@Work{OL2907857W, title: {Daughters of England}, author: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, first_publish_year: {1995} } @Work{OL2907856W, title: {The return of the gypsy}, author: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, first_publish_year: {1985} } @Work{OL2907858W, title: {Knave of hearts}, author: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL2907864W, title: {The gossamer cord}, author: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, first_publish_year: {1992} } @Work{OL2907852W, title: {Will you love me in September}, author: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, first_publish_year: {1892} } @Author{OL442995A, name: {Eleanor Alice Burford Hibbert}, birth_date: {1906-09-01} , death_date: {1993-01-18} }