@Book{OL7717837M, title: {The Lorax (Classic Seuss)}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, publisher: {Random House Books for Young Readers}, year: {1998}, } @Book{OL8656183M, title: {The Australian Children's Omnibus}, author: {Dan Vallely}, publisher: {National Book Distributors}, year: {1991}, place: {Sydney, Australia}, } @Work{OL3914824W, title: {Drummer Hoff}, author: {Barbara Emberley and Ed Emberley}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL892271W, title: {The glorious flight}, author: {Alice Provensen and Martin Provensen}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL2654553W, title: {Why mosquitoes buzz in people's ears}, author: {Verna Aardema}, first_publish_year: {1975} } @Work{OL5712249W, title: {Most loved in all the world}, author: {Tonya Hegamin}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL4297777W, title: {Anno's Journey}, author: {Mitsumasa Anno}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Work{OL650933W, title: {Possum magic}, author: {Mem Fox and Vivas Julie and Julie Vivas}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL1951021W, title: {Dinosaurs}, author: {Robert Sabuda}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL261152W, title: {Dr. Seuss's ABC}, author: {Dr. Seuss}, first_publish_year: {1960} } @Work{OL1738501W, title: {Pajama Time!}, author: {Sandra Boynton}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL17062865W, title: {The Book with No Pictures}, author: {B. J. Novak}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL15839989W, title: {Song of the water boatman}, author: {Joyce Sidman}, first_publish_year: {2005} } @Work{OL97617W, title: {Flower garden}, author: {Eve Bunting and Kathryn Hewitt}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL6213632W, title: {Rap a tap tap}, author: {Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL8138919W, title: {Jazz On A Saturday Night}, author: {Leo Dillon and Diane Dillon}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL4902192W, title: {Why?}, author: {Rich Torrey}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Work{OL1844231W, title: {Mystic Horse}, author: {Paul Goble}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL2347075W, title: {Fish Eyes}, author: {Lois Ehlert}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Work{OL16362771W, title: {The man who dreamed of elk-dogs}, author: {Paul Goble}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL3259859W, title: {First 100 Animals (First Words)}, author: {Roger Priddy}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL3259815W, title: {B is for Bear}, author: {Roger Priddy}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Work{OL545391W, title: {Cajun night after Christmas}, author: {Jenny Jackson Moss}, first_publish_year: {2000} } @Work{OL16661857W, title: {Ten little beasties}, author: {Rebecca Emberley}, first_publish_year: {2011} } @Work{OL16679342W, title: {Georgia in Hawaii}, author: {Amy Novesky}, first_publish_year: {2012} } @Work{OL3298284W, title: {The legend of Michigan}, author: {Trinka Hakes Noble}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL15397565W, title: {Anno's Counting book}, author: {Mitsumasa Anno}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL9501132W, title: {Jolly Christmas Postman}, author: {Janet and Allan Ahlb}, first_publish_year: {1991} } @Work{OL6323657W, title: {Deep in the Forest}, author: {Brinton Turkle}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL9244028W, title: {I Love My Hair!}, author: {Natasha Anastasia Tarpley}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Author{OL3301296A, name: {Natasha Anastasia Tarpley}, }