@Book{OL23033181M, title: {Horror classics}, author: {Tom Pomplun and Ambrose Bierce and H.P. Lovecraft and Rod Lott and Edgar Allan Poe and Olive Schreiner and Honoré de Balzac and W. W. Jacobs and Saki and Fitz-James O'Brien and Jack London and Howard Roger Garis and Clark Ashton Smith and Antonella Caputo and Bret Harte}, publisher: {Eureka Productions}, year: {2004}, place: {Mount Horeb, Wis}, } @Book{OL4909562M, title: {The Serpent}, author: {Jane Gaskell}, publisher: {St. Martin's Press}, year: {1977}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22400399M, title: {Isaac Asimov presents the best fantasy of the 19th century}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg and Washington Irving and Prosper Mérimée and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Николай Васильевич Гоголь and Charles Dickens and Hans Christian Andersen and Edward Everett Hale and Лев Толстой and Oscar Wilde and Arthur Conan Doyle and Robert Louis Stevenson and Frank R. Stockton and H. Rider Haggard and H. G. Wells}, publisher: {Beaufort Books}, year: {1982}, place: {New York [etc.]}, } @Book{OL22331789M, title: {Wise woman's telling.}, author: {Fay Sampson}, publisher: {Headline}, year: {1989}, } @Book{OL35674532M, title: {Phantastes}, author: {George MacDonald}, publisher: {Winged Lion Press, LLC}, year: {2017}, } @Book{OL26933213M, title: {Uzumaki}, author: {Junji Ito}, publisher: {VIZ Media}, year: {2013}, } @Book{OL21540435M, title: {Isaac Asimov presents the best science fiction of the 19th century}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Martin H. Greenberg and Charles G. Waugh and E. T. A. Hoffmann and Mary Shelley and Edgar Allan Poe and Nathaniel Hawthorne and Edward Page Mitchell and Robert Duncan Milne and Frank R. Stockton and Guy de Maupassant and J.-H. Rosny, aîné and Edward Bellamy and Arthur Conan Doyle and H. G. Wells and Grant Allen and C. J. Cutcliffe Hyne and Jack London}, publisher: {Gollancz}, year: {1983}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL14950182M, title: {A book of dragons}, author: {Roger Lancelyn Green and Krystyna Turska}, publisher: {Puffin Books in association with Hamish Hamilton}, year: {1973}, place: {Harmondsworth}, } @Book{OL24618007M, title: {Dragons, Elves, and Heroes}, author: {Lin Carter}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {1969}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL27195596M, title: {nEvermore! Tales of Murder, Mystery and the Macabre}, author: {Nancy Kilpatrick and Caro Soles and Uwe Sommerlad and Chelsea Quinn Yarbro and Robert Lopresti and Christopher Rice and Lisa Morton and Rick Chiantaretto and Barbara Fradkin and Thomas S. Roche and Robert Bose and Carol Weekes and Michael Kelly and Nancy Holder and J. Madison Davis and Michael Jecks and Richard Christian Matheson and William F. Nolan and Jason V. Brock and Sunni K. Brock and Loren Rhoads and Kelley Armstrong and Jane Petersen Burfield and David McDonald and Colleen Anderson and Tanith Lee and Margaret Atwood and David Morrell}, publisher: {EDGE}, year: {2015}, } @Book{OL2031700M, title: {The Mammoth book of classic science fiction}, author: {Isaac Asimov and Charles G. Waugh and Martin H. Greenberg and H.P. Lovecraft and Horace Leonard Gold and Cornell Woolrich and John W. Campbell and Murray Leinster and Harry E. Bates and Eric Frank Russell and Leslie Johnson and Stanley G. Weinbaum and L. Sprague De Camp and Jack Williamson}, publisher: {Carroll \& Graf Publishers}, year: {1988}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22444593M, title: {The Merlin chronicles}, author: {Jane Yolen and Michael Ashley and Tanith Lee and T. H. White and Louise Cooper}, publisher: {Raven}, year: {1995}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL24206081M, title: {Elsewhere}, author: {Terry Windling and Mark Alan Arnold}, publisher: {Ace Books}, year: {1981}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24625604M, title: {The king of Ys, Roma Mater}, author: {Poul Anderson and Karen Anderson}, publisher: {Baen Books}, year: {1986}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL22015466M, title: {Dark imaginings}, author: {Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski}, publisher: {Dell Publishing}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7993666M, title: {Heroes In Training}, author: {Martin H. Greenberg and Jim C. Hines}, publisher: {DAW}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL4255106M, title: {A Treasury of fantasy}, author: {Cary Wilkins}, publisher: {Avenel Books}, year: {1981}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1077094M, title: {The Oxford book of modern fairy tales}, author: {Alison Lurie}, publisher: {Oxford University Press}, year: {1994}, place: {Oxford [England]}, } @Book{OL35341528M, title: {Ten stories of King Arthur}, author: {Michael Scott}, publisher: {Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press}, year: {2013}, place: {Beijing}, } @Book{OL27233650M, title: {Beren and Lúthien}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {Houghton Mifflin Harcourt}, year: {2017}, } @Book{OL8195581M, title: {Night's Master}, author: {Tanith Lee and Susan Duerden}, publisher: {DAW}, year: {1981}, } @Book{OL2846150M, title: {The Dune storybook}, author: {Joan D. Vinge}, publisher: {G.P. Putnam's Sons}, year: {1984}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL8132236M, title: {Amazons II}, author: {Jessica Amanda Salmonson}, publisher: {DAW}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL24518392M, title: {The Tough guide to fantasyland}, author: {Diana Wynne Jones}, publisher: {DAW Books}, year: {1996}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL27214379M, title: {Over the garden wall}, author: {Pat McHale}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL18288959M, title: {C.S. Lewis's The chronicles of Narnia}, author: {Harold Bloom}, publisher: {Chelsea House Publishers}, year: {2006}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26004781M, title: {The Mammoth Book Of Dark Magic}, author: {Michael Ashley}, publisher: {Constable and Robinson}, year: {2013}, } @Book{OL9539450M, title: {Merlin}, author: {Martin H. Greenberg}, publisher: {I Books}, year: {2004}, } @Book{OL7565344M, title: {Walk in Wolf Wood}, author: {Mary Stewart}, publisher: {Fawcett Crest}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL1278035M, title: {The Camelot chronicles}, author: {Michael Ashley}, publisher: {Wings Books}, year: {1995}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5418937M, title: {A midsummer tempest.}, author: {Poul Anderson}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1974}, place: {Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL8132209M, title: {Hecate's Cauldron}, author: {Susan Schwartz}, publisher: {DAW}, year: {1982}, } @Book{OL10683796M, title: {The Broken Sword}, author: {Poul Anderson}, publisher: {Del Rey}, year: {1981}, } @Work{OL3474288W, title: {Thomas the rhymer}, author: {Ellen Kushner}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL8348633W, title: {ALCHEMY \& ACADEME}, author: {Anne McCaffrey}, first_publish_year: {1970} } @Work{OL90564W, title: {Three Hearts and Three Lions}, author: {Poul Anderson}, first_publish_year: {1953} } @Work{OL17420127W, title: {The Best Science Fiction and Fantasy of the Year, Volume Three}, author: {Jonathan Strahan and Ted Chiang and Elizabeth Bear and Peter S. Beagle and Jeff VanderMeer and Paolo Bacigalupi and Ian McDonald and Holly Black and John Kessel and Paul McAuley and Garth Nix and Holly Phillips and Stephen Baxter and Stephen King and Robert Reed and Joan Aiken and Margo Lanagan and Ted Kosmatka and Kij Johnson and Rachel Swirsky and Greg Egan and Hannu Rajaniemi and Maureen F. McHugh and M. Rickert and M. Rickert and Richard Bowes and Ken Scholes and Kelly Link}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL1858328W, title: {Merlin dreams}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL97299W, title: {Young Merlin Trilogy}, author: {Jane Yolen and Michael Ashley and Tanith Lee and T. H. White and Louise Cooper}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL17782762W, title: {Invitation to Camelot}, author: {Parke Godwin}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL82530W, title: {The silver metal lover}, author: {Tanith Lee}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL15686821W, title: {Jirel of Joiry}, author: {C. L. Moore}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL15010834W, title: {Dark Castle, White Horse}, author: {Tanith Lee}, first_publish_year: {1986} } @Work{OL920733W, title: {The Quest for Cush}, author: {Charles R. Saunders}, first_publish_year: {1984} } @Work{OL14932544W, title: {Weird Tales from Shakespeare}, author: {Katherine Kerr and Martin H. Greenberg}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL29256805W, title: {Le trône de fer}, author: {Simon Hawke}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL19499253W, title: {Visions of wonder}, author: {Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL3744926W, title: {The Pendragon Chronicles}, author: {Michael Ashley}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL17730574W, title: {The chronicles of the Round Table}, author: {Michael Ashley}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL3195058W, title: {Golden witchbreed}, author: {Mary Gentle}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL19150427W, title: {The Phoenix tree}, author: {Robert H. Boyer and Kenneth J. Zahorski}, first_publish_year: {1980} } @Work{OL66874W, title: {The Wolf and the Raven}, author: {Diana L. Paxson}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL2993163W, title: {The Iron Throne (Birthright)}, author: {Simon Hawke}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL16503413W, title: {The treasury of the fantastic}, author: {David Sandner and Jacob Weisman}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL16580524W, title: {Hags, sirens, \& other bad girls of fantasy}, author: {Denise Little}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL16030170W, title: {The Best of Leigh Brackett}, author: {Leigh Brackett}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL15155702W, title: {Warriors and wizards}, author: {Lin Carter}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL6704315W, title: {Flashing Swords \#1}, author: {Lin Carter and Fritz Lieber and Jack Vance and Poul Anderson}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL6704317W, title: {Imaginary worlds}, author: {Lin Carter}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Author{OL1813446A, name: {Lin Carter}, birth_date: {June 9, 1930} , death_date: {February 7, 1988} }