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Revision 5 by OCLC Bot April 30, 2011
Revision 6 by Y-Not bot June 21, 2012
0  | Afghanistan -- Albania -- Algeria -- Andorra -- Arab Republic of Egypt -- Argentina -- Australia -- Austria -- Bahrain -- Barbados -- Belgium -- Bhutan -- Bolivia -- Botswana -- Brazil -- Bulgaria -- Burma -- Burundi -- Cambodia -- Cameroon -- Canada -- Central African Republic -- Ceylon -- Chad -- Chile -- China (Communist) -- China (Nationalist) -- Colombia -- Congo (Brazzaville) -- Congo (Kinshasa) -- Costa Rica -- Cuba -- Cyprus -- Czechoslovakia -- Dahomey -- Denmark -- Dominican Republic -- Ecuador -- Equatorial Guinea -- Ethiopia -- Fiji -- Finland -- France -- Gabon -- The Gambia -- Germany (East) Germany (west) -- Ghana -- Greece -- Guatemala -- Guinea -- Guyana -- Haiti -- Honduras -- Hungary -- Iceland -- India -- Indonesia -- Iran -- Iraq -- Ireland -- Israel -- Italy -- Ivory Coast -- Jamaica -- Japan -- Jordan -- Kenya -- Korea, North -- Korea, South -- Kuwait -- Laos -- Lebanon -- Lesotho -- Liberia -- Libya -- Liechtenstein -- Luxembourg -- Madagascar -- Malawi -- Malaysia -- The Maldives -- Mali -- Malta -- Mauritania -- Mauritius -- Mexico -- Monaco -- Mongolia -- Morocco -- Muscat & Oman -- Nauru -- Nepal -- Netherlands -- New Zealand -- Nicaragua -- Niger -- Nigeria -- Norway -- Pakistan -- Panama -- Paraguay -- Peru -- The Philippines -- Poland -- Portugal -- Rhodesia -- Romania -- Rwanda -- El Salvador -- San Marino -- Saudi Arabia -- Senegal -- Sierra Leone -- Singapore -- Somalia -- South Africa -- Southern Yemen -- Spain -- Sudan -- Swaziland -- Sweden -- Switzerland -- Syria -- Tanzania -- Thailand -- Togo -- Tonga -- Trinidad and Tobago -- Tunisia -- Turkey -- Uganda -- Union of Soviet Socialist Republics  -- United Kingdom -- United States of America -- Upper Volta -- Uruguay -- Vatican City -- Venezuela -- Vietnam (North) -- Vietnam (South) -- Western Samoa -- Yemen -- Yugoslavia -- Zambia -- Qatar. |
physical_format h
physical_dimensions 25 x x centimeters