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Haddon Robinson's Biblical Preaching has become a modern classic on the preparation and delivery of expository sermons. Much has changed, however, in twenty years and Robinson has undertaken the task of updating his work to benefit a new generation of preachers who will speak to a markedly different world. While retaining the original outline of the book and Robinson's ten-stage process of sermon development, this new edition offers significant improvements. Many of the illustrations and arguments have been updated, the prose has been changed to gender-inclusive language, each chapter is enhanced with suggestions for further study, and the discussions of narrative and inductive preaching have been expanded. - Publisher.
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Previews available in: English
Homiletical use, Bible, Preaching, Homiletiek, Bible, homiletical useEdition | Availability |
Biblical preaching: the development and delivery of expository messages
2014, Baker Academic, a division of Baker Publishing Group
in English
- Third edition.
0801049121 9780801049125
Biblical Preaching,: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
June 1, 2001, Baker Academic
in English
- 2 edition
0801022622 9780801022623
Biblical Preaching: The Development and Delivery of Expository Messages
2001, Baker Publishing Group
in English
1585582778 9781585582778
Biblical preaching: the development and delivery of expository messages
1980, Baker Book House
in English
0801077001 9780801077005
Book Details
First Sentence
"This is a book about expository preaching, but it may have been written for a depressed market."
Table of Contents
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- Created April 29, 2008
- 12 revisions
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April 29, 2008 | Created by an anonymous user | Imported from record |