@Book{OL6363048M, title: {Revival sketches and manual...}, author: {Heman Humphrey}, publisher: {American Tract Society}, year: {1859}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6649441M, title: {The old meeting house and vacation papers}, author: {Aaron Merrick Colton}, publisher: {Worthington co.}, year: {1890}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24175838M, title: {The New England primer}, publisher: {S.A. Howland}, year: {1830}, place: {Worcester}, } @Book{OL7170081M, title: {Peter Parley's tales of the sea}, author: {Samuel G. Goodrich}, publisher: {Thomas, Cowperthwaite \& Co., no. 253 Market Street}, year: {1839}, place: {Philadelphia}, } @Book{OL24351966M, title: {Memoir of Rev. Nathan W. Fiske, professor of intellectual and moral philosophy in Amherst college}, author: {Heman Humphrey}, publisher: {Phillips, Sampson and co.; [etc., etc.]}, year: {1850}, place: {Boston}, } @Author{OL163185A, name: {Heman Humphrey}, birth_date: {1779} , death_date: {1861} }