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A primer of infinitesimal analysis
2008, Cambridge University Press
in English
- 2nd ed.
0521887186 9780521887182
Primer of Infinitesimal Analysis
2008, Cambridge University Press
in English
0511371438 9780511371431
A primer of infinitesimal analysis
1998, Cambridge University Press
in English
0521624010 9780521624015
Book Details
Table of Contents
Basic features of smooth worlds
Basic differential calculus
The derivative of a function
Stationary points of functions
Areas under curves and the constancy principle
The special functions
First applications of the differential calculus
Areas and volumes
Volumes of revolution
Arc length; surfaces of revolution; curvature
Application to physics
Moments of inertia
Centres of mass
Pappus' theorems
Centres of pressure
Stretching a spring
Flexure of beams
The catenary, the loaded chain, and the bollard-rope
The Kepler-Newton areal law of motion under a central force
Multivariable calculus and applications
Partial derivatives
Stationary values of functions
Theory of surfaces. Spacetime metrics
The heat equation
The basic equations of hydrodynamics
The wave equation
The Cauchy-Riemann equations for complex functions
The definite integral. Higher-order infinitesimals
The definite integral
Higher-order infinitesimals and Taylor's theorem
The three natural microneighbourhoods of zero
Synthetic differential geometry
Tangent vectors and tangent spaces
Vector fields
Differentials and directional derivatives
Smooth infinitesimal analysis as an axiomatic system
Natural numbers in smooth worlds
Nonstandard analysis.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references (p. 121-122) and index.
The Physical Object
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