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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
A Generative theory of tonal music
1983, MIT Press, The MIT Press
in English
026262107X 9780262621076
2 |
Book Details
Table of Contents
Preface to the 1996 reprint
Part one : Theoretical perspective.
Music theory as psychology
The connection with linguistics
The connection with artistic concerns
The overall form of the theory
Part two : Introduction to rhythmic structure.
Grouping structure
Metrical structure
The interaction of grouping and meter
The relation of structural accent to grouping and meter
Part three : Grouping structure.
Grouping well-formedness rules
Perceptual motivation for the preference rule formalism
Grouping preference rules
Grouping overlaps
The performer's influence on preferred hearing
Two more examples
Part four : Metrical structure.
Metrical well-formedness rules
Metrical preference rules
Further metrical preference rules
Variations on the metrical well-formedness rules
Metrical irregularities at hypermeasure levels
Part five : Introduction to reductions.
The need for reductions
Possible formal approaches to reduction
The tree notation for reductions
Preliminary construction of reductions
Part six : Time-span reduction : the analytic system.
Time-span segmentation
Time-span trees and metrical structure
Time-span trees and structural accents
Details of cadential reduction
Background structures and the location of the structural dominant
A complete time-span reduction
Part seven : Formalization of time-span reduction.
Time-span segmentation
Time-span reduction well-formedness rules
Preference rules within phrases
Structural accents of groups
Concluding remarks
Part eight : Prolongational reduction : the analytic system.
Intuitions about tension and relaxation
Preliminaries to prolongational trees
Prolongational trees
A secondary notation
A complete prolongational reduction
Part nine : Formalization of prolongational reduction.
Fundamental hypotheses
Prolongational reduction well-formedness rules
Prolongational regions
Prolongational reduction preference rules
The interaction principle
Normative prolongational structure
Binary form and sonata form
Reflections on musical cognition and music as an art
Part ten : Some analyses.
A complex rhythmic example
Motivic structure and time-span reduction
Some time-span and prolongational reductions
Possible refinements in prolongational reduction
Part eleven : Musical universals and related issues.
What is a musical universal?
Musical innateness
Summary of rhythmic features
Motivic "transformations," "Deep structures," and musical "archetypes"
Remarks on the basis of tonal systems
Remarks on contemporary music
Part twelve : Psychological and linguistic connections.
Gestalt theory and visual form perception
Preference rules in linguistic theory
A deep parallel between music and language
A remark on brain localization
Music theory as a cognitive science
Edition Notes
Bibliography: p. [353]-359.
Includes index.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
Scriblio MARC recordIthaca College Library MARC record
Library of Congress MARC record
OpenLibraries-Trent-MARCs record
marc_openlibraries_sanfranciscopubliclibrary MARC record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
Better World Books record
Library of Congress MARC record
Better World Books record
marc_columbia MARC record
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