@Book{OL5785917M, title: {The second Cecil}, author: {P. M. Handover}, publisher: {Eyre \& Spottiswoode.}, year: {1959}, place: {[London]}, } @Book{OL4851250M, title: {Scottish historical documents}, author: {Gordon Donaldson}, publisher: {Scottish Academic Press}, year: {1970}, place: {Edinburgh}, } @Book{OL470502M, title: {Encyclopedia of historians and historical writing}, author: {Kelly Boyd}, publisher: {Fitzroy Dearborn}, year: {1999}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL6778001M, title: {Political passions}, author: {Rachel Judith Weil}, publisher: {Manchester University Press}, year: {1999}, place: {Manchester}, } @Book{OL10552164M, title: {The British Revolution, 1629-60 (British Studies)}, author: {Allan I. MacInnes}, publisher: {Palgrave Macmillan}, year: {2004}, } @Book{OL2854321M, title: {The power of the early Tudor nobility}, author: {G. W. Bernard}, publisher: {Harvester Press}, year: {1985}, place: {Sussex}, } @Book{OL27700862M, title: {Royal Renegades}, author: {Linda Porter}, publisher: {Macmillan}, year: {1826}, } @Book{OL3795291M, title: {1001 patchwork designs}, author: {Maggie Malone}, publisher: {Sterling}, year: {1982}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21185077M, title: {Wordsmanship}, author: {Claurène DuGran and Claurene DuGran and George Booth}, publisher: {Angus \& Robertson}, year: {1984}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL10201448M, title: {Julia Foster's Patchwork}, author: {Julia Foster}, publisher: {Hamish Hamilton}, year: {1988}, } @Book{OL17274779M, title: {Royal homes of the United Kingdom}, author: {Neville Williams}, publisher: {Omega}, year: {1983}, place: {Ware}, } @Book{OL5213602M, title: {Illustrated patchwork crochet}, author: {Bella Scharf}, publisher: {Butterick Pub.}, year: {1976}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL1462784A, name: {Bella Scharf}, }