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Revision 8 by ToCb0t September 21, 2011
Revision 9 by ToCb0t September 21, 2011
0 *  | Faoi CHAPTER | I 0 *  | Faoi CHAPTER | I
1 *  | ffsom NeTF York to Chagres— The Shores of Florida— Night in Eavaaa flarlor— New Orleans — Chagresfrom the Sea t CHAPTER n Crossing the Tsthmus — Quarrel with a Native — The Village of Gatun — Songs on the Fiiver — A Priest's Household — An Affectionate Boatman — Kiding Through the Forests — We Eeach Panama 11 CHAPTEB m {Scenes tn Panama — Emigrants Arriving — Euined Churches .... St CHAPTER | IV 1 *  | ffsom NeTF York to Chagres— The Shores of Florida— Night in Eavaaa flarlor— New Orleans — Chagresfrom the Sea t CHAPTER n Crossing the Tsthmus — Quarrel with a Native — The Village of Gatun — Songs on the Fiiver — A Priest's Household — An Affectionate Boatman — Kiding Through the Forests — We Eeach Panama 11 CHAPTEB m {Scenes tn Panama — Emigrants Arriving — Euined Churches .... St CHAPTER | IV
2 *  | The Pacific Coast of Mexico — Meal-time on the Steamer — A Midnight C&ll at Acapulco — The Mexican Coast — ^The Old Presidio of San Bias — Touching at Mazatlan , 8i CHAPTER | V 2 *  | The Pacific Coast of Mexico — Meal-time on the Steamer — A Midnight C&ll at Acapulco — The Mexican Coast — ^The Old Presidio of San Bias — Touching at Mazatlan , 8i CHAPTER | V
3 *  | The Coast of California^ A Treacherous Coast — Harbor of San Diego— Narratives of Kinigi'ation— Gen Villamil and his Colony — The Last Day of the Voyage — Tha Anchor Drops , «8 CHAPTER | VI 3 *  | The Coast of California^ A Treacherous Coast — Harbor of San Diego— Narratives of Kinigi'ation— Gen Villamil and his Colony — The Last Day of the Voyage — Tha Anchor Drops , «8 CHAPTER | VI
4 *  | [ Pass CHAPTER YIL To the San Jon<iuin, on Mulebick— Scenery of the Inland— ranches on the Road- Colonel Fr6inont— A Sonorian Comrade— Crossing the Coast Range — The M<i8- qaitos and the Ferry 63 CHAPTER YIIL Camp-Life and a Ride to the Diggings— Stockton— Rocky Mountain Men— Fiery Travel— the Mule's Heart— Arrival at the Diggings Tl CHAPTER | IX 4 *  | First Impressions of Francisco — Appearance of the Town — ^the New-Comer'a Bewilderment — Indifferent Shopkeepers — Street Gold — People in Town 54 1* [ Pass CHAPTER YIL To the San Jon<iuin, on Mulebick— Scenery of the Inland— ranches on the Road- Colonel Fr6inont— A Sonorian Comrade— Crossing the Coast Range — The M<i8- qaitos and the Ferry 63 CHAPTER YIIL Camp-Life and a Ride to the Diggings— Stockton— Rocky Mountain Men— Fiery Travel— the Mule's Heart— Arrival at the Diggings Tl CHAPTER | IX
5 *  | Tee Diggings on Mokelumne River— Gold in the River-Ced— The Sonorians — The Process of Dry-Washing— Stories of the G old-Diggers— Cost of our Visit  84 CHAPTER | X 5 *  | Tee Diggings on Mokelumne River— Gold in the River-Ced— The Sonorians — The Process of Dry-Washing— Stories of the G old-Diggers— Cost of our Visit  84 CHAPTER | X
6 *  | A Gallop to Stockton, with some "Words on Law and Society — Appropriating a Horse — The Californian Horse — A Flogging Scene in Stockton — Law and Order —Moral Eflfect of Gold M CHAPTER XL a Night-Adventure In the Mountains — An Unceremonious Supper— The Trail Loat ^Second View of San Francisco— CoL FrSuiont's Mine t04 CHAPTER XIL San Francisco by Day and Night— The Streets after Breakfast— A Bull-Chase— The Af'^rnoon- The Inside of a Gamlng-Hell — lU CHAPTER | XIII 6 *  | A Gallop to Stockton, with some "Words on Law and Society — Appropriating a Horse — The Californian Horse — A Flogging Scene in Stockton — Law and Order —Moral Eflfect of Gold M CHAPTER XL a Night-Adventure In the Mountains — An Unceremonious Supper— The Trail Loat ^Second View of San Francisco— CoL FrSuiont's Mine t04 CHAPTER XIL San Francisco by Day and Night— The Streets after Breakfast— A Bull-Chase— The Af'^rnoon- The Inside of a Gamlng-Hell — lU CHAPTER | XIII
7 *  | Incidents of a Walk to Monterey— Fisher's Ranche— Agricultnrc In California— A Mountain Panoranja— Uelalcd on the Road — The Gih» Emigrants — Monterey at Lant m CHAPTER | XIV 7 *  | Incidents of a Walk to Monterey— Fisher's Ranche— Agricultnrc In California— A Mountain Panoranja— Uelalcd on the Road — The Gih» Emigrants — Monterey at Lant m CHAPTER | XIV
8 *  | CONTESTS PAfil CHAPTER | XV 8 *  | Life In Monterey — The Fleas Outwitted— The Growth of Monterey — Domestic Life and Society- Quiet of the Town— Population- National Feeling In CoH- firrnia Itt CONTESTS PAfil CHAPTER | XV
9 *  | The State Organization af California — Steps toward Organization— The Con- vention Meets— Tlie Question of Suffrage— Trouble about the Boundary— The Great Seal of the State — Distinguished Californians lid CHAPTER | XVI 9 *  | The State Organization af California — Steps toward Organization— The Con- vention Meets— Tlie Question of Suffrage— Trouble about the Boundary— The Great Seal of the State — Distinguished Californians lid CHAPTER | XVI
10 *  | The Closing Scenes of the Convention — A Ball-Eooin Picture — Signing the Con- etltution — Gen Kiley and the Members — Moral of the Convention 1&9 CHAPTER XVIL Shore and Forest — Swimming a Ravine — Dinner by the Sea-Shore — Geology and Indian Tradition— The Sea-Lions on Point Lobos  , 16* CHAPTER XVIIL Old'Oalifomia — Its Missions and its Lands — Else of the Missions— Their Downfall — Extent of the Mission Property — The Law for Granting Lands — Uncertain Boundary of Grants — Disposition of the Gold Land 17# CHAPTER | XIX 10 *  | The Closing Scenes of the Convention — A Ball-Eooin Picture — Signing the Con- etltution — Gen Kiley and the Members — Moral of the Convention 1&9 CHAPTER XVIL Shore and Forest — Swimming a Ravine — Dinner by the Sea-Shore — Geology and Indian Tradition— The Sea-Lions on Point Lobos  , 16* CHAPTER XVIIL Old'Oalifomia — Its Missions and its Lands — Else of the Missions— Their Downfall — Extent of the Mission Property — The Law for Granting Lands — Uncertain Boundary of Grants — Disposition of the Gold Land 17# CHAPTER | XIX
11 *  | Xil 1'agh CHATTER XXn TVsvellIng on the Plains— Night, Rain and a Kanche— Tlio Nevada at Sunset— Prairie tn' Wood Craft— Among the nills— A Knot of Politicians 881 CHAPTER | XXIII 11 *  | Return to San Francisco — Journey in an Ambulance — Night and Morning in the Mountains — Fording the Pajaro Eiver — A Sirocco in San Jos6 — Night-Camp under the Oaks 19t CHAPTER XX San Francisco Again — Post Office Experiences— More Statistics of Growth — An Ague Case — Structure of the Post Office — Sounds on the Portico — Increase of Pay Needed 808 CHAPTER XXL Sacramento Eiver and City — The Straits of Cirquicez — New-Tork-of-the-raclflo —View of Sacramento City — Its 1 ifo rca Bns» ^eivs— Cattle f f Experience — Sights at the Horse Market 911 Xil 1'agh CHATTER XXn TVsvellIng on the Plains— Night, Rain and a Kanche— Tlio Nevada at Sunset— Prairie tn' Wood Craft— Among the nills— A Knot of Politicians 881 CHAPTER | XXIII
12 *  | Jf-uinoy to the Volcano— The Forest Trail— Camping in a Storm— The Volcanic Com- munity-Appearance of the Extinct Craters— The Top of Polo's Peuk— Kcturn to the Mokelumne 289 CHAPTER | XXIV 12 *  | Jf-uinoy to the Volcano— The Forest Trail— Camping in a Storm— The Volcanic Com- munity-Appearance of the Extinct Craters— The Top of Polo's Peuk— Kcturn to the Mokelumne 289 CHAPTER | XXIV
13 *  | Election Scenes and Mining Characters — Voting on the Mokelumne — Incidents of Digging— An Englisliman In Eaptures — " Buckshot" — Quicksilver — My own Gold Digging an CHAPTER | XXV 13 *  | Election Scenes and Mining Characters — Voting on the Mokelumne — Incidents of Digging— An Englisliman In Eaptures — " Buckshot" — Quicksilver — My own Gold Digging an CHAPTER | XXV
14 *  | The Rainy Season — The Ferry — Deception of the Diggers— Dry Creek and Amador's Creek — A Eanche and Its Inhabitants — A Female Specimen — A Vision Roiln- qaished 260 CHAPTER XXVL Night In Sacramento City— Perils of a Stroll— The City Music— Ethiopian Melodies — Californian Theatre— Playing the Eavesdropper— Squatters" Quarrels— Fate of my Mare 378 CHAPTER XXVIL The Overland Emigration of 1W9— Its Character— The Cholera on the Plains— Salt Lake City— The Great Basin— The Nevada— Descent of the Mountains— Apathy in Peril- The Close 2S0 CHAPTER XXVIIL The Italy of the "West— Steam on tie Sacramento — Tlie Sunsets of California— A Company of Washmon- A Voracious Donkey— Attempt at Squatter Life 291 CHAPTER | XXIX 14 *  | The Rainy Season — The Ferry — Deception of the Diggers— Dry Creek and Amador's Creek — A Eanche and Its Inhabitants — A Female Specimen — A Vision Roiln- qaished 260 CHAPTER XXVL Night In Sacramento City— Perils of a Stroll— The City Music— Ethiopian Melodies — Californian Theatre— Playing the Eavesdropper— Squatters" Quarrels— Fate of my Mare 378 CHAPTER XXVIL The Overland Emigration of 1W9— Its Character— The Cholera on the Plains— Salt Lake City— The Great Basin— The Nevada— Descent of the Mountains— Apathy in Peril- The Close 2S0 CHAPTER XXVIIL The Italy of the "West— Steam on tie Sacramento — Tlie Sunsets of California— A Company of Washmon- A Voracious Donkey— Attempt at Squatter Life 291 CHAPTER | XXIX
15 * Xiii | CHAPTER | XXX 15 *  | Ban Francisco four months Later- Character of Business— Life and Society— Un- fathomable Mud— Streets and Men , 30] A Xiii CHAPTER | XXX
16 *  | Society In California— The Transformation of the Einigran t -The Norsemen Ke- vired — The Energies of Society— California Democracy 810 CHAPTER | XXXI 16 *  | Society In California— The Transformation of the Einigran t -The Norsemen Ke- vired — The Energies of Society— California Democracy 810 CHAPTER | XXXI
17 *  | Lci ? iig San Francisco — A Ghjrman Crew and Chilian Schooner— Weathering a South- \ Easter — The Fire on Shors— We put back In Distress- The Burnt District — Stem- ,' mlng a Flood Tide— The SteamM— Paso del Mar— Down the Coast 818 CHAPTER XXXH Mazatlan— A Chinese Boniface— The Streets by Night and Day — The Atmosphere of the Gulf— Preparations to leave — Solemn "Warnings 824 CHAPTER XXXHL Travel In the Tierra Caliente — Tropical Winter— A Lazy Mule — Night at a Eanche — A " Caminador" — Evening at a Posada— Breakfast in El Eosario— A Jolly Hostess — Eide to La Bayona— The Palm and the Pine — Indian Robbers — Chat with the Na- tives— El Chucho— The Ferry of Eio Santiago— A Night of Horror 888 CHAPTER | XXXIV 17 *  | Lci ? iig San Francisco — A Ghjrman Crew and Chilian Schooner— Weathering a South- \ Easter — The Fire on Shors— We put back In Distress- The Burnt District — Stem- ,' mlng a Flood Tide— The SteamM— Paso del Mar— Down the Coast 818 CHAPTER XXXH Mazatlan— A Chinese Boniface— The Streets by Night and Day — The Atmosphere of the Gulf— Preparations to leave — Solemn "Warnings 824 CHAPTER XXXHL Travel In the Tierra Caliente — Tropical Winter— A Lazy Mule — Night at a Eanche — A " Caminador" — Evening at a Posada— Breakfast in El Eosario— A Jolly Hostess — Eide to La Bayona— The Palm and the Pine — Indian Robbers — Chat with the Na- tives— El Chucho— The Ferry of Eio Santiago— A Night of Horror 888 CHAPTER | XXXIV
18 *  | The Ascent to the Table-Land— My Friend and Caminador — A Bargain — The People — Tepic — Sacred Mysteries at San Lionel— The Massacre of the Innocents— A Val- ley Picture — Crossing the Barranca 850 CHAPTER | XXXV 18 *  | The Ascent to the Table-Land— My Friend and Caminador — A Bargain — The People — Tepic — Sacred Mysteries at San Lionel— The Massacre of the Innocents— A Val- ley Picture — Crossing the Barranca 850 CHAPTER | XXXV
19 * CHAPTER | XXXVIIL the Dividing Eldge and Descent to the Valley of Mesico— Th« Bajlo — An Escort— A Giy I'adre—Ziiruluxa'B Hacienda — The Pass of Capulalpan — Mexico . 898 CHAPTER | XXXIX 19 *  | The Eobber Region — Meeting a Conducta — Tequila below — Suspicions — The Robbers at Last— Plundered and Bound — My Liberation — A Gibbet Scene— The Kind Pailre 0^ Ouadal^aca 863 CHAPTER XXXVL ?T.Tee Days in Guadalajara- My Hosts— An Unlucky Scotchman— Financiering — The Cabal— Notoriety — Movable Fortresses — The Alameda — Tiopic Beauty by Moonlight — An Affectionate Farewell 878 CHAPTER XXXVIL In the Diligence to Guanajuato — Pleasant Travel— The Cholera— San Juan de loi Lagos -The "Valley of Leon— An Enchant«d City— The Eve of a Bobber's Death. 88t CHAPTER XXXVIIL the Dividing Eldge and Descent to the Valley of Mesico— Th« Bajlo — An Escort— A Giy I'adre—Ziiruluxa'B Hacienda — The Pass of Capulalpan — Mexico . 898 CHAPTER | XXXIX
20 *  | Scenes In the Mexican Capital— Interior of the Cathedral— Street Characters- -Smok- ing In the Theatre — Aztec Antiquities 8H CHxVPTER | XL 20 *  | Scenes In the Mexican Capital— Interior of the Cathedral— Street Characters- -Smok- ing In the Theatre — Aztec Antiquities 8H CHxVPTER | XL
21 *  | Mexican Politics and Political Men — The Halls of Congress — Presentation of the American Minister — Uerrera his Quvernincnt and Ministers 407 CHAPTER | XLI 21 *  | Mexican Politics and Political Men — The Halls of Congress — Presentation of the American Minister — Uerrera his Quvernincnt and Ministers 407 CHAPTER | XLI
22 *  | Chapnltepeo and the Battle Fields— The Panorama of the Valley 414 CHAPTER | XLII 22 *  | Chapnltepeo and the Battle Fields— The Panorama of the Valley 414 CHAPTER | XLII
23 *  | Tho Base of Popocatapetl— Another View of the Valley — The Pine "Woods of Elo Frio — Mallncbe— Popocatapetl and the Pyramid of Cholula— Puebla at Night | 429 23 *  | Tho Base of Popocatapetl— Another View of the Valley — The Pine "Woods of Elo Frio — Mallncbe— Popocatapetl and the Pyramid of Cholula— Puebla at Night | 429