@Book{OL3942476M, title: {Kushiel's dart}, author: {Jacqueline Carey}, publisher: {Tor}, year: {2001}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7999773M, title: {No Longer Human}, author: {Osamu Dazai}, publisher: {New Directions Publishing Corporation}, year: {1948}, place: {Japan}, } @Book{OL24236182M, title: {The Guernsey Literary and Potato Peel Pie Society}, author: {Mary Ann Shaffer and Annie Barrows}, publisher: {Dial Press}, year: {2009}, } @Book{OL27317065M, title: {The Windup Girl}, author: {Paolo Bacigalupi}, publisher: {Orbit}, year: {2010}, } @Book{OL28361214M, title: {Finna}, author: {Nino Cipri}, publisher: {Tor.com}, year: {2020}, } @Book{OL24764777M, title: {The joy luck club}, author: {Amy Tan and Gwendoline Yeo and Tsai Chin and Ronald Bass and Wayne Wang and Jordi Fibla}, publisher: {Ivy Books}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL220796A, name: {Amy Tan}, birth_date: {1952} } @Author{OL6590931A, name: {Gwendoline Yeo}, } @Author{OL581042A, name: {Tsai Chin}, birth_date: {1938?} } @Author{OL31363A, name: {Ronald Bass}, } @Author{OL6454978A, name: {Wayne Wang}, birth_date: {1949} } @Author{OL3202983A, name: {Jordi Fibla}, }