Hindu love manuals are full of advice at a practical level - although the positions described in some of them are practical only for the double-jointed or professional gymnasts - but there is a far more important message common to all the teachings.
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A work of philosophy, psychology, sociology, Hindu dogma, scientific inquiry, and sexology, the "Kama Sutra" has been a classic of world literature for more than 1700 years.
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Sex customs, Love, Sexual intercourse, Sex, New York Times reviewed, Early works to 1800, Erotic art, Erotic literature, Indic Erotic literature, Sanskrit Erotic literature, Sex instruction, Specimens, Toy and movable books, Amor, Literatura erótica índica, Relaciones sexuales, Sexo, Obras anteriores a 1800, India, social life and customs, Erotic literature, Indic, Nonfiction, Sociology, kama sutra, sex positions, kama sutra illustrated, erotica, lovemaking, sexuality, seduction, Classic Literature, Fiction, Vatsyayana, Mind and body, Fiction, historical, general, Sutras, Romance, Sex & sexuality, Hindu philosophy, human relations, sexology, Kamasutra, Hinduismus, Sexualverhalten, Interpersonal Relations, Sanskrit, Sexual Behavior, Erotische Literatur, Indic literature, translations into english, Amour, Sexualité, Relations sexuelles, Littérature érotique sanskrite, Traductions françaises, Sex Education, Éducation sexuelle, Vie sexuelle, Religious literature, Buddhism, sacred books, Hindu literature, Reference books, Sexual ethics, Conduct of lifePeople
Ancient India, 200 ADShowing 11 featured editions. View all 236 editions?
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Complete Kama Sutra the First Unabridged
1994, Park Street Press
in English
0965717828 9780965717823
The complete Kāma Sūtra: the first unabridged modern translation of the classic Indian text by Vātsyāyana : including the Jayamangalā commentary from the Sanskrit by Yashodhara and extracts from the Hindi commentary by Devadatta Shāstrā
1994, Park Street Press
in English
0892814926 9780892814923
The complete Kāma Sūtra: the first unabridged modern translation of the classic Indian text by Vātsyāyana : including the Jayamangalā commentary from the Sanskrit by Yashodhara and extracts from the Hindi commentary by Devadatta Shāstrā
1994, Park Street Press
in English
0892814926 9780892814923
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Book Details
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Comprend un index et un glossaire.
Édition originale, 2013.
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In the beginning, the Lord of Beings created men and women, and in the form of commandments in one hundred thousand chapters laid down rules for regulating their existence with regard to Dharma, Artha, and Kama.
added anonymously.
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