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Albert Camus, in his first work of fiction after The Plague, chose a subject eminently worthy of his supreme gifts: the conscience of modern man in the face of evil. Masterful in style and form, the narrative of The Fall is at once elegant, mordandt, brilliant with aphorism and paradox.
In a shady bar in Amsterdam, the man who does the talking in The Fall is indulging in a calculated confession. he recalls his past life as a respected Parisian lawyer, a pleader of noble causes, secure in his self-esteem, privately a libertine, yet apparently immune to judgement - the portrait of a modern Man. The irony of the recital predicts the downfall. Inescapable, it comes in the narrator's intense discovery, in the space of one terrible and unforgettable instant, that no man is innocent and no man may therefore judge others from a standpoint of righteousness.
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Conscience, Continental european fiction (fictional works by one author), Existentialism, Fiction, psychological, French fiction, French language, French literature, Legal stories, literary fiction, nobel prize winner, Novela francesa, Philosophy, Romance literature, Social ethics, Translations into English, Fiction, psychological, La chute (Camus), ReadersPeople
Jean-Baptiste ClamenceTimes
20th century, Siglo XXShowing 10 featured editions. View all 130 editions?
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Book Details
Edition Notes
Reprint. Originally published: New York : Knopf, 1957.
Translation of: La chute.
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First Sentence
"MAY 1, monsieur, offer my services without running the risk of intruding?"
Work Description
Num bar de marinheiros em Amesterdão, um homem que se apresenta como juiz-penitente enceta conversa com um desconhecido. Entre copos de Genebra e deambulações pelas ruas daquela cidade de canais concêntricos, a fazer lembrar os círculos do inferno, recorda a sua vida passada como respeitável advogado parisiense, insuperável na defesa de causas nobres e nas conquistas amorosas. Mas à medida que a confissão se desenrola as ambiguidades acumulam-se, os motivos ocultos revelam-se, os triunfos desabam.
Narrativa mordaz, de uma ironia brilhante, A Queda descreve uma viagem de decadência até às mais obscuras infâmias do homem moderno. Publicado pela primeira vez em 1956, foi o último livro de ficção lançado em vida por Albert Camus.
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December 8, 2024 | Edited by SmCvgPed | Fix title |
October 2, 2024 | Edited by siiky | Remove "Paris" and "France" from places; "Paris (France)" already represents both |
July 18, 2024 | Edited by Vilna23 | Edição portuguesa |
January 14, 2024 | Edited by PeterMacTroy | Edited without comment. |
December 9, 2009 | Created by WorkBot | add works page |