@Book{OL670014M, title: {You can be happy no matter what}, author: {Richard Carlson}, publisher: {New World Library}, year: {1997}, place: {Novato, Calif}, } @Book{OL4898628M, title: {Fully human, fully alive}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Argus Communications}, year: {1976}, place: {Niles, Ill}, } @Book{OL9327121M, title: {Through Seasons of the Heart/21109}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Tabor Pub}, year: {1989}, } @Book{OL24222697M, title: {Unconditional love}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Tabor Publishing}, year: {1995}, place: {Allen, Texas}, } @Book{OL2558514M, title: {Will the real me please stand up?}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Argus Communications}, year: {1985}, place: {Allen, Tex., U.S.A}, } @Book{OL23053881M, title: {The commitment dialogues}, author: {Matthew McKay and Barbara Quick}, publisher: {McGraw-Hill}, year: {2005}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL18479305M, title: {A reason to live! A reason to die!}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Argus Communications]}, year: {1975}, place: {[Niles, Ill}, } @Book{OL8250237M, title: {Through Seasons of the Heart}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Tabor Publishing}, year: {1986}, } @Book{OL8609621M, title: {Happiness is an inside job}, author: {John Powell}, publisher: {Argus Books}, year: {1989}, } @Author{OL2622753A, name: {John Powell}, birth_date: {1925} }