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Last edited by Lance Arthur
June 4, 2010 | History

Searching Open Library

Basic Search

At its most basic, just type a title, author's name, book subject or pretty much anything you're looking for in the search keyword field at the top- or bottom-right of any page, and click "Search." Voila! Instant results.

But what if you don't get any results? That means either we don't have anything matching your query, or you may have entered a misspelled or erroneous search term. Just try it again (and again) until you get something.

If your results look "weird," keep in mind that results are based not only on titles and author names, but information about the works (including editors, illustrators, publishers and so on) and, in the case of ebooks, may contain results based on the contents of the online editions of the works.

Advanced Search

If you want to fine-tune your search before you ever get to the results page, click "More search options" to open up the search panel and enter specific types of search terms.

Advanced Search is useful because defining "Stephen King" as an author, and "Horror" as a subject prevents the search engine from treating "Stephen", "King" and "Horror" as distinct key words, so your results are likely to be a more accurate reflection of your query.

If you don't see "More search options" adjacent to the search boxes, it's likely that you have disabled JavaScript in your browser.

Don't panic, though. You can still enter advanced search terms without the panel. Just use the search field as a catch-all for your targeted searches. If, for example, you wanted to search for author "Stephen King" and subject "Horror," just type:

author:Stephen King subject:Horror

Your results will be the same as if you entered the keywords under their respective advanced search fields. Note the use of spaces and colons to connect keywords with their labels. You can chain up multiple narrow searches in the same manner, using one word or phrase per category.

Search Results

So, you've entered some keywords and now you're looking at the results. Chances are there are a lot of them!


June 4, 2010 Edited by Lance Arthur Edited without comment.
June 4, 2010 Edited by Lance Arthur Edited without comment.
June 4, 2010 Edited by Lance Arthur Edited without comment.
June 4, 2010 Edited by Lance Arthur Edited without comment.
June 3, 2010 Created by Lance Arthur Edited without comment.