@Book{OL6720299M, title: {The Ballad of Reading Gaol}, author: {Oscar Wilde}, publisher: {Macy-Masius: The Vanguard Press}, year: {1928}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6522138M, title: {Tempestuous petticoat}, author: {Clare Leighton}, publisher: {Rinehart \& company, inc.}, year: {1947}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL25421532M, title: {Migratory Urge}, author: {Helen West Heller}, publisher: {Franklin J. Meine, Chicago}, year: {1928}, place: {eBay}, } @Book{OL14666409M, title: {God's man}, author: {Lynd Ward}, publisher: {J. Cape and H. Smith}, year: {1929}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL1196176W, title: {Impassioned clay}, author: {Llewelyn Powys}, first_publish_year: {1931} } @Work{OL4226550W, title: {Lynd Ward's last, unfinished, wordless novel}, author: {Lynd Ward}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL1196147W, title: {Now that the gods are dead}, author: {Theodore Francis Powys}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL14867000W, title: {Nocturnes}, author: {Thomas Mann}, first_publish_year: {1934} } @Work{OL1621960W, title: {An almanac for moderns}, author: {Donald Culross Peattie}, first_publish_year: {1935} } @Work{OL1621967W, title: {A book of hours}, author: {Donald Culross Peattie}, first_publish_year: {1937} } @Work{OL4481030W, title: {Waif maid}, author: {May Yonge McNeer}, first_publish_year: {1930} } @Work{OL1116379W, title: {Hot countries}, author: {Alec Waugh}, first_publish_year: {1930} } @Work{OL393024W, title: {The revolt of the machines}, author: {Romain Rolland}, first_publish_year: {1932} } @Work{OL194513W, title: {Woodcuts, U.S.A}, author: {Helen West Heller}, first_publish_year: {1947} } @Work{OL7149480W, title: {One of us}, author: {Granville Hicks}, first_publish_year: {1935} } @Work{OL7606463W, title: {America today}, author: {American Artists' Congress.}, first_publish_year: {1936} } @Author{OL2335241A, name: {American Artists' Congress.}, }