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Noncommutative differential geometry, Mathematical physics, Congresses, Géométrie différentielle non commutative, Congrès, Physique mathématique, Calculus & mathematical analysis, Nichtkommutative Geometrie, Mathematische Physik, Indextheorie, Lie-Algebra, Zahlentheorie, Global analysis, analysis on manifolds, Number theory, Functional analysis, Quantum theoryEdition | Availability |
Noncommutative geometry and physics: renormalisation, motives, index theory
2011, European Mathematical Society
in English
3037190086 9783037190081
Book Details
Table of Contents
Notes on Feynman integrals and renormalization / Christoph Bergbauer
Introduction to motives: with an appendix by Matilde Marcolli / Sujatha Ramdorai, Jorge Plazas, and Matilde Marcolli
A short survey on pre-Lie algebras / Dominique Manchon
Divergent multiple sums and integrals with constraints: a comparative study / Sylvie Paycha
Spectral triples: examples and index theory / Alan Carey, John Phillips, and Adam Renni.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
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