Friars ; these, in turn, by the Dominican Monks — Population and phy.sical character of Old or Lower California Page 38 CHAPTER III. — First settlement of New or Upper California by Franciscan Monks — Supposed earliest discovery of San Francisco Baj' — Origin of the name — Establishment of a Mission and Presidio there, and ceremonies on the occasion.— Gradual establishment of Missions and Presidios over the country — List of these, and population of some at various dates — The gente de razon and the bestias, or the rational creatures and beasts of the country — Causes why free white set- tlers few in number — Character (f the natives as given by Venegas, and other writers — Progress and apparent destiny of the Anglo-Saxons on the Pacific Page 45 CHAPTER IV. — Conduct of the Fathers towards the natives — Their mode of instructing, employ- ing and subsisting the converts — The Fathers do not appear to have promoted the true welfare of the aborigines, or done any good to humanity.— Pictures, if gaudily colored and horriblii in subject, great aids to conversion — Missions and population of the country at recent dates — Table on this subject, — Tables of the farm produce and domestic cattle of the country — Table of prices Page 56 CHAPTER. v.— Pious Fund of California.— General description of the Missions.— Patriarchal kind of life of the Fathers — Reflections on the subject- General description of the Presidios, Castillos, and their garrisons, and of the free Pueblos and Eanchios Page 67 CHAPTER VI. — Independence of Mexico in 1822, and gradual changes in the character and constitu- tion of the Missions — Manumission of the Indians in 1826 ; but plan found unworkable, and re- turn to the old state of things — Gradual disappearance of the Pious Fund — Increasing riches of the Fathers — Changes of 1833 and iS34 in the Mii^sions, and attempts by the Mexican Congress to secularize their property — Santa Anna — Attempted Centralization of the Mexican Govern- ment — Overthrow of the old Federal Constitution in 1836 — Revolt and Declaration of Indepen <lence of the Californians.— Continual sinking of the Fathers, and final fall of the Missions in 1845 — Indian converts sent adrift, and Mission property sold or rented — Cost of the support of the Missions to the Spanish and Mexican Governments Page 74 8 CHAPTER VII — California distinct in physical character and national feeling from the other Mexican provinces.— Bc!,'inning and progress of immigration into the country — The Russians at Bodega Biiy.— Later great increase of foreign white settlers; Americans largely preponderating — Ontrage committed upon the settlers hy Mexican authorities.— Commodore Jones takes pos- session of Monterey — Foreign settlers scatter themselves over the whole country, and silently, but rapidly, revolutionize or Americanize it — Origin of the war of 1846 between the Mexican and American States SI ClIArTER Tin.— Col John C Fremont— General Jos6 Castro.— Fremont declares war against California.— Capture of Sonoma.— Proclamation of William B Ide.— Letter of Pio Pico, Governor of the Califomias, to Thomas O Larkin, Consul of the United States.— Thomas O Larkin's reply to Pio Pico — California declared independent — California desired by the American Government — Col Stevenson's regiment — Movements of General Kearny — Seizure of Monterey — Proclama- tion of Com Sloat— Commander Montgomery takes possession of Terba Buena and Fremont of San Juan Page 90 CHAPTER. IX.— Commodore Stockton takes charge of the American forces in California — Hostility of the Californians — Proclamation of Com Stockton — Landing at San Pedro, and manoeuvres of the sailor army — Castro's commissioners — March on Los Angeles, and flight of General Castro — Triumphant entry into Los Angeles — Provisional government formed — The difliculties of Stockton's march, and the complete success of his plans — Reported hostility of the Walla- Walla Indians — Enthusiastic reception of Stockton at San Francisco and other places — Satis- faction of the people of California with the new government — Stockton designs to cross Mexico and unite with the forces of General Taylor Page 101 CHAPTER X. — Insurrection of the Californians — Proclamation of General Flores — Defeat and -surrender of Talbot and Gillespie — Cajitain Mervine defc.itcd, with the crew of the Savannah — Com Stockton defeats the Californians at San Diego — Defeat of General Kearny at San Pasqual — The oflQcial relations of Com Stockton and Gen Kearny — Movement against Los Angeles —Battles of the Rio San Gabriel, and the Plains of the Mesa — Fremont negotiates with General Flores and Andreas Pico — Fremont appointed Governor, and .subsequently tried by Court Mar- tial — Arrival of Commodore Shubrick, and the confirmation of General Kearny as Governor — Mexican Governors of California — Foreign Consuls in the Territory Page 113 CHAPTER. XL— Peace concluded between the Mexican and American States.— Terms of the Treaty —California ceded to the United States — The country ruled provisionally by American Govern- ors.-Rapid increase of population by immigr.ation.— Discovery of gold on the American River by Mr James W Marshall.— Great excitement in consequence of the discovery, and rush of peo- ple to the gold placer.'.— Mixed character of the population.— Necessity for the establishment of a proper form of Government— Independent sectional legislation inadequate and unsatisfactory —Meetings held to cflfect a general civil organization.— General Riley issues a proclamation for a meeting to be held at Monterey to adopt a State Constitution.— Names of delegates appointed —Meeting at Monterey.— Constitution of California adopted, and rejoicings on the occasion 12S CHAPTER XII.— Geographical limits of Upper California.— General description of the country.— Two great divisions of the northern part of the State.— Fertility of the soil.— Peculiarities of the climate.— Two seasons: wet and dry.— Products of tlw country.— Fogs and winds on the coa,st— The harbors.— Country west of the Sierra Nevada.— The Sacramento and San Joaquin rivers, and their valleys.- This region of country abounds in timber.— Excessive heat in the dry 8ca.son.— Localities of the chief gold placers.— Immense size of trees.— Silver, lead, copper and coal mines.— Advantages to the immigrant ]40 PART II CUAI'TKR I.— Description of the Golden Gate.— Origin of the name.- The Bays of San Francisco San Pablo, and Snisun.-Rivcrs emptying into Suisim Bay.— Description of the adjacent coun- try.— Indian tradition.— Remarkable fertility of the .soil.— Farm produce and mode of farming - Location of the City of San Francisco.- The name Yerba Buena —The first house built— Dis- advantages of the locality.— No provision made for desirable public squares or parks Page 149 » y CHAPTER II.— The Mission and Presidio of San Francisco.— Formation and survey of tlie village of Terba Bueiia — Disputes and litigation in regard to Ycrba Buena being a Pueblo.— Captain Richardson the first Harbor Master.— ViMts of national and other vessels to Terba Buena Cove — Reasons why the whale ships ceased to enter the harbor fur supplies.— Traffic between Verba Buena and foreign ports — Hides and tallow the chief exports — Prices obtained for these — Heavy rains and their effects — Earthquakes — Unnsnal drought — Mr Jacob P Leese establishes himself at Yerba Buena —Celebration of the Fourth of July at Leese's house.— First child bom —Limits of the original survey Page 162 Oil AFTER III.— Removal of the Hudson's Bay Company.— Rapid growth and increase of population of Yerba Buena.— First newspapers established in California.— Tables showing the number of inhabitants in 1S47, with their places of birth, ages, .eexes and occupations.— Ordinance of the alcalde changing the name of Yerba Buena to San Francisco.— W A Bartlett was the first alcalde under the American flag, who was succeeded by George Hyde, and he by Edwin Bryant.— Pow- ers of an alcalde — Great sale of beach and water lots, agreeably to a decree of General Kearny, — Price of grants of property, and subsequent increased value of city lots — Width of the streets — JIunicipal regulation restricting purchasers Page 173 CHAPTER. lY — Captain Montgomery hoists the American flag on Portsmouth Square — Arrival of the ship Brooklyn from Xew York, with a large company of Mormon and other immigrant' — Disputes among her passengers, leading to the first jury trial in San Francisco — Grand ball at the residence of Wm A Leidesdorff.— Nautical fete given by Capt Simmons.— Public reception of Com Stockton — Attempts to establish a public school.— Name of town changed to San Fran- cisco — Number of buildings and inhabitants.— Suffering immigrants in the Sierra Nevada, — Trustee* of the proposed school chosen — Delegates to represent the District of San Francisco in the new legislative council- Arrival of Col Stevenson and New York Volunteers.— Vessels in the harbor, 1.3th March, 1S47.— ■' The California Star '' adopts the name of San Francisco — Mails established between San Francisco and San Diego — Proposed erection of a church — Grand illu- mination in honor of Gen Taylor's victory at Buena Vista — Celebrations of Anniversaries — Public meeting to consider the claims of Col Fremont to the office of Governor of the Terri- tory — Sale of beach and water lots — Election of the first town conncil — The first public school — Gales in San Francisco Bay — The first steamboat — Thanksgiving Day — Commercial Statis- tics 1S5 CHAPTER V — Resolutions concerning gambling — Public sale of City Property — Price Current published — Condition and population of the town — Overland express to Independence, Mo — George Hyde, alcalde, resigned, and succeeded by Dr J Townsend — Death of Wm A Leides- dorff — Discovery of gold, and immediate effects — Illumination in celebration of the peace be- tween Mexico and the United States — Dr T M Leavenworth elected alcalde — First brick house — Public meeting to regulate the price of gold dust — First square-rigged vessel discharged at Broadway wharf— Judicial limits of the town — Rev T, D Hunt chosen chaplain — First issue of the " Star and Californian." — State of the markets — Public meeting to organize a Pro- visional Government — New town council elected — Election declared invalid — Duties collected at the Cnstom-House Page 199 CHAPTER. VI.— General Effects of the Gold Discoveries Page 209 CHAPTER. VII.— The Alta California newspaper established.— Delegates elected to the proposed convention to be held at San Jose — New town council elected — Three town councils at one time — Meeting of the convention to frame a civil government postponed — Public meeting re- specting the conflicting councils — Public meeting concerning negro slavery — Town councils resigned, and legislative assembly chosen — Arrival of the steamship California — Address of delegates to civil government convention — Arrival of steamship Oregon, and Col John W Geary with the first United States mails — General Riley announced territorial governor — Acts of the legislative assembly and of the governor — Meetings concerning municipal and State govern- ments — Growth, population and general prosperity of the city — Gambling and other vices and crimes Page 218 10 mlonto— Tho "PacincNews" coinmcnced.— Meeting of the CoDStitnllon Convention at Mon- terey — Mercliants' Exchange — Steam Navigation — Death of Nathan Spear - First demo- cratic nu'cilng.— Circus opened.— Constitution approved and State officers elected.— First liahita- tion on Rincon Point— Thanksgiving Day.-Judge Almond's court -Tlie '^ Alta California."-- Flrst groat Are -'" ' CHAPTER IX.— Increase of population —No proper homes.— Character of the houses.— Condition of the t-troi-t-s.- Employments of the people.— Every thing in apparent confusion ; still nobody idle, and much business accomplished.— How the inhabitants lived.— Money rapidly made and ft-ecly spent— Gambling.— Shipping deserted —Extravagantly high prices obtained for every thing.— Rents and wages.— The mines the source of all the v.ealth.— Destitution, sickness and <leath.— Increase of crime —Aspect of the Plaza.— Mixed character of the inhabitants.— The Post- otlice.— A pleasant prospect Page 243 CHAPTER. X.— Great sale of water lots.— An election day —Newspapers.— Approval by the ayuntii- niiento of tho City Charter, and limits of San Francisco.— Squatter difficulty at Rincon Point— Poliiical meeting on Portsmouth Square.- The Colton grants.— First county election.— Col John C llaycs elected SlierifT.- City Charter adopted by the State Legislature.— First election under tho City Charter.— Changes in the Common Council Page 264 CHAPTER. XL— Third great fire.— Aldermen's salaries.— Indignation meetings.— Veto message of the mayor.— Shipping in San Francisco Bay.— Celebration of the Fourth of July.— The Oregon Liberty Pole.— Custom-house at the corner of California and Montgomery streets.— Departure from California of General Riley.— Society of California Pioneers — Squatter riots at Sacramento —Suffering immigrants — Presentation of Chinese Books — Funeral ceremonies on occasion of the death of President T.aylor.— A Chinese document Page 277 CHAPTER. XII.— The first City Directoiy published.— Monetary crisis.— Fourth great fire.— Death of Capt.iin Bezer Simmons.— The wharves.— Celebration on account of the admission of California into the Union of American States.— Explosion of the steamer Sagamore.— City Hospital burned —Improvements in the city.— Plank road to the Mission Dolores — Death of the mayor of Sacra- mento — Thanksgiving Day.— Fire in Sacramento-street Page 289 CH.VPTER XIII.— Population in 1S50.— City improvements.— Grading and planking streets.— Wharves, steamers, manufactures.— Supply and demand for goods — Mines yielding abundantly — Expresses cstablished.-Moral progress.— Better state of things — Cholera.— California admitted to the Union.— City Charter granted.— First Common Council — The gold medals for Aldermen.— Corruption of officials.— Colton Grants.— Leidesdorff Estate.— City finances.— Outrages and fires —The prisons and police.— Lynch Law agitated Page 300 CHAPTER. XIV.— The Gold Bluffs and Pacific Mining Company.— The excitement at the City Ilall in February, ISol.— Attempt to Lynch Burdue and Windred — ^Their subsequent escape — Burn- ing of the steapiers Hartford and Santa Clara Page 311 CHAPTER. XV.— Judge Parsons and the case of William Walker for contempt of Court— Act of Legislature ceding Beach and Water Lots to the City of San Francisco — Act to re-incorporate the city — New city limits — First election of municijial oflicers under revised charter — Act pas.<ed to fund the State debt — Act to establish State Marine Hospital.— Act to fund the flo.iting debt— Indebtedness of the city — Municipal officers trafficking in city scrip — Fifth great fire Page 322 CHAPTER. XVI.— T Butler King removing the custom-house deposits.— Frank Ball's song, and costom-houso appointment — Dr Robinson's rhymes — Incendiarism — The case of Lews, charged with arson — The facilities with which criminals escaped from punishment — The Vigi- lance Committee — Contracts of Mr Merriflcld and tho Mountain Water Lake Company to supply tlie city wHh water 384 CHAPTER XVII.— The sixtii groat fire.— Destruction of old buildings.— Execution by the Vigi- lance Conimittce of Stu.irt, Whittakcr and McKenzie — County and city elections — The Vigi- lance Committee suspend operations.— Wells & Co suspend payment— Opening of the Jenny Llnd Theatre.— The American Theatre opened.— Shipping in San Francisco Bay.— Ball of the Monumental Fire Company.— Indian disturbances and volunteer military companies.— Severe storm Page 341 11 CHAPTER XYIII — rmiiiiixratioii diminished — Females comparatively few — Great city improve- ments — Productions of the country, game, &c., in the markets — Character of the community changing for the better — The circulating medium — Extravagance in living, dress, &c — Personal renc'-.ntres and other outrages common.— Titles to real estate uncertain — Legal decisions — De- preciated value of merchandise.—Amusements, dissipation and recreation — The foreign popula- tion - Great crimes less frequent — The finances of the city 857 CHAPTER XIX.— Dr Peter Smith — His contract with the city to take charge of the indigent sick — The city's indebtedness — Smith's judgments and executions — Injunctions of the commission- ers of the funded debt — Sale and sacrifice of tho city property under Smith's judgments Page 370 CHAPTER. XX.— The Chinese in California— Act passed to fund the floating debt of the State — Tlie State Marine Hospital — Act to convert into a seven per cent, stock the floating debt of the County of San Francisco — Anniversary of fires — Meetings of the Vigilance Committee Page 378 CHAPTER. XXI.— Clipper Ships.— Enormous Taxation.— Purchase of the Jenny Lind Theatre by the Common Council — Times and Transcript removes to San Francisco — Fourth of July cele- bration.— Great scarcity of printing paper — Duel between lion Edward Gilbert and General Denver — Custom of Duelling — Funeral ceremonies on occasion of the death of Henry Clay Page 391 CHAPTER. XXII.— Australian gold mines — Restlessness of miners — Many who emigrated to Aus- tralia return to California — Superior advantages of the latter place — Second city directory published — California Telegraph Company — General election — Firo in Sacramento City.— Another fire in San Francisco — Intelligence received of the death of Daniel Webster.— Falling of the waters of Lake La Mercede — Another city directory — Firemen's election — Legal exe- cution of Joso Forni — Destructive storm Page 402 CHAPTER. XXIIL— Increase of population.— Mixed character of the immigrants.— Chinese, Peru- vians, Chllenos, and other foreigners, notoriously vicious — Sutferings of the overland immigrants — Greater attention paid to agricultural pursuits — City improvements still progressing — Great fires no longer possible — Fire insurance agencies established — Manufactories — New gold dis- coveries — Emigration to Australia — Merchandise and provisions commanding high prices — The clipper ships.— Filthy condition of tho streets — Great abundance of rats.— The city exten- sion, bay, and shipping — The strong winds preventive of disease — Peculations of officials.— San Francisco only suitable for the industrious — ^The city growing in importance — Change of inhabitants — Fascinations of San Francisco life — Reflections concerning the moral condition of the city Page 411 CHAPTER. XXIV.— Commerce.- Mercantile Library Association — Tho Limantour claim.— Elec- tion of delegates to revise the City Charter.— Third annual celebration of the organization of tho Fire Department.— Steamships lost— Extension of the city water front- United States Marino Hospital Page 427 CHAPTER XXV. — Russ's garden.— The German population — May-day celebration by school-cbil- dren.— Burning of the Eassette House.— Mountain Lake Water Company.— General State Ilospi- tal.— Drinking houses.— Clipper ships and short passages.— Military parade and celebration of 4th of July.— Dedication of the First Congregational Church.— St Mary's (Catholic) Church.— Unita- rian Church.— Seamen's Bethel.— Squatter difliculties.— Store-ships burned.— Strikes by mechan- ics and laborers for higher wages.— Anniversary of the German Turnverein.— City and county election.— Latiiyette Hook and Ladder Company organized.— The French inhabitants.— Sweeney <fc Baugh's electric telegraph Page 445 CHAPTER. XXVI.— Important legal decision of the Supreme Court confirming Alcaldes' grants.— Burning of the St Francis Hotel.— Opening of the telegraph communication to Marysville.— Lone Mountain Cemetery.— Anniversary of the day of St Francis.— The Mission Dolores.— Tlio Span- ish races in California.— The Custom- House Block.— The steamship WinfieUl Scott wrecked.— I Election of officers of the Fire Department.— The Sonorian Filibusters.— Opening of the Metro- r politan Theatre.— Great sales of water lots.— Montgomery block Page 467 CHAPTER. XXVII.— Numbers and description of the population of the State.— Amount of gold produced from California mines.— San Francisco as related to California.— Population of San Francisco — City im])rovements.— Commercial statistics Page 484 12 CHAPTER XXVIIL— Prosperity of San Francisco.— Business activity.— Fortunes rapidly made.— Disputes concerning titles to real estate.— Real property commanding extravagantly liigh prices —Social, moral and intellectual characteristic!'.- Gambling.— Vice less concealed in San Francisco than in other cilie.s.- Tlic female poi)ulation.— Expenses of housekeeping.— Foreign population —The rnarvullous progress of the city during the past few years Page 497 CUAPTER XXIX.— Meeting of citizens regarding the State Revenue Act— Run on Adams & Co —Banking and banking-house?.— The Express Building.— Weather unusually cold.— Effects of the weather upon the interests of the country.— Le Count & Strong's Directory for 1854 — Loss of the clipper ship San Francisco.— The city lighted with gas.— Riot at the Mercantile Hotel Page 510 CHAPTER. XXX.— Commercial depression — Decrease in the value of real estate and merchandise —Combination of the steamboat owners — Rates of freight and passage on river steamers.— Duels and duelling.— Sale of "government reserve" town lots — Celebration of St Patrick's day —Conviction of filibusters — Opening of the San Francisco branch mint — The Pacific railroad — Fallingof the U S bonded-warehouse.— Explosion of tlio boiler of the steamboat "Secretary." — Arrival of Chinese immigrants — Quick passage of the clipper ship " Flying Cloud." — Wreck of the "Golden Fleece" Page 519 CHAPTER. XXXI.— of the Mexican consul.— Arrest of the French consul.— Chinese nowsp.v per established — German May-feast at Russ's Garden — The Iloadley street grades — Indictment by the Grand Jury of Sonora filibusters — Dedication of the Lone Mountain Cemetery — Exten- sive Coutlagration — Report of the funded debt commissioners.— Squatter difficulties — Sale of public property — Captain Adams arrived with the Japan treaty — Alderman elected Page 531 CHAPTER XXXII. — Commercial depression — Reduction of prices of merchandise and real estate — Fall in rents — Improved character of the buildings — The plaza being improved — Govern- ment fortifications of tlie harbor commenced — Immigration and emigration — The population — Yield of the gold mines — Labor profitable in California — The quicksilver mi^es — Agricul- tural resources — Fisheries — Telegraphs and railroads — Ship-building — Foreign relations — Ice and coal trade — Mail steamers between San Francisco and Shanghae — The international rail- way — San Francisco water front extension — The proposed new city charter — Claim of the city to Pueblo lands — Increase of sources of domestic comfort — Immoralities continue to pre- vail — Duel and duelling — Theatrical entertainments — Daily newspapers — Means of moral and educational improvement Page 543 PART III. TiiE ITou.vDS . Page 558 The Vigilance Committee Page 563 DkATHS and liUKIALS Page 588 Tub Great Fires Page 598 The Fire Department Page 614 Steamer-Day Page 626 Hotels, Restaurants and Boardinq-Hodses 689 Public A.mc8ement8 Page 653 Some Phases of San Francisco " Life " Page 665 Public Scnooi.8 Page 675 Chdrohes and Religion \ Page 687 Independent Military Organizations Page 702 Social and Benkvolf.nt Institutions Page 709 .MF.H0IK of John W Geary Page 718 " ClIAni.ES J Bl'.KNIIAM ... Page 735 •* Stephen R Harris, M D Page 740 " C K Garrison Page 744 " Samuel Brannan Page 745 JosEi'ii L F0L.S0M Page 754 Thomas O Larkim Page 758

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September 12, 2011 Edited by mikemccabe tocbot fixup
September 12, 2011 Edited by mikemccabe tocbot fixup
September 9, 2011 Edited by ToCb0t Adding Table of Contents
May 26, 2011 Edited by George Expanded publisher name
April 13, 2010 Edited by Open Library Bot Linked existing covers to the edition.