How Christ Said The First Mass; Or The Lord's Last Supper

he Rites And Ceremonies, The Ritual And Liturgy, The Forms Of Divine Worship Christ Observed, When He Changed The Passover Into The Mass

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Last edited by Tom Morris
January 16, 2022 | History

How Christ Said The First Mass; Or The Lord's Last Supper

he Rites And Ceremonies, The Ritual And Liturgy, The Forms Of Divine Worship Christ Observed, When He Changed The Passover Into The Mass

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Table of Contents

How God foretold the crucifixion and the Mass to Adam and his children in types, images and emblems. The drama of redemption in the Temple ceremonial. God the Architect of the tabernacle. The Holy of Holies typified heaven, the Holies the church building, the Courts the Jewish Church. The Ark of the Covenant. The cup of manna foretold the oiborium with the Host on our altar. History of the manna. The gold statues of Cherubim gave rise to the statuary of our churches. The Holies the model of our sanctuary. The altar of incense typified our altar, the table of proposition bread our credence table. The gold candlestick foretold Christ enlightening the world ; the Easter candle. The bishop and priest teaching truth from the pulpit. The sacrificial altar foretold Calvary. Origin of sacrifice. Adam's sixty-three children. Cain, typifying the Jews, killed Abel, type of Christ. What is a sacrifice? The Passover developed into tabernacle worship. How the sacrifices were offered with a cross in Temple. Jews did not understand the reason of sacrifice. Names of Persons of the Trinity in Old Testament. How God spoke through the Shekina to the prophets. Remarkable evidence from Jewish writers. Meanings of Elohim, Jehovah, Jesus Christ, Shekina, Yaqara, Eloi, etc 15-46.
How the ceremonial of Day of Atonement foretold Christ entering heaven. The Talrauds, their history, divisions and contents. A Papal decree saved the Talmuds from destruction. Jewish traditions and peculiar ideas. The high priest seven days separated from his wife foretold an unmarried clergy. Three arks, three crowns. How the high priest prepared. Origin of holy water. How " lots * were drawn to choose the priests. Candles lighted, incense offered. Temple chambers. The Supreme Court administered an oath to the high priest lest he might be an infidel. Image of baptism. Avarice of the priests. The second lot. Moses on Nebo and tombs of the patriarchs at Hebron. Ceremonies beginning the services at daybreak. The high priest's bath. His vestments and what they cost. The pontiff with his assistant priest and twelve ministers. Names of persons who made gold utensils for Temple. How the five services began. How the bullock was slain after confession of sins placed on him. Names of avaricious families denounced in Temple prayers. The goat for Jehovah and the one for Azazael drawn by lot. The crimson cloth became white by a miracle, but did not after Christ's death. A layman killed all the animals this day, and a pagan led the scapegoat to death, for the pagan layman Pilate condemned Christ. The ceremonial described. The censer and incense same as used in church to-day. The high priest once became defiled. How he put the incense in the censer. How he entered behind the two veils. Ceremonial in the Holy of Holies. How he sprinkled the blood. Mystic meanings foretelling Christ in heaven. How he offered incense on the altar in the Holies typifying the Mass. The goat for the Eternal Father. The scapegoat with the sins of Israel on him on the high platform foretelling Christ before Pilate. How the scapegoat was led out into the country by a pagan amid shouts and curses of great crowds as they mocked Christ. How he was pushed off the high rook Tsuk, and killed. How the pagan returned. Morning servioes image of a Pontifical High Mass. The reading or the Law imaging the reading of Epistle and Gospel. The change of vestments. St. Paul's explanation of the Day of Atonement. John's vision of the Liturgy and servioes of the Heavenly Church. The eternal throne. How the Mass on earth is offered in heaven. The four Evangelists. The sealed book. The Lamb of God. The vast multitudes adoring God in heaven, etc 47-85.
Reasons why God chose bread. History of wheat. How the altar breads for Passover and Temple were made. Why the celebrant at Mass breaks the Host. Why unfermented bread is used at Mass. The Hebrew flour-mill and oven. Way of making fermented and unfermented bread. The ceremonies of placing the bread and wine in the Temple Holies on the credence table. How the bread and wine foretelling the Mass were honored in the Temple. The sign of the cross. How the removed bread was eaten and the wine drank. History of wine. How Noe blesssed the white races. Palestine wine and how it was made. " Dry " and " sweet " wines. A famous festival. Vessels in which wine was kept. The Lord's great Chalice. Why wine is mixed with water at Mass. The Temple ceremony in honor of water. The Hebrew maidens' dance after the wine was made, during which men chose their wives. Christ a Temple Priest and Prince of David's family. Origin of the Holy Oils used in the Church. Composition of the holy oil Moses made. Myrrh, cinnamon, cassia, balm, storax and plants which produce them. Anointing the sick in the Old Testament. How the high priest and priest were ordained in the Temple, and anointed on head and hands. History of Mary Magdalen, and why she anointed Christ. Priest, Rabbi, king, judge and officials anointed before Christ. Blessing the holy oils on Holy Thursday. Composition of the incense used in the Temple. Stacte, onycha, calamus, galbanum, frankincense, leaning of burning incense. How the incense was offered in the Holies as now at a high Mass. Graphic scene in the Holies when Zaohary incensed the gold altar. Gabriel told him John the Baptist would be born. Why he did not believe the angel's words. History of the Baptist. Origin of the ceremony of incensing the clergy during a high Mass. Origin of the tonsure, etc 86-123
Meaning of the word Passover. The great Jewish Easter feast. The anniversary of their delivery from Egyptian slavery. How God developed the patriarchal feast into the Hebrew Passover. The Hebrews delivered to foretell how mankind would be delivered from the demon's slavery. The minute directions God gave Moses. The Egyptian Passover, and the Feast of Unieaven Bread foretelling the crucifixion and the Mass. The lamb. The time, place and ceremonies of the sacrifice. The blood on the door jambs typified the cross. Egyptian, perpetual, first and second Passovers. The times tney sacrificed the Passover during Hebrew history. How the lamb foretold Christ. Origin of the Christian Easter. How they crucified the lamb. How God enlarged the Passover into the tabernacle and Temple and bread and wine into the Feast of Unieaven Bread. Mystic meanings of the foods at Passover. Rejection of the Jewish sacrifices. Joseph us on the Passover. A description of the Passover as held to-day by the Samaritans. The Passover celebrated by thirteen Jews on Sion, which the writer attended, etc 124-151
St. Paul explains the meanings of Passover preparations. The Pesachim Tract of the Talmud. Why the Jews search for leaven bread with a candle at twilight on eve of Passover. The examen of conscience, confession, and preparation for Communion foretold before Christ. The ceremony of the search for leaven bread. Who were obliged and who exempt. The candle signified Christ The light imaged the Holy Ghost rousing the sinner to repentance before Easter confession. The two cakes of proposition exposed in the Temple. The two cows plowing on Olivet. All leaven bread burned at noon the day before Passover. Rites which foretold Communion must not be received in mortal sin. How they cleaned houses and dishes in days of Christ. House-cleaning in our day before Passover to typify the cleansing of conscience before Easter Communion. How the Pharisees of our day plant the Passover wheat, make the flour, draw the water, and make the breads. The Garmo family had a monopoly of making the bread for the Temple. The " Water of Precept " the man was bringing to the Cenacle when Peter and John met him. How the women made the breads for Passover in the days of Christ. How they got the gold to cover the Temple. Avarice of the priests. What king Hezekiah did. Why we fast before Communion. Jewish mourning. Origin of the black vestments. Work forbidden before Passover. Origin of offerings to the Church. How the lamb was sacrificed in Temple. The blood put on the altar horns. The skin taken off. The three divisions, or "bands." Why Herod Agrippa ordered the kidneys counted. Cost of Temple chalices. How the lamb was crucified and roasted on his cross. Who could sacrifice the lamb. Why a bone was not broken and the remains removed after the supper. How the lamb was eaten. The Masses said for others, Communion for the sick foretold. The second Passover. Easter duty prefigured. The synagogue services before the supper. Evening prayers. The seven benedictions. The master's chalice. The reclining position. Rules relating to bread and wine and different foods. The four Passover chalices of wine. How the Psalms were written. The Holy Spirit known to the Hebrews. The chalice the Lord used foretold. Graphic description of Passover and Day of Atonement by Marcus Ambivius, Roman procurator over Judea before Pilate, etc 152-197
Why the feast lasted for a week. Why they asked Pilate to deliver Barabbas in place of Christ. Ceremony of the Omer 44 first fruits " foretelling Christ's arrest. The minor feasts during Passover week. Why the Jews would not enter Pilate s hall. How the victims were sacrificed on Passover week. The evening banquet. The bath and washing the feet images of baptism. The arohitriclinus. The tables. Positions of guests. When the couch was introduced. Why they washed their hands. Origin of prayers before meals. Why the bread and wine are raised up and offered to God during Mass. Dress of guests at feasts. Ancient jewelry. Origin of incensing the clergy during High Mass. Crumbs which fell from the table. Prayers after meals. Origin of the Agapae "love feasts" St. Paul on abuses at, etc 158-216.
Who was Melohisedech ? Different opinions. Meaning of the word. Records relating to him. Jews and Orientals say he was Sera, Noe's eldest son. Nimrod author of paganism. Jewish traditions relating to Adam. Why Calvary was called Golgotha. Melohisedech founds Jerusalem. Why Abraham was called out of Ur. Why Abraham gave tithes to Melohisedech. History of Sion, David's city. The treasures David gathered to build the Temple. Why Herod built the Cenacle. Why relics of the Saints are placed in the altar stone. Why the dead are buried under churches. Christ's family owned the Cenacle. The first cathedral of the world. St. James' Liturgy in the Cenacle. History of the Cenacle after Christ. Sion at the present time and its inhabitants. Description of the room where Christ said the First Mass, etc 288-217.
Origin of the synagogue. Meaning of the name. Synagogues of Palestine in days of Christ. Synagogue building copied from Temple gave rise to porch, nave and sanctuary of church building. Origin of poor-boxes, and holy water fonts. Why altar is in east end of church. Why women cover head in church. Origin of the pulpit. The language of people of Judea at the time of Christ. Why Mass is said in dead languages. Origin of the sanctuary lamp and seats for clergy. The famous Alexandrian synagogue. The two Messiahs Jews believed in. The model of the altar railing and of the Blaster candle. Where the Gospel writers found Christ's genealogies and origin of baptism and marriage records. The Rabbi and meaning of name. Why Christ did not begin to preach till he was thirty. Christ called a Rabbi in the Gospels. Why a priest is called "Father." Origin of Rev., Very Rev., and Rt. Rev. How Christ with his followers wandered over Judea. How the Rabbis taught their followers. Jesus as a Rabbi. The presbyters or elders in the synagogue. Origin of Cathedral Chapter. The archisynagogos. Origin of the diocese and parish. The apostles of the Jewish Church before Christ. Why the apostles chose seven deacons. The education of a Rabbi in Christ's day. The office of porter in the Jewish Church. Church collections and collectors came from the synagogue of days of Christ. How the order of exorcists began. Minor orders prefigured. Church music. How the Psalms were sung in Temple and synagogue. Musical instruments. Origin of the church choir. Singing with music in Temple and synagogue. The two choirs. Origin of Church music. The ark in Temple and synagogue. How Moses wrote the five first Books of the Old Testament. The Scroll of the Law. How the Scriptures were read in Christ's day. Why the congregation sits while the Epistle is read at Mass. How the Hebrews read parts of Bible relating to the feast. The custom continued in the Church. The men who read the Scriptures. Why we kiss the Gospel after reading it. Why seven ministers attend the bishop when he pontificates. Details of reading the Bible in the ancient synagogue. How Christ read in the synagogue. Why the Priest holds out his hands at Mass. Prayers for the dead in the days of Christ. Testimony of non-Catholics. Jewish belief in purgatory. Jewish bequests for prayers for the repose of their souls. Origin of the seventh day, "month's mind," and anniversary of death. Jewish prayers to the Saints in heaven. Kaddish prayers for repose of souls of the dead. A New York street scene. Jewish prayers for repose of souls of friends killed in Russia. "God have mercy on their souls." The origin of the bridal Mass. Blessing of virgin but not of widow m the Hebrew Church, with beginnings of marriage customs. Mass in the apostolic age. How the apostles founded dioceses, and names of some bishops they consecrated in Syria, etc 218-284
Why the clergy wear vestments during Church services. Priests in all ages wore vestments offering sacrifice. God revealed material, form and colors of vestments. Why they are of linen and silk. Origin of gold cloth. The four vestments of priest, and eight of high priest in Temple. The linen drawers, girdle, cassock, and miter. Origin of the bishop's rochet. The rational, Urim and Thummim. Why the bishop wears so many vestments. Description of the Phylacteries. Why the apostles wore a gold band on the brow. Why the Popes forbade the Phylacteries. History of the sandal and snoe. Why the bishop puts on shoes before pontificating. Why God ordered Temple priests to wear drawers. Origin of the cassock and its different colors. Origin of the alb and of the frock-coat. Why amice and cincture are worn. The sash and waist-band. The tunic. Why the bishop wears two tunics. How the prophet's mantle, worn by Christ, became the chasuble and cope. The imatian or chasuble Christ wore at the Last Supper. Origin of embroideries on Church vestments. Why the altar boys and ministers hold up the chasuble. Origin and history of the stole and its fringes. How Jews made the fringes on the stole. Origin of articles of devotion. Why the amice is first put on the head before falling on the shoulders. How Christ was confirmed in the Temple in his twelfth year. Origin of the pallium and how it was worn. Christ wearing the pallium. The broach for cope. Why Christ wore the purple garments of a bishop. Origin of the turban which developed into the miter and kingly crown. Why the bishop removes the miter before going up to the altar. Garments worn in English courts. Why the clergy cover the head in church. Origin of the episcopal ring, gloves and crosier. St. Augustine explains the mystery of the prophet's staff. The apostles carried the staff. Did Christ use a crosier? 285-316
The exact date of the Last Supper. The preparations for the Passover. Who were obliged to go to the Temple ? About three millions went to J erusalem for the feast. Why the lamb was chosen the tenth of the month. The Grotto where Christ hid at night. How they prepared the lamb. The discounts the money-changers gave the priests. Why Christ and the apostles fasted before the Passover. Why we fast before Communion. The Paraceve, "the Preparation." Easter eve in the Temple. What was forbidden before Passover. How the Jews confessed their sins in the Temple. Why we strike our breasts at the General Confession at Mass. Graphic scenes in the Temple eve of Passover, with the prayers they said. Origin of the Litanies. How the high priest said the words of absolution. Did Christ absolve the apostles ? The power of forgiving sins. How the early Christians confessed their sins. Why the confessional is called a tribunal. Origin of confession on Holy Saturday. How Christ and his apostles came to the Temple Thursday afternoon. The Pilgrims' Psalms. Scenes in the Temple filled with Jews from ail nations. The disputes about Jesus of Nazareth. The Levites with gold and silver crosiers. Christ carrying the lamb with the apostles enters the Priests' Court. How the lamb was prepared for sacrifice. Sins of the 44 band" of Jews placed on the lamb. The victim tied and offered in form of a cross. The Levite choir of 600 members, and the priests' choir of same number. How all Temple worshipers faced Calvary How the lamb was sacrificed. Gold and silver chalices catch the blood, pass it in form of cross and mark the horns of altar with bloody cross. How they sang the Psalms in the Temple. How Christ left the Temple carrying the body of the lamb. The Church foretold in Sion's glories. "Whither wilt thou that we prepare" for the Passover? The great bridge leading from Temple to Sion. Peter and John met the man carrying the "Water of Precept" for Passover. Why the Cenacle was given to Christ for the First Mass. Origin of "Peace be with you" (Pax vobis) and "The Lord be with you," (Dominus vobiscum.) Christ comes to the Cenacle. How they crucified the lamb without breaking a bone, and how they roasted him resting on his cross. How they made the breads for the First Mass. The chaseroth, couches, cruets of wine and water, eggs, meats, foods. How the Cenacle was decorated. Origin of the the six beeswax candles at High Mass. Prayers for the repose of the souls of the dead. A peculiar Hebrew idea regarding Adam. The Passover bath. "The two vespers." etc 317-346
The Temple porter sounds the trumpet. Origin of the vesper service. How they blew the trumpet in Temple. Christ with his followers enter the Cenacle. The prayer they said while coming through the door. Origin of the order of Church processionals. Temple and synagogue ceremonial in the Cenacle. Christ pontificated as Bishop. The first High Mass. A bishop in every church in the early ages. The prophet foretold the First Mass. Meaning of his Hebrew words. The sanctuary of the Cenacle. Origin of the steps leading up to the altar railing. The Jewish Church Christ's spouse. Origin of the seven ministers of a Pontifical High Mass. Christ as the Rabbi. Origin of the prayers said when vesting. The Messiah vesting for the Last Supper foretold. Congregational singing at the Passover. A holy dance. The Lord's purple cassock. How they began the Mass. The opening prayers. They strike the breast. Origin of the General Confession at Mass. How they incensed the ark inclosing the Books of the Old Testament. How Christ held out his hands at the Mass. Prayers of deep devotion. The eighteen Benedictions. Prayers for the coming of the Messiah. Why the deacon places the Gospels on the altar and receives the celebrant's leasing. Origin of the ceremonies before reading the Epistle and Gospel. How the Scriptures were read in the Hebrew Church. The Megillah or Exodus on the Passover. Christ's sermon in the synagogue on the Real Presence. The Creed of the Jewish Church in days of Christ. Why the deacon spreads the corporal on the altar during the Creed. How the crucified Iamb was placed on the table. The Shema. Origin of the Preface and Sanotus. Why the bishop goes from his throne up to the altar at the Offertory attended by his ministers, why the disciples left the Lord and his apostles alone in the Cenacle to continue the Mass, etc. 347-878
Why the bishop lays by his crosier and miter before going up to the altar. How the tables were arranged at the Last Supper. The Triclinium, "Three Beds." Origin of the assistant priest, deacon and subdeacon. Peter, James and John. What they represented in the Church. Why they said Mass facing the people in the early Church. Origin of the clergy seats in our sanctuary. How John could lay his head on Jesus' breast. Why Christ used the words "This is my Body." The lamb eaten in the Old Law prophesied "the Lamb of God " in the New. Communion image of the Incarnation. Mystic and prophetic meanings of the Passover. The great Chalice Christ used. The paten with the three altar breads. Origin of the credence table and cruets of wine and water, why the ministers put wine and water in the chalice for the celebrant at Mass. Origin of the Canon, why it is said in a low voice. The Passover Seder and meanings of its sections. Why the clergy say the Mass with the bishop while being ordained. Why the celebrant leans over the altar table beginning the Canon and saying the words of Consecration. Why the Gospels do not give the details of the Last Supper. The Ritual of the Last Supper the foundation of the Church Liturgies. Prayers at the first chalice of wine. Why the celebrant washes his hands at Mass. The parsley. The "Bread of affliction." The questions John asked, and the replies. The history of Abraham. The delivery of the Hebrews from Egyptian slavery at Passover imaged the delivery of the world from demonic slavery. How the Divine Son delivered the Hebrews. The plagues on Egypt. The paschal lamb foretelling the crucifixion, and the bread and wine prophetic of the Mass. The Little Haliel. The bitter herbs. Who was Hillel? Judas' treason foretold. The Real Presence in the Eucharist. End of the first Supper, thanksgiving prayers. The washing of the feet. Christ consecrates the apostles bishops. The ordination rite he followed. How the high priest, priest, Rabbi, king and judge were ordained and consecrated. Why three bishops consecrate a bishop. Origin of consecrating the holy oils on Thursday. The first bishops of the Church. How bishop and priest bind Christ. Tne betrayal. Warnings against pride and vanity. The three orders essential to tne Church. Origin of the religious orders. How the table was set for the feast of unleaven bread. The rite Christ followed when he gave Communion. Why the bread and wine are raised, lowered and offered with a cross at Mass. Why the deacon touches paten and chalice. How the sacrifices were offered in the Temple. Why the celebrant spread his hands over the bread and wine. How the Aphikoman Christ consecrated was hidden at the Last Supper. Peter as assistant priest and John as subdeacon, and what they represented. Why the subdeacon holds up the paten before his eyes at high Mass. How Christ incensed the bread and wine. Origin of incensing the clergy at a high Mass. Beautiful prayers of the Last Supper Liturgy. The Messiah. Elijah to prepare for him. The cup of wine on the doorstep. Prayers to the Saints of the Ola Testament. Origin of prayers for our friends. The Little Hal lei. How Christ and the apostles sang the Psalms. The Hosanna, with origin of this word. Where the bread and wine rested before the Lord. The Eucharist at the Last Supper foretold. The ceremony before the Consecration. How Christ consecrated the Aphikoman. The words of Consecration according to Peter's Liturgy. The chalices in the early Church. "The mystery of faith." Each apostle wanted to be the head of the Church. The bishop's throne foretold. The prayer for Peter. The sacred Hymn they sang. The prayers after Communion. Two beautiful Canticles. Judas remained till the end of the Supper. How his crime was foretold in the name of his birthplace. The betrayal again foretold. Why Christ gave Judas the 44 sop" of love and friendship. Judas was nephew of Joseph Caiphas the high priest. The sermon in the Cenacle, etc. 370-434.

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