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The chemistry of wheat, flour, and bread, and technology of breadmaking / Lists

This work is on 2 lists.

  • Cover of: 19th C. Technology

    19th C. Technology

    by Greg M. Chapman
    82 items Last modified April 23, 2014

    Books for tradesmen and artisans of the 19th(ish) century, relating to the practical use of the technology (in a broad sense) of the period. A somewhat poorly named list, as I've included books from the late 18th and early 20th centuries as well.

  • Cover of: 19th C. Technology

    19th C. Technology

    by Greg M. Chapman
    82 items Last modified April 23, 2014

    Books for tradesmen and artisans of the 19th(ish) century, relating to the practical use of the technology (in a broad sense) of the period. A somewhat poorly named list, as I've included books from the late 18th and early 20th centuries as well.

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