So they called their contact, and within minutes a man who identified himself as David Miscavige called them and he told the PIs, ‘If he dies, he dies. Don’t intervene.’ I couldn’t believe my ears. In fact, I heard it but did not accept it for quite some time. I think it is one of the most basic human impulses to help others, especially someone who is in dire need and especially a family member. And for a son to say that about his own father—just to let him die?!
This book is the story of how that came about.
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Last edited by Purple Clouds
February 2, 2023 | History
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Edition | Availability |
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
2020, Regan Arts
in English
1942872151 9781942872153
2 |
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
May 03, 2016, Macmillan Audio
audio cd
1427281386 9781427281388
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
May 3, 2016, St. Martin's Press
in English
- First Edition
1250096936 9781250096937
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
May 03, 2016, St. Martin's Press
1250096944 9781250096944
Ruthless: Scientology, My Son David Miscavige, and Me
2012, CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform
in English
1480227056 9781480227057
Publish date unknown, HarperCollins Publishers (Australia) Pty Ltd
1460751957 9781460751954
Book Details
First Sentence
"The pocket T-shirt is a handy item. Cell phones, reading glasses, shopping lists - they all fit neatly inside that little cloth cavity. Of course, if you've got your cell phone in there and you bend over, it will more than likely fly out."
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added by Entheta.
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February 2, 2023 | Edited by Purple Clouds | Edited without comment. |
August 6, 2021 | Edited by New York Times Bestsellers Bot | Add NYT bestseller tag |
May 16, 2020 | Edited by Faith Bailey | Added new cover |
February 28, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | remove fake subjects |
March 16, 2016 | Created by Entheta | Added new book. |