This collection was curated by Open Library in preparation for the Annual Open Content Alliance Meeting held on October 27-28 2008 in San Francisco. The focus this year was on "Using Digital Collections," and this list is based on the curriculum offered by the St. John's College Great Books Program.
A visualization of this collection was created by Devin Blong and Jonathan Breitbart, two students at the UC Berkeley School of Information. You can read more about their project in this document.
(Darker rows denote multi-volume works.)
# | Date | Title | Author (and notes) | Contributor/Language | Pagination (Image Count) | Possible Copyright Status | |
1 | c1870 | The Iliad | Homer; Bryant, William Cullen, 1794-1878. | americana cd; eng | 732 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
2 | 1910 | The Odyssey | Homer; Mackail, J. W. 1859-1945. | toronto; eng | 252 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
3 | 1910 | The Odyssey | Homer; Mackail, J. W. 1859-1945. | toronto; eng | 276 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
4 | 1910 | The Odyssey | Homer; Mackail, J. W. 1859-1945. | toronto; eng | 246 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
5 | 1900 | The Oresteia: The Agamemnon | Aeschylus; Warr, George C. W. 1845-1901 | americana; eng | 324 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
6 | 1900 | The Oresteia: Libation-Bearers (Anthologized) | Aeschylus; Warr, George C. W. 1845-1901 | americana; eng | 324 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
7 | 1900 | The Oresteia: Eumenides (Anthologized) | Aeschylus; Warr, George C. W. 1845-1901 | americana; eng | 324 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
8 | 1899 | The Prometheus | Aeschylus; Buckley, Theodore Alois, 1825-1856 | americana; eng | 112 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
9 | 1920 | Oedipus Rex | Sophocles; Sheppard, John Tresidder | americana cd; eng | 272 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
10 | 1903 | Oedipus at Colonus | Sophocles; Jebb, Richard Claverhouse, Sir, 1841-1905;Shuckburgh, Evelyn Shirley, 1843-1906 | toronto; eng | 362 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
11 | 1888 | Antigone (Greek Text) | Sophocles; D'Ooge, Martin Luther, 1839-1915., Wolff, Gustav Georg, 1819-1873 | americana cd; eng | 220 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
12 | 1890 | Antigone (English trans) (Anthologized) | Sophocles; Francklin | americana cd; eng | 332 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
13 | Philoctetes (Anthologized) | Sophocles | americana cd; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
14 | Ajax | Sophocles | americana cd; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
15 | 1867 | Peloponnesian War | Thucydides | americana cd; eng | 710 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
16 | 1904 | Hippolytus (Anthologized) | Euripides; Murray, Gilbert, 1866-1957 | toronto; eng | 458 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
17 | 1904 | Bacchae (Anthologized) | Euripides; Murray, Gilbert, 1866-1957 | toronto; eng | 458 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
18 | 1920 | Histories (Vol 1) Loeb | Herodotus; Godley | americana; eng | 552 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
19 | 1921 | Histories (Vol 2) Loeb | Herodotus; Godley | toronto; eng | 456 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
Histories (Vol 3) Loeb | Herodotus | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||||
20 | 1930 | Histories (Vol 3) Loeb | Herodotus; Godley | toronto; eng | 446 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
21 | 1898 | Clouds (Anthologized) | Aristophanes | americana cd; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
22 | Meno | Plato; 427? BC-347? BC | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
23 | GORGIAS | Plato | americana cd; eng | 224 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
24 | [1901] | The Republic | Plato; Jowett, Benjamin, 1817-1893;Lawton, William Cranston, 1853-1941 | americana; eng | 450 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
25 | [c1898] | Apology | Plato; Kitchel, Cornelius Ladd, 1841-1929 | americana cd; eng | 208 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
26 | 1895 | Crito (Anthologized) | Plato; Church, F. J. (Frederick John), 1854-1888 | americana cd; eng | 322 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
27 | 1875 | Phaedo | Plato; Cope, Edward Meredith, 1818-1873 | toronto; eng | 132 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
28 | 1953 | Symposium (Anthologized) | Plato | universallibrary; eng | 170 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
29 | 1882 | Parmenides | Plato; Maguire, Thomas, 1831-1889 | americana; eng | 148 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
30 | [1921] | Theaetetus (Anthologized) | Plato; Plato | americana; eng | 494 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
31 | 1863 | Sophistes | Plato | toronto; eng | 212 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
32 | Timaeus | Plato | americana cd; eng | 380 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
33 | Phaedrus (Anthologized) | Plato | toronto; eng | 296 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
34 | Poetics | Aristotle | americana; eng | 106 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
35 | PHYSICS | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
36 | 1907 | Metaphysics | Aristotle | americana; eng | 190 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
37 | 1886 | Nichomachean Ethics | Aristotle | americana; eng | 386 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
38 | ON GENERATION AND CORRUPTION | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
39 | 1905 | Politics | Aristotle; trans. by B. Jowett. | americana; eng | 372 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
40 | PARTS OF ANIMALS (Latin) | Aristotle; Published in 1868, in aedibus B. G. Teubneri (Lipsiae) | (contributor); eng | ||||
41 | GENERATION OF ANIMALS | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
42 | Elements | Euclid | americana; eng | 436 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
43 | On the Nature of Things | Lucretius | americana; eng | 336 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
44 | Lycurgus | Plutarch | americana; eng | 300 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
45 | SOLON (Anthologized) | Plutarch | (contributor); eng | ||||
46 | ARITHMETIC (Ancient Greek) | Nicomachus | (contributor); eng | ||||
47 | 1799 | ELEMENTS OF CHEMISTRY | Lavoisier | (contributor); eng | |||
48 | Motion of the Heart and Blood | Harvey | toronto; eng | 300 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
49 | 1891 | Hebrew Bible (Anthologized) | americana; eng | 972 | |||
50 | 1883 | History of Animals | Aristotle | americana cd; eng | 372 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
51 | ON INTERPRETATION | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
52 | PRIOR ANALYTICS | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
53 | CATEGORIES | Aristotle; Translated into English under the editorship of W.D. Ross | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
54 | CONICS | Apollonius | (contributor); eng | ||||
55 | 1904 | The Aeneid | Virgil | americana cd; eng | 484 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
56 | c1909 | Caesar (Anthologized) | Plutarch; Dryden, John, 1631-1700;Clough, Arthur Hugh, 1819-1861 | toronto; eng | 426 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
57 | c1909 | Antony (Anthologized) | Plutarch | toronto; eng | 426 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
58 | Cato Minor (Anthologized) | Plutarch | (contributor); eng | ||||
59 | Marcus Brutus (Anthologized) | Plutarch | (contributor); eng | ||||
60 | 1866 | Discourses | Epictetus | americana cd; eng | 476 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
61 | 1916 | Manual (Anthologized, 2 volumes) | Epictetus | toronto; eng | 258 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
62 | 1906 | Annals | Tacitus | americana cd; eng | 332 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
63 | 1915 | Almagest | Ptolemy | toronto; eng | 236 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
64 | 1921 | Enneads | Plotinus; Mackenna, Stephen, 1872-1934 | toronto; eng | 268 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
65 | [1913?] | Confessions | Augustine, Saint, Bishop of Hippo | americana cd; eng | 346 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
66 | 1910 | Guide for the perplexed | Maimonides, Moses, 1135-1204;Friedländer, M. (Michael), 1833-1910 | americana; eng | 494 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
67 | 1903 | Proslogium (Anthologized) | Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109;Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109;Anselm, Saint, Archbishop of Canterbury, 1033-1109;Deane, S. N. (Sidney Norton), 1878-1943;Gaunilo, 11th cent | toronto; eng | 344 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
68 | 1920 | Summa theologica (22 volumes) | Thomas, Aquinas, Saint, 1225?-1274 | americana cd; eng | (308) | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
69 | 1867 | Divine Comedy (Inferno, vol 1) | Dante Alighieri, trans, Longfellow | americana cd; eng | 444 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
70 | 1867 | Divine Comedy (Purgatory, vol 2) | Dante Alighieri, trans, Longfellow | americana cd; eng | 440 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
71 | 1867 | Divine Comedy (Paradise, vol 3) | Dante Alighieri, trans, Longfellow | americana cd; eng | 480 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
72 | 1914 | The Canterbury Tales | Chaucer, Geoffrey, d. 1400;MacKaye, Percy, 1875-1956;Clark, Walter Appleton, 1876-1906 | toronto; eng | 276 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
73 | 1908 | The prince | Machiavelli, Niccolo, 1469-1527;Marriott, W. K. (William K.) | toronto; eng | 336 | ||
74 | 1883 | Discourses | Machiavelli, Niccolo, 1469-1527;Thomson, Ninian Hill | toronto; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
75 | Epitome of Copernican astronomy (EPITOME IV) | Johannes Kepler | (contributor); eng | ||||
76 | 1900 | Gargantua (Anthologized) | Rabelais, François, ca. 1490-1553?;Urquhart, Thomas, Sir, 1611-1660;Motteux, Peter Anthony, 1660-1718;Whibley, Charles, 1859-1930 | toronto; eng | 476 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
77 | MISSA PAPAE MARCELLI | PALESTRINA | (contributor); eng | ||||
78 | 1880 | Essays | Montaigne, Michel de, 1533-1592;Friswell, James, Hain, 1825-1878 | toronto; eng | 378 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
79 | INTRODUCTION TO ANALYTICAL ART | François Viete | (contributor); eng | ||||
80 | c1899 | Novum Organum (Anthologized) | Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626;Creighton, James Edwin, 1861-1924 | toronto; eng | 536 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
81 | [19--] | King Richard II | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616 | americana cd; eng | 98 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
82 | 1904 | King Henry IV (2 volumes) | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Rolfe, W. J. (William James), 1827-1910 | americana cd; eng | 290 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
83 | 1896 | The Tempest | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Sprague, Homer Baxter, 1829-1918 | americana cd; eng | 162 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
84 | [c1908] | As You Like It | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Hudson, Henry Norman, 1814-1886;Black, Ebenezer Charlton, 1861-1927;George, Andrew Jackson, 1855-1907 | americana cd; eng | 212 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
85 | 1878 | Hamlet | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Booth, Edwin, 1833-1893;Winter, William, 1836-1917 | americana cd; eng | 256 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
86 | 1903 | Othello | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Hart, H. C | toronto; eng | 312 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
87 | 1903 | Macbeth | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Liddell, Mark Harvey | americana cd; eng | 298 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
88 | [1911] | King Lear | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Black, Ebenezer Charlton, 1861-1927 | toronto; eng | 300 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
89 | 1905 | Sonnets | Shakespeare, William, 1564-1616;Oxford University Press;Lee, Sidney, Sir, 1859-1926 | americana cd; eng | 282 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
90 | 1903 | Discourses on Method | Descartes, René; 1596-1650;Veitch, John, 1829-1894 | americana cd; eng | 108 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
91 | GEOMETRY (La Geometrie) | Descartes, René; Originally published in 1637 as an appendix to "Discourse on Method" | (contributor); eng | ||||
92 | GENERATION OF CONIC SECTIONS | Pascal, Blaise | (contributor); eng | ||||
93 | 1900 | Don Quixote (3 volumes) | Cervantes Saavedra, Miguel de, 1547-1616;Shelton, Thomas, fl. 1612 | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
94 | Two New Sciences | Galileo | toronto; eng | 346 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
95 | [c1905] | Leviathan (Anthologized) | Hobbes, Thomas, 1588-1679 | americana; eng | 230 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
96 | 1901 | Meditations (Anthologized) | Descartes, René 1596-1650;Veitch, John, 1829-1894 | toronto; eng | 400 | ||
97 | 1818 | Paradise Lost | Milton, John, 1608-1674 | toronto; eng | 216 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
98 | [1912] | Maxims | La Rochefoucauld, François, duc de, 1613-1680 | toronto; eng | 195 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
99 | [1913] | Fables | La Fontaine, Jean de; Tilney, Frederick Colin | americana; eng | 126 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
100 | Pascal's Pensées | Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662; Perier, Madame (Gilberte), 1620-1685; Nicole, Pierre, 1625-1695 | (contributor); eng | ||||
101 | 1900 | TREATISE ON LIGHT (record created by kc) | Christiaan Huygens | americana cd; eng | 196 | ||
102 | ON THE MOVEMENT OF BODIES BY IMPACT | Christiaan Huygens | (contributor); eng | ||||
103 | 1902 | Middlemarch | Eliot, George, 1819-1880 | toronto; eng | 841 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
104 | 1862 | Theologico-Political Treatise | Benedictus de Spinoza | toronto; eng | 438 | ||
105 | 1884 | Second Treatise on Government (Anthologized) | Locke, John, 1632-1704;Filmer, Robert, Sir, d. 1653 | toronto; eng | 320 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
106 | Jean Racine | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
107 | 1854 | Principia | Newton, Isaac, Sir, 1642-1727;Frost, Percival, 1817-1898 | toronto; eng | 292 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
108 | 1925 | Monadology (Anthologized) | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1646-1716;Latta, Robert, 1865- | toronto; eng | 437 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
109 | [c1902] | Metaphysics (Anthologized) | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1646-1716 | americana; eng | 272 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
110 | 1916 | Essays on Dynamics (Anthologized) | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1646-1716 | toronto; eng | 861 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
111 | 1890 | Philosophical Essays | Leibniz, Gottfried Wilhelm, Freiherr von, 1646-1716;Duncan, George Martin, 1857-1928;Easley, Ralph M. (Ralph Montgomery), b. 1858 (bookplate) | toronto; eng | 392 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
112 | [1920?] | Gulliver's Travels | Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745;1878-1953, ill | americana; eng | 135 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
113 | 1911 | Treatise on Human Nature (2 volumes) | Hume, David, 1711-1776 | toronto; eng | 258 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
114 | 1923 | Social Contract | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778;Cole, G. D. H. (George Douglas Howard), 1889-1959 | toronto; eng | 287 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
115 | 1761 | Discourses | Rousseau, Jean-Jacques, 1712-1778 | americana; eng | 260 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
116 | 1909 | Le Misanthrope (Anthologized) | Moliere, 1622-1673;Wormeley, Katharine Prescott, 1830-1908 | toronto; eng | 324 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
117 | 1910 | The Wealth of Nations (vol. 1) | Smith, Adam, 1723-1790 | toronto; eng | 474 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
118 | 1910 | The Wealth of Nations (vol. 2) | Smith, Adam, 1723-1790 | toronto; eng | 462 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
119 | 1910 | The Wealth of Nations (vol. 3) | Smith, Adam, 1723-1790 | toronto; eng | 474 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
120 | [1900] | Critique of Pure Reason | Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804 | toronto; eng | 480 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
121 | c1902 | Foundations of the Metaphysics of Morals | Kant, Immanuel, 1724-1804;Carus, Paul, 1852-1919 | toronto; eng | 301 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
122 | 1906 | Pride and Prejudice | Austen, Jane, 1775-1817;Thomson, Hugh, 1860-1920, ill | toronto; eng | 337 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
123 | 1901 | Essays on the Theory of Numbers | Dedekind, Richard, 1831-1916;Beman, Wooster Woodruff, 1850-1922;North, F. K. (autograph) | toronto; eng | 115 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
124 | 1818 | Articles of the Confederation (Anthologized) | Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804; Madison, James, 1751-1836; Jay, John, 1745-1829 | americana; eng | 671 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
125 | 1911 | The Declaration of Independence | United States. Continental Congress | americana; eng | 68 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
126 | c2006 | The Constitution of the United States of America | United States; Fink, Sam | americana; eng | 138 | IN_COPYRIGHT | |
127 | [1941] | The Federalist | Hamilton, Alexander, 1757-1804; Madison, James, 1751-1836; Jay, John, 1745-1829; Earle, Edward Mead, 1894-1954 | toronto; eng | 618 | ||
128 | 1896 | Adventures of Huckleberry Finn | Twain, Mark, 1835-1910;Kemble, E. W. (Edward Windsor), 1861-1933, ill | americana; eng | 251 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
129 | 1850 | The Two Part Prelude of 1799 | Wordsworth, William, 1770-1850; Making of America Project | americana cd; eng | 372 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
130 | 1890 | Faust | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832; Hayward, A. (Abraham), 1801-1884 | americana cd; eng | 245 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
131 | 1902 | Origin of Species | Darwin, Charles | toronto; eng | 356 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
132 | 1910 | Phenomenology of Mind (2 volumes) | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831; Baillie, J. B. (James Black), Sir, 1872-1940 | americana; Works in Translation; eng | 823 | ||
133 | 1874 | Logic | Hegel, Georg Wilhelm Friedrich, 1770-1831; Wallace, William, 1844-1897 | americana; Works in Translation; eng | 328 | ||
134 | Theory of Parallels | Lobachevskii; Translated from the original by George Bruce Halste | americana; eng | 68 | |||
135 | 1838 | Democracy in America | Tocqueville, Alexis de, 1805-1859; Reeve, Henry, 1813-1895; Spencer, John C. (John Canfield), 1788-1855 | americana; Works in Translation; eng | 302 | ||
136 | 1891 | Speeches | Lincoln, Abraham, 1809-1865; McClure, J. B. (James Baird), 1832-1895 | americana; eng | 478 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
137 | 1865 | Speeches (Anthologized) | Douglass, Frederick, 1818-1895; Kelley, William D. (William Darrah), 1814-1890;Phillips, Wendell, 1811-1884;Wright, Elizur, 1804-1885;Heighton, William;Stearns, Geo. L. (George Luther), 1809-1867 | americana; eng | 43 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
138 | PHILOSOPHICAL FRAGMENTS | Soren Kierkegaard (as Johannes Climacus) | (contributor); eng | ||||
139 | FEAR AND TREMBLING (Anthologized) | Soren Kierkegaard | toronto; eng | 248 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
140 | [19--] | Tristan and Isolde | Wagner, Richard, 1813-1883 | toronto; eng | 40 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
141 | 1889 | Capital | Marx, Karl, 1818-1883;Moore, Samuel;Aveling, Edward Bibbins, 1851-1898;Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895 | toronto; eng | 823 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
142 | POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC MANUSCRIPTS OF 1844 | Marx, Karl, | (contributor); eng | ||||
143 | THE GERMAN IDEOLOGY | Marx, Karl, | (contributor); eng | ||||
144 | BROTHERS KARAMAZOV | Fyodor Dostoyevsky | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
145 | c1917 | War and Peace (4 volumes) | Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910;Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935 | (contributor); eng | |||
146 | BENITO CERENO (The piazza tales) | Herman Melville | toronto; eng | 292 | |||
147 | STORIES | OCONNER | (contributor); eng | ||||
148 | c1920 | Psychology, Briefer Course | James, William, 1842-1910 | toronto; eng | 478 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
149 | 1917 | Beyond good and evil | Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900;Zimmern, Helen, 1846-1934, tr | toronto; eng | 237 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
150 | [c1920] | Introductory Lectures on Psychoanalysis | Freud, Sigmund, 1856-1939 | americana cd; eng | 406 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
151 | [1901] | Up From Slavery : an Autobiography | Washington, Booker T., 1856-1915 | toronto; eng | 330 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
152 | The Souls of Black Folk | Du Bois, W. E. B. (William Edward Burghardt), 1868-1963 | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
153 | The crisis of European sciences and transcendental phenomenology | Edmund Husserl | (contributor); eng | ||||
154 | Basic Writings | Martin Heidegger | (contributor); eng | IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
155 | 1920 | The principle of relativity; original papers | Einstein, Albert, 1879-1955;Minkowski, H. (Hermann), 1864-1909;Saha, Meghnad, 1893-1956;Bose, Satyendranath, 1894-1974 | americana blc; eng | 186 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
156 | Heart of Darkness | Conrad, Joseph, 1857-1924 | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
157 | Go Down Moses | William Faulkner | (contributor); eng | IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
158 | A Simple Heart (Anthologized) | Flaubert, Gustave, 1821-1880 | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
159 | Mrs. Dalloway | Virginia Woolf | (contributor); eng | IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
160 | 1952 | The Great Ideas Vol II;A Syntopicon Of Great Books Of The Western World. | Adler, Mortimer J. | (contributor); eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
161 | 1923-1995 | Hippocratic Writings (1 of 2) | Hippocrates; Heraclitus, of Ephesus;Jones, W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel), 1876-1963;Potter, Paul, 1944-;Withington, E. T. (Edward Theodore);Smith, Wesley D., 1930- | toronto; eng | 360 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
162 | 1923-1995 | Hippocratic Writings (2 of 2) | Hippocrates; Heraclitus, of Ephesus;Jones, W. H. S. (William Henry Samuel), 1876-1963;Potter, Paul, 1944-;Withington, E. T. (Edward Theodore);Smith, Wesley D., 1930- | toronto; eng | 335 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
163 | 1903, c1904] | The Eclogues of Virgil | Virgil; Virgil; Bowen, Charles Synge Christopher Bowen, Baron, 1835-1894 | americana cd; eng | 176 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
164 | 1871 | The Georgics of Virgil | Virgil;Blackmore, R. D. (Richard Doddridge), 1825-1900 | americana cd; eng | 143 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
165 | 1893.] repr. 19-? | On the Loadstone and Magnetic Bodies | Gilbert, William, 1540-1603;Mottelay, Paul Fleury, b. 1841;Wright, Edward, 1558?-1615 | americana cd; eng | 368 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
166 | 1905 | The New Atlantis | Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 | americana cd; eng | 176 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
167 | 1889 | Samson Agonistes | Milton, John, 1608-1674;Collins, John Churton, 1848-1908 | toronto; eng | 94 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
168 | 1894 | Areopagitica | Milton, John, 1608-1674;Hales, John W. (John Wesley), 1836-1914 | toronto; eng | 159 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
169 | 1863 | Provincial Letters | Pascal, Blaise, 1623-1662 | toronto; eng | 288 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
170 | 1881 | Principles of Human Knowledge | Berkeley, George, 1685-1753;Krauth, Charles P. (Charles Porterfield), 1823-1883 | americana; eng | 424 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
171 | [19--?] | Candide | Voltaire, 1694-1778 | toronto; eng | 220 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
172 | [1900] | The Spirit of Laws (1 of 2) | Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755;Nugent, Thomas, 1700?-1772 | toronto; eng | 402 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
173 | [1900] | The Spirit of Laws (2 of 2) | Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, baron de, 1689-1755;Nugent, Thomas, 1700?-1772 | toronto; eng | 138 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
174 | 1900 | Decline and Fall of the Roman Empire; (12 volumes) NOTE: use this set; Julie picked as well. | Gibbon, Edward, 1737-1794;Milman, Henry Hart, 1791-1868 | americana cd; eng | 368 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
175 | 1912 | On Liberty (Anthologized) | Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 | toronto; eng | 548 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
176 | 1887 | The Life of Samuel Johnson | Boswell, James, 1740-1795;Johnson, Samuel, 1709-1784;Hill, George Birkbeck Norman, 1835-1903 | toronto; eng | 464 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
177 | [1922,1914] | Experimental researches in electricity | Faraday, Michael, 1791-1867;Tyndall, John, 1820-1893 | americana cd; eng | 336 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
178 | 1888 | Cousin Bette | Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850; Wormeley, Katharine Prescott | americana cd; eng | 557 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
179 | 1896 | Emma | Austen, Jane, 1775-1817;R. & R. Clark, Ltd. (1896) bkp CU-BANC | americana cd; eng | 437 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
180 | [1883?] | Little Dorrit | Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 | americana cd; eng | 827 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
181 | 1922 | Moby-Dick; or, The whale (1 of 2) | Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 | toronto; eng | 357 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
182 | 1922 | Moby-Dick; or, The whale (2 of 2) | Melville, Herman, 1819-1891 | toronto; eng | 367 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
183 | [1874] | The descent of man, and selection in relation to sex | Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882 | toronto; eng | 797 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
184 | 1908 | Manifesto of the Communist party | Marx, Karl, 1818-1883;Engels, Friedrich, 1820-1895;Moore, Samuel | americana cd; eng | 48 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
185 | [1911] | A Doll's House (Anthologized) | Ibsen, Henrik, 1828-1906 | toronto; eng | 284 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
186 | 1921 | Pragmatism | James, William, 1842-1910 | americana cd; eng | 308 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
187 | 1925 | Science And The Modern World | Alfred North Whitehead | universallibrary; eng | 304 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
188 | 19-- | The problems of philosophy | Russell, Bertrand, 1872-1970 | toronto; eng | 255 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
189 | 1911 | An introduction to mathematics | Alfred North Whitehead, 1861-1947 | toronto; eng | 256 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
190 | 1912 | The theory of the leisure class | Veblen, Thorstein, 1857-1929 | americana cd; eng | 405 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
191 | 1920 | The acquisitive society | Tawney, R. H. (Richard Henry), 1880-1962 | americana; eng | 188 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
192 | 1894 | The Golden Bough (1 of 2) | Frazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941 | americana; eng | 407 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
193 | 1894 | The Golden Bough (2 of 2) | Frazer, James George, Sir, 1854-1941 | americana; eng | 409 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
194 | 1915 | The beast in the jungle | James, Henry, 1843-1916 | americana; eng | 87 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
195 | 1916 | Plays | Chekhov, Anton Pavlovich, 1860-1904;Fell, Marian;West, Julius, 1891-1918 | toronto; eng | 277 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
196 | 1922 | Plays | Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936; Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936;Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936;Pirandello, Luigi, 1867-1936 | americana cd; eng | 233 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
197 | 1921 | A portrait of the artist as a young man | Joyce, James, 1882-1941 | americana cd; eng | 300 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
198 | 1900 | Autobiography (3 volumes) This record is not as complete, but all three volumes are available for download on | Franklin, Benjamin, 1706-1790;Bigelow, John, 1817-1911 | americana; eng | 613 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
199 | 1903 | Journal | Woolman, John, 1720-1772 | toronto; eng | 324 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
200 | 1906 | Fruits of Solitude | Penn, William, 1644-1718;R. R. Donnelley and Sons Company;Cheney, John Vance, 1848-1922 | americana; eng | 130 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
201 | 1887 | Meditations | Marcus Aurelius, Emperor of Rome, 121-180;Collier, Jeremy, 1650-1726;Zimmern, Alice, 1855-1939 | americana blc; eng | 212 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
202 | 1905 | Essays, Civil and Moral | Bacon, Francis, 1561-1626 | americana cd; eng | 176 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
203 | [190-?] | Poems | Milton, John, 1608-1674;Sellon, G. B | americana cd; eng | 135 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
204 | 1894 | Religio Medici | Browne, Thomas, Sir, 1605-1682 | toronto; eng | 210 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
205 | c1883 | Essays (record says "2 vol. in 1" - can we get pagination) | Emerson, Ralph Waldo, 1803-1882 | americana blc; eng | 270 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
206 | 1868 | Poems and Songs | Burns, Robert, 1759-1796 | americana cd; eng | 336 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
207 | 1905 | Old age; and, Friendship; essays | Cicero | toronto; eng | 190 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
208 | 1915 | Letters | Pliny, the Younger; Melmoth, William, 1710?-1799 | toronto; eng | 535 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
209 | [1904] | The Pilgrims Progress | Bunyan, John, 1628-1688;Copping, Harold, d. 1932 | americana cd; eng | 320 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
210 | 1904 | The Lives of Donne and Herbert (Anthologized) | Walton, Izaak, 1593-1683;Chiswick Press, printer;Roberts, R. Ellis (Richard Ellis), 1879-1953, former owner | americana; eng | 295 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
211 | ca.1880 | Aesops fables | Aesop; McLoughlin Bros., inc. pbl; | americana; eng | 25 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
212 | 1912 | Household Tales | Grimm, Jacob, 1785-1863;Grimm, Wilhelm, 1786-1859;Bell, R. Anning, ill | americana; eng | 400 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
213 | [c1911] | All for love, and The Spanish Fryar | Dryden, John, 1631-1700;Strunk, William, 1869-1946 | toronto; eng | 340 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
214 | [1912?] | She Stoops to Conquer | Goldsmith, Oliver, 1730?-1774;Thomson, Hugh, 1860-1920 | americana;cdl; eng | 195 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
215 | 1886 | The Cenci | Shelley, Percy Bysshe, 1792-1822;Forman, Alfred, 1840-1925;Forman, H. Buxton (Harry Buxton), 1842-1917;Todhunter, John, 1839-1916 | americana;cdl; eng | 107 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
216 | 1906 | A blot in the 'Scutcheon (Anthologized) | Browning, Robert, 1812-1889;Bates, Arlo, 1850-1918 | toronto; eng | 305 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
217 | [c1909] | Hermann and Dorothea (Anthologized) | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832;Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832; Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832;Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593 | toronto; eng | 431 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
218 | 1897 | Doctor Faustus | Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593;Gollancz, Israel, Sir, 1864-1930 | toronto; eng | 112 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
219 | 1834 | The Betrothed | Manzoni, Alessandro, 1785-1873 | toronto; eng | 452 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
220 | 1911 | Two Years Before the Mast | Dana, Richard Henry, 1815-1882;Riverside Press (Cambridge, Mass.) (1911) bkp CU-BANC;Dana, Richard Henry, 1851-1931 | americana;cdl; eng | 258 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
221 | c1909 | On taste ; On the Sublime and Beautiful ; Reflections on the French Revolution ; A Letter to a Noble Lord | Burke, Edmund, 1729-1797 | toronto; eng | 443 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
222 | 1874 | Autobiography | Mill, John Stuart, 1806-1873 | toronto; eng | 325 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
223 | c1909 | Characteristics, Inaugural address, Sir Walter Scott (Anthologized) | Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881 (John Stuart Mill listed as author on OL) | toronto; eng | 468 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
224 | 1856 | Life is a Dream | Calderón de la Barca, Pedro, 1600-1681;Trench, Richard Chenevix, 1807-1886 | americana;cdl; eng | 229 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
225 | 1829 | William Tell | Schiller, Friedrich, 1759-1805 | americana;cdl; eng | 212 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
226 | c1909 | The Voyage of the Beagle | Darwin, Charles, 1809-1882 | toronto; eng | 547 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
227 | [c1910] | Autobiography | Cellini, Benvenuto, 1500-1571 | americana;cdl; eng | 454 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
228 | 1906 | Chronicles | Froissart, Jean, 1338?-1410?;Johnes, Thomas, 1748-1816;Dunster, Henry Peter, b. 1814 | americana; eng | 616 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
229 | 1886 | Quest of the Holy Grail | Malory, Thomas, Sir, 15th cent | americana;cdl; eng | 330 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
230 | [1905] | The Life of Sir Thomas More | Roper, William, 1496-1578 | toronto; eng | 192 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
231 | 1922 | Utopia | More, Thomas, Sir, Saint, 1478-1535;Robinson, Ralph, b. 1521;Roper, William, 1496-1578;Lumby, J. Rawson (Joseph Rawson), 1831-1895 | toronto; eng | 260 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
232 | 1889 | Some Thoughts Concerning Education | Locke, John, 1632-1704;Quick, Robert Herbert, 1831-1891 | toronto; eng | 240 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
233 | [pref. 1907] | An Enquiry Concerning Human Understanding (Anthologized) | Hume, David, 1711-1776 | toronto; eng | 267 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
234 | c1921 | Poems | Whitman, Walt, 1819-1892;Sandburg, Carl, 1878-1967 | americana;cdl; eng | 311 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
235 | 1914 | Edward the Second | Marlowe, Christopher, 1564-1593;Briggs, William Dinsmore | toronto; eng | 221 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
236 | 1886 | The Shoemakers Holiday | Dekker, Thomas, ca. 1572-1632;Warnke, Karl;Proescholdt, Ludwig | americana;cdl; eng | 89 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
237 | 1903 | The Alchemist | Jonson, Ben, 1573?-1637 | americana;cdl; eng | 232 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
238 | 1915 | Philaster | Beaumont, Francis, 1584-1616;Boas, Frederick S. (Frederick Samuel), 1862-1957;Fletcher, John, 1579-1625 | toronto; eng | 132 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
239 | 1900 | The Duchess of Malfi | Webster, John, 1580?-1625?;Vaughan, Charles Edwyn, 1854-1922 | toronto; eng | 151 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
240 | 1904 | A New Way to Pay Old Debts | Massinger, Philip, 1583-1640;Stronach, George, d. 1915 | toronto; eng | 119 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
241 | [1914?] | Beowulf | Kirtlan, Ernest J. B | americana; eng | 210 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
242 | 1919 | The Song of Roland | Bacon, Leonard | toronto; eng | 170 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
243 | [1910] | The Destruction of Da Derga's Hostel | toronto; eng | 464 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
244 | 1870 | The Story of the Volsungs and Niblungs | Eiríkr Magnússon, 1833-1913;Morris, William, 1834-1896 | toronto; eng | 272 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
245 | 1904 | The History of Tom Jones | Fielding, Henry, 1707-1754 | toronto; eng | 492 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
246 | 1905 | A Sentimental Journey | Sterne, Laurence, 1713-1768;Riverside Press, Cambridge, Mass. (1905) bkp CU-BANC;Nash, John Henry, 1871-1947;Rogers, Bruce, 1870-1957 | americana;cdl; eng | 231 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
247 | 1893 | Guy Mannering | Scott, Walter, Sir, 1771-1832;Lang, Andrew, 1844-1912 | toronto; eng | 352 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
248 | 1898 | Vanity Fair | Thackeray, William Makepeace, 1811-1863 | americana;cdl; eng | 676 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
249 | [1919] | David Copperfield | Dickens, Charles, 1812-1870 | americana;cdl; eng | 823 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
250 | [1880?] | The Mill on the Floss | Eliot, George, 1819-1880 | americana;cdl; eng | 558 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
251 | 1920 | The Scarlet Letter | Hawthorne, Nathaniel, 1804-1864;George H. Doran Company. (1920) bkp CU-BANC;Thomson, Hugh, 1860-1920;Hearst, William Randolph, 1863-1951 | americana;cdl; eng | 296 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
252 | 1919 | Rip Van Winkle | Irving, Washington, 1783-1859;Rackham, Arthur, 1867-1939 | toronto; eng | 36 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
253 | 1915 | The Legend of Sleepy Hollow (Anthologized) | Irving, Washington, 1783-1859;Boughton, George Henry, 1834-1905;Irving, Washington, 1783-1859 | americana;cdl; eng | 218 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
254 | c1908 | Complete Works | Poe, Edgar Allan, 1809-1849;Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935 | americana;cdl; eng | 339 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
255 | 1871-1905 | Novels and Stories | Harte, Bret, 1836-1902 | americana;cdl; eng | 334 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
256 | 1867 | The Jumping Frog of Calaveras County | Twain, Mark, 1835-1910;Webb, Charles Henry, 1834-1905 | americana;bancroft_library;zamorano80; eng | 198 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
257 | [1908] | The Man Without a Country | Hale, Edward Everett, 1822-1909 | americana;cdl; eng | 97 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
258 | 1881 | The Portrait of a Lady (2 of 2) | James, Henry, 1843-1916 | americana;cdl; eng | 253 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
259 | 1881 | The Portrait of a Lady (1 of 2) | James, Henry, 1843-1916 | americana;cdl; eng | 266 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
260 | c1902 | Notre Dame de Paris | Hugo, Victor, 1802-1885;Uzanne, Octave, 1852-1931 | toronto; eng | 519 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
261 | 1885 | Pere Goriot | Balzac, Honoré de, 1799-1850 | americana;cdl; eng | 348 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
262 | 1909 | Short Stories | Daudet, Alphonse, 1840-1897 | americana;cdl; eng | 160 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
263 | 1912 | Selected Stories | Maupassant, Guy de, 1850-1893 | americana;cdl; eng | 413 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
264 | 1901 | Wilhelm Meister's Apprenticeship | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832;Carlyle, Thomas, 1795-1881;Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935 | toronto; eng | 389 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
265 | [c1902] | The Sorrows of Werther | Goethe, Johann Wolfgang von, 1749-1832;Boylan, R. Dillon;Dole, Nathan Haskell, 1852-1935 | americana;cdl; eng | 515 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
266 | 1911 | Seven Legends | Keller, Gottfried, 1819-1890;Wyness, Martin | americana;works in translation; eng | 105 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
267 | c1899 | Anna Karenina | Tolstoy, Leo, graf, 1828-1910 | americana;cdl; eng | 397 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
268 | c1917 | Crime and Punishment | Dostoyevsky, Fyodor, 1821-1881;Garnett, Constance Black, 1862-1946 | toronto; eng | 559 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
269 | 1922 | A House of Gentlefolk | Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883 | americana;cdl; eng | 311 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
270 | 1920 | Fathers and Children | Turgenev, Ivan Sergeevich, 1818-1883;Garnett, Constance Black, 1862-1946 | americana;cdl; eng | 359 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
271 | [1887] | The Genealogy of Morals | Nietzsche, Friedrich Wilhelm, 1844-1900 | toronto; eng | 240 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
272 | On the Natural Faculties | Galen | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
273 | On the Revolution of Heavenly Spheres | Copernicus | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
274 | 1892 | Rules for the Direction of the Mind (Anthologized) | Descartes, René, 1596-1650;Torrey, Henry Agustus Pierson, 1837-1902, comp. and tr | toronto; eng | 384 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
275 | Scientific Treatises | Pascal | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
276 | Tartuffe | Moliere | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
277 | The School for Wives (entry on OL: The School For Wives) | Don Juan (entry on OL: Hugh Kelly) Moliere? | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
278 | Opticks | Sir Isaac Newton | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
279 | Rameau's Nephew | Diderot | gutenberg; french | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
280 | 1920 | Introduction to Metaphysics (Anthologized) | Bergson, Henri, 1859-1941 | toronto; eng | 286 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
281 | Experience and Education | John Dewey | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
282 | Philosophical Investigations | Wittgenstein | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
283 | The Word of God and the Word of Man | Karl Barth | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
284 | 1905 | Science and Hypothesis | Poincare | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
285 | 1915 | Lectures | Planck, Max, 1858-1947 | toronto; eng | 156 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
286 | 1920 | Relativity Theory | Eddington, Arthur Stanley, Sir, 1882-1944 | americana;cdl; eng | 246 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
287 | 1922 | Atomic Theory (Anthologized) | Bohr, Niels Henrik David, 1885-1962 | americana;cdl; eng | 152 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
288 | Discussion with Einstein on Epistomological Physics | Neils Bohr | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
289 | Mathematicians Apology | G. H. Hardy | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
290 | 1958 | Physics and Philosophy | Heisenberg | universallibrary; eng. | 241 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
291 | What is Life? | Erwin Schrodinger | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
292 | Genetics and the Origin of Species | Dobzhansky, Theodosius Grigorievich | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
293 | The Nature of Life | C.H. Waddington | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
294 | The General Theory of Employment, Interest, and Money | John Maynard Keynes | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
295 | 1946 | Essays in Sociology | Weber | americana; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
296 | 1924 | The Waning of the Middle Ages | Johan Huizinga | universallibrary; eng | 344 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
297 | Structural Anthropology | Claude Levi-Strauss | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
298 | 1924 | Saint Joan | Bernard Shaw | universallibrary; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
299 | 1932 | Remembrance of Things Past | Marcel Proust | universallibrary; eng | 1154 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
300 | [1932?] | Swann in Love (Swann's Way) | Marcel Proust (Swann's Way is Volume 1 to "Remembrance of Things Past") | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
301 | A Lost Lady | Willa Cather | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
302 | Death in Venice | Thomas Mann | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
303 | 1919 | The Imitation of Christ | Kempis | americana; cdl; eng | 316 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
304 | 1910 | Faery tales from Hans Christian Andersen | Andersen, Hans Christian | americana; eng | 466 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
305 | 1907 | Polyeucte | Corneille | toronto; french | 182 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
306 | c1889 | Minna von Barnhelm | Lessing | americana; cdl; eng | 266 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
307 | 1896 | Ninety-Five Theses (Anthologized) | Martin Luther | toronto; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
308 | 1896 | Address to Christian Nobility (Anthologized) | Martin Luther | toronto; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
309 | 1896 | Concerning Christian Liberty (Anthologized) | Martin Luther | toronto; eng | 520 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
310 | 1713 | Three Dialogues Between Hylas and Philonous in Opposition to Sceptics and Atheists | George Berkeley | americana; bancroft_library; eng | 196 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
311 | Oath of Hippocrates | IN_COPYRIGHT | |||||
312 | Journeys in Diverse Places | Pare | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
313 | Vaccination Against Smallpox | Jenner | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
314 | The Contagiousness of Puerperal Fever (Anthologized) | Holmes | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
315 | On the Antiseptic Principle of the Practice of Surgery | Lister | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
316 | Scientific Papers | Pasteur | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
317 | Scientific Papers | Lyell | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
318 | Rappaccini's Daughter (Anthologized) | Nathaniel Hawthorne | americana; cdl | 388 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||
319 | c1895 | The Devil's Pool (and "The Master Mosaic-Workers) | Sand | americana; cdl; eng | 252 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
320 | c1908 | The Story of a White Blackbird (Anthologized) | Alfred de Musset | americana; cdl; eng | 370 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
321 | c1917 | The Rider on the White Horse (Harvard Classics; Vol. 15) | Theodor Storm | americana; cdl | 498 | IN_COPYRIGHT | |
322 | Trials and Tribulations | Theodor Fontane | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
323 | c1917 | Pepita Jimenez (Harvard Classics; Vol. 20) | Valera | americana; cdl; eng | 482 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
324 | 1917 | A Happy Boy | Bjornson | americana; cdl; eng | 206 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
325 | c1917 | Skipper Worse (Harvard Classics; Vol. 20) | Alexander L. Kielland | americana; cdl; eng | 482 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
326 | 1917 | Dubliners | Joyce, James, 1882-1941 | toronto; eng | 300 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
327 | 1947 | Art and Scholastisism | Maritain, Jacques, 1882-1973 | toronto; eng | 194 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
328 | [1875] | The History of Rome | Livy; Spillan, Daniel, 1797?-1854 | toronto; eng | 646 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
329 | 1905 | The works of Lucian of Samosata, complete with exceptions specified in the preface, tr. by H. W. Fowler and F.G. Fowler | Lucian, of Samosata; Fowler, H. W. (Henry Watson), 1858-1933;Fowler, F. G. (Francis George), 1870-1918 | toronto; eng | 264 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
330 | c1901 | The Nibelungenlied | Lettsom, William Nanson, 1796-1865;Carpenter, William Henry, 1853- | toronto; eng | 466 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
331 | 1900 | The Story of Burnt Njal | Dasent, George Webbe, Sir, 1817-1896 | americana;cdl; eng | 398 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
332 | 1751 | The Faerie Queene (1 of 3) | Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599;Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766 | toronto; eng | 476 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
333 | 1751 | The Faerie Queene (2 of 3) | Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599;Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766 | toronto; eng | 610 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
334 | 1751 | The Faerie Queene (3 of3) | Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599;Birch, Thomas, 1705-1766 | toronto; eng | 466 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
335 | [1901?] | Prothalamion (Anthologized) | Spenser, Edmund, 1552?-1599 | americana;cdl; eng | 76 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
336 | 1909 | A Tale of a Tub | Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745;Swift, Jonathan, 1667-1745 | toronto; eng | 372 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
337 | 1916 | Robinson Crusoe | Defoe, Daniel, 1661?-1731;Trent, William Peterfield, 1862-1939 | toronto; eng | 458 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
338 | The Trial | Franz Kafka | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
339 | The Castle | Franz Kafka | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
340 | Nausea | Jean-Paul Sartre | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
341 | No Exit | Jean-Paul Sartre | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
342 | Being and Nothingness | Jean-Paul Sartre | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
343 | Cancer Ward | Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
344 | The First Circle | Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (note different author page) | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
345 | 1887 | The Praise of Folly | Erasmus | americana; cdl; eng | 320 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
346 | Notebooks | Leonardo da Vinci | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
347 | Troilus and Criseyde | Chaucer | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
348 | c1912 | The Way of the World (Anthology) | Congreve | americana; cdl; eng | 502 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
349 | Works (Metamorphoses?) | Ovid | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
350 | 1826 | Don Juan (2 of 2) | Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824 | americana;cdl; eng | 414 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
351 | 1826 | Don Juan (1 of 2) | Byron, George Gordon Byron, Baron, 1788-1824 | americana;cdl; eng | 372 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
352 | c1910 | Walden | Thoreau, Henry David, 1817-1862;Allen, Francis H. (Francis Henry), 1866-1953 | americana;cdl; eng | 502 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
353 | 1916 | The Mysterious Stranger | Twain, Mark, 1835-1910 | toronto; eng | 188 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
354 | The Plague | Albert Camus | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
355 | [1902] | The Songs of Experience | Blake, William, 1757-1827;Levetus, Celia | toronto; eng | 84 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
356 | Madame Bovary | Flaubert | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
357 | A Room of One's Own | Virginia Woolf | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
358 | 1920 | Gilgamesh | Jastrow, Morris, 1861-1921;Clay, Albert Tobias, 1866-1925 | toronto; eng | 142 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
359 | The Emperor of Ice-Cream and Other Poems | Wallace Stevens | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
360 | The Fire Next Time | James Baldwin | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
361 | 1884 | Flatland | Abbott, Edwin Abbott, 1838-1926 | toronto;sciencefiction; eng | 120 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
362 | Yellow Wallpaper | Charlotte Perkins Gilman | gutenberg; eng | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |||
363 | Treasure of the City of Ladies | Christine de Pisan | IN_COPYRIGHT | ||||
364 | 1831 | Frankenstein | Shelley, Mary Wollstonecraft, 1797-1851 | toronto; eng | 398 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
365 | 1916 | Works | Tennyson, Alfred Tennyson, Baron, 1809-1892;Tennyson, Hallam Tennyson, Baron, 1852-1928 | americana;cdl; eng | 1096 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
366 | 1906 | Poems | Coleridge, Samuel Taylor, 1772-1834;Coleridge, Ernest Hartley, 1846-1920;Metcalfe, Gerald | americana;cdl; eng | 572 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
367 | 1922 | Poems | Yeats, W. B. (William Butler), 1865-1939 | americana;cdl; eng | 346 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
368 | 1907 | Collected Verse | Kipling, Rudyard, 1865-1936 | americana;cdl; eng | 392 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
369 | 1917 | Prufrock and Other Observations | Eliot, T. S. (Thomas Stearns), 1888-1965 | americana;cdl; eng | 48 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
370 | 1908 | Germania (Anthologized) | Tacitus, Cornelius;Tacitus, Cornelius;Tacitus, Cornelius;Fyfe, W. Hamilton (William Hamilton), 1878-1965 | toronto; eng | 146 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
371 | 1908 | The Origin and Deeds of the Goths | Jordanes, 6th cent;Mierow, Charles Christopher, b. 1883 | toronto; eng | 128 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
372 | 1897 | Odes | Horace; Phelps, Philip E | americana;cdl; eng | 152 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
373 | 1885 | Art of Love (Anthologized) | Ovid, 43 B.C.-17 or 18 A.D | americana;cdl; eng | 592 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT | |
374 | [pref.1923] | The Satyricon | Petronius Arbiter; Mitchell, John Malcolm, 1879- | toronto; eng | 376 | NOT_IN_COPYRIGHT |
Many thanks to Levi2008 and nrichard for production assistance on this collection for the Virtual Bookshelf demonstration.
- Created November 22, 2008
- 27 revisions
July 18, 2020 | Edited by Mek | fixing table |
November 22, 2008 | Edited by webchick | Edited without comment. |
November 22, 2008 | Edited by webchick | Edited without comment. |
November 22, 2008 | Edited by webchick | Edited without comment. |
November 22, 2008 | Edited by webchick | Edited without comment. |