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Macro $def with (author=None, type=None, limit=50) $ _ = i18n.get_namespace('/macros/RecentChanges') $ page = safeint(query_param('page', '0')) $ ip = query_param('ip', None) $ bot = query_param('bot') or None $ bot = bot and bot.lower() == 'true' $ changes = get_recent_changes(author=author, type=type, ip=ip, bot=bot, limit=limit, offset=page * limit) $ show_users = (query_param('show_users', 'false').lower() == 'true') <!--islist--> <div id="bibliography"> <div id="browse-rule"></div> <div id="biblio-form-body"> <table cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0" border="0" width="100%"> <tr> <td class="historyheader">$_.when</td> <td class="historyheader">$_.path</td> <td class="historyheader">$_.who</td> <td class="historyheader" width="100%">$_.what</td> <td class="historyheader">$_.actions</td> </tr> $for v in changes: $# ignore user registrations $if show_users or not v.key.startswith('/user/'): <tr> <td class="time" valign="top">$datestr(v.created)</td> $# show book title/author name instead of key $if v.thing.type.key == '/type/edition': $ name = v.thing.title $elif v.thing.type.key == '/type/author': $ name = $else: $ name = v.key <td class="path" valign="top"><div class="truncatepath"><a href="$homepath()$v.key" class="datalink" title="$v.key">$:macros.TruncateString(name, 35)</a></div></td> $if <td class="displayname" valign="top"><div class="truncatedisplayname"><a href="$homepath()$" class="truncate" title="$">$</a></div></td> $elif v.ip and v.ip != '': <td class="history" valign="top"><a href="/recentchanges?ip=$v.ip">$v.ip</a></td> $else: <td class="history" valign="top">$v.ip</td> <td class="comment" valign="top">$v.comment</td> <td class="buttons" valign="top"> <a href="$homepath()$v.key?m=view&v=$v.revision">$_.view</a> - <a href="$homepath()$v.key?m=edit&v=$v.revision">$_.edit</a> - <a href="$homepath()$v.key?m=diff&b=$v.revision">$_.diff</a> </td> </tr> </table> </div> </div> <div class="copyright-footer"> $if page != 0: &larr; <a href="$:changequery(page=page - 1)" class="datalink" rel="nofollow">$_.newer</a> $if len(changes) == limit: ... <a href="$:changequery(page=page + 1)" class="datalink" rel="nofollow">$_.older</a> &rarr; </div>
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