@Book{OL24980909M, title: {Joseph Smith's Teachings}, author: {Joseph Smith, Jr.}, publisher: {The Deseret News}, year: {1913}, place: {Salt Lake City}, } @Book{OL23565542M, title: {What Jesus Taught}, author: {Osborne J. P. Widtsoe}, publisher: {Deseret Sunday School Union}, year: {1918}, place: {Salt Lake City}, } @Book{OL7211262M, title: {Polygamy Not of God}, author: {Joseph Smith, Jr.}, publisher: {Printed at the True Latter-day saints' herald office}, year: {1883}, place: {[Lamoni, Iowa}, } @Book{OL24211792M, title: {The King Follett Discourse}, author: {Joseph Smith, Jr.}, publisher: {Magazine Printing Co.}, year: {1963}, place: {Salt Lake City, Utah}, } @Book{OL17007349M, title: {Joseph Smith's Testimony}, author: {Joseph Smith, Jr.}, publisher: {Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints}, year: {1900}, place: {[Salt Lake City}, } @Book{OL7113443M, title: {The Lord's Strange Work}, author: {Francis Michael Darter}, year: {1917}, place: {Long Beach, California}, } @Book{OL25408660M, title: {The Seventy's Course in Theology, First Year}, author: {B. H. Roberts}, publisher: {Deseret News}, year: {1907}, place: {Salt Lake City}, } @Book{OL23517370M, title: {Why We Practice Plural Marriage}, author: {Helen Mar Kimball Whitney}, publisher: {Published at the Juvenile Instructor Office}, year: {1884}, } @Work{OL1808986W, title: {Mormonism}, author: {B. H. Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL1808985W, title: {The Mormon Doctrine of Deity}, author: {B. H. Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1903} } @Work{OL1830292W, title: {The Articles of Faith}, author: {James Edward Talmage}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL16092675W, title: {The Government of God}, author: {Taylor, John}, first_publish_year: {1852} } @Work{OL7658283W, title: {The Women of Mormonism}, author: {Jennie Anderson Froiseth and Frances Elizabeth Willard and Reverend Leonard Bacon}, first_publish_year: {1882} } @Work{OL15278680W, title: {The Strength of the \textquotedbl{}Mormon\textquotedbl{} Position}, author: {Orson F. Whitney}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL2765809W, title: {The Voice of Truth}, author: {Joseph Smith, Jr.}, first_publish_year: {1844} } @Work{OL1808981W, title: {Joseph Smith, the Prophet-Teacher}, author: {B. H. Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1908} } @Work{OL13148078W, title: {A Compendium of the Faith and Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints}, author: {Franklin Dewey Richards}, first_publish_year: {1857} } @Work{OL15743667W, title: {Scrapbook of Mormon Literature}, author: {Rich, Ben. E.}, first_publish_year: {1911} } @Work{OL13129267W, title: {Journal of Discourses Vol. 20}, author: {John Taylor and George Q. Cannon}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL7661444W, title: {Scientific Aspects of Mormonism}, author: {Nels L. Nelson}, first_publish_year: {1904} } @Work{OL4791351W, title: {Key to the Science of Theology}, author: {Parley P. Pratt}, first_publish_year: {1874} } @Work{OL15721301W, title: {The Seventy's Course in Theology, Third Year}, author: {B. H. Roberts}, first_publish_year: {1910} } @Work{OL4791349W, title: {A Voice of Warning and Instruction to All People, or an Introduction to the Faith and Doctrine of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints}, author: {Parley P. Pratt}, first_publish_year: {1844} } @Work{OL2270961W, title: {Discourses of Brigham Young}, author: {Brigham Young}, first_publish_year: {1925} } @Work{OL250910W, title: {The Foundations of Mormonism}, author: {William Earl La Rue}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL18075237W, title: {Letters Exhibiting the Most Prominent Doctrines of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints}, author: {Orson Spencer}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL13823336W, title: {Quiet Chats on Mormonism}, author: {Henry W. Naisbitt}, first_publish_year: {1902} } @Work{OL1617488W, title: {The Women of Mormondom}, author: {Edward W. Tullidge}, first_publish_year: {1877} } @Work{OL1830289W, title: {The Vitality of Mormonism}, author: {James Edward Talmage}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL178082W, title: {Three Degrees of Glory}, author: {Melvin Joseph Ballard}, first_publish_year: {1922} } @Work{OL7680679W, title: {Outlines of Mormon Philosophy}, author: {Lycurgus A. Wilson}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL4802176W, title: {One Hundred Years of Mormonism}, author: {Evans, John Henry}, first_publish_year: {1909} } @Work{OL249996W, title: {Mormon Doctrine Plain and Simple, or Leaves from the Tree of Life}, author: {Charles W. Penrose}, first_publish_year: {1888} } @Work{OL4283851W, title: {Leaves from My Journal}, author: {Wilford Woodruff}, first_publish_year: {1881} } @Work{OL15278675W, title: {Gospel Themes}, author: {Orson F. Whitney}, first_publish_year: {1914} } @Work{OL254966W, title: {The Divinity of the Book of Mormon Proven by Archaeology}, author: {Louise Palfrey}, first_publish_year: {1901} } @Work{OL12190610W, title: {An Address to All Believers in Christ}, author: {David Whitmer}, first_publish_year: {1887} } @Work{OL16331886W, title: {Prophecies and Promises of the Lord as Recorded in the Book of Doctrine and Covenants}, first_publish_year: {1919} } @Work{OL2339277W, title: {Why I Believe the Book of Mormon to Be the Word of God}, author: {William A. Morton}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL4791305W, title: {The Holy Spirit}, author: {Orson Pratt, Sr.}, first_publish_year: {1856} } @Work{OL16094899W, title: {Blood Atonement and the Origin of Plural Marriage}, author: {Joseph Fielding Smith}, first_publish_year: {1905} } @Work{OL15970021W, title: {Gospel Doctrine}, author: {Joseph Fielding Smith}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL13790159W, title: {Mormonism}, author: {Mary Ettie V. Smith}, first_publish_year: {1870} } @Author{OL6630101A, name: {Mary Ettie V. Smith}, birth_date: {1829} }