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This is the most shocking book of recent years. And it should be the most influential.
Seduction of the Innocent is the complete, detailed report of the findings of famed psychiatrist, Frederic Wertham, on the pernicious influence of comic books on the youth of today. No parent can afford to ignore it.
You think your child is immune? Don't forget — 90,000,000 comic books are read each month.
On the basis of wide experience and many years' research, Dr. Wertham flatly states that comic books:
Are an invitation to illiteracy
Create an atmosphere of cruelty and deceit
Stimulate unwholesome fantasies
Suggest criminal or sexually abnormal ideas
Create a readiness for temptation
- Suggest forms a delinquent impulse may take and supply details of technique
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Previews available in: English
Edition | Availability |
1 |
Seduction of the Innocent
September 1996, Main Road Books
in English
0848816579 9780848816575
3 |
Seduction of the Innocent: The Influence of Horror Comic on Today's Youth
1955, Museum Press
in English
Seduction of the Innocent: The Influence of Comic Books on Today's Youth
1954, Rinehart
in English
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marc_claremont_school_theology MARC recordLibrary of Congress MARC record
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