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Nonlinear Control Design presents a self-contained introduction to nonlinear feedback control design for continuous time, finite-dimensional uncertain systems. It deals with nonlinear systems affected by uncertainties such as unknown constant parameters, time-varying disturbances, and uncertain nonlinearities. Both state feedback and output feedback are addressed. Differential geometric techniques are used to identify classes of nonlinear systems considered and to design feedback algorithms.
Adaptive versions of these controls are developed in the presence of unknown parameters while robust versions are designed in the presence of time-varying disturbances. These control algorithms are applied to significant physical control problems from electric motor drives, robotics, aerospace, power systems and are illustrated through worked examples.
- The text is illustrated throughout with over 100 exercises, more than 75 worked examples and 12 physical examples.
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Nonlinear control theory, Automatic controlEdition | Availability |
Nonlinear control design: geometric, adaptive, and robust
1995, Prentice Hall
in English
0133426351 9780133426359
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Includes bibliographical references (p. [377]-389) and index.
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