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The transition from being a severely persecuted religious minority in the Reformation era to becoming a privileged ethnic minority in the 19th-century Russian empire makes the Dutch-Polish-Russian Mennonite story a very intriguing one. Yet the privileges granted these Mennonites by Russia in 1800─permanent exemption from military service, freedom of religion, self-government, and control of their own schools─came under attack by imperial authorities with the government's decision to implement russification policies in the 1860s. This book documents how the Mennonites fought back, resisting the government's attempt to assimilate and to restrict their religious freedoms.
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Previews available in: English
Mennonites, Mennonite Brethren, History, Russian revolution, First World War, Church and state, Histoire, Église et ÉtatPlaces
Russia, Soviet UnionTimes
1800-1920Edition | Availability |
In Defense of Privilege: Russian Mennonites and the State Before and During World War I
2006, Kindred Productions
in English
189479107X 9781894791076
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Library of Congress MARC record
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December 14, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 14, 2017 | Edited by Jon Isaak | Edited without comment. |
July 14, 2017 | Edited by Jon Isaak | Edited without comment. |
April 28, 2010 | Edited by Open Library Bot | Linked existing covers to the work. |
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