@Book{OL31513M, title: {Great women authors}, author: {Jane Stuart Smith}, publisher: {Crossway Books}, year: {1999}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL1862576M, title: {Recovering biblical manhood and womanhood}, author: {John Piper and Wayne A. Grudem}, publisher: {Crossway Books}, year: {1991}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL1093851M, title: {Disciplines of a godly man by R. Kent Hughes.}, author: {Griffin, Ted and R. Kent Hughes}, publisher: {Crossway Books}, year: {1994}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL8825448M, title: {The Strength Within}, author: {Barbara, Ph.D. Hansen}, publisher: {HiddenSpring}, year: {2000}, } @Book{OL24216293M, title: {The Passion of Jesus Christ}, author: {John Piper}, publisher: {Crossway Books}, year: {2004}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL26334516M, title: {God doesn't believe in atheists}, author: {Ray Comfort}, publisher: {Bridge-Logos Publishers}, year: {2002}, place: {Gainesville, FL}, } @Book{OL30920348M, title: {44 Questions for Church Planters}, author: {Lyle E. Schaller}, publisher: {ABNDP - Abingdon Press}, year: {1991}, } @Book{OL27235739M, title: {The purpose driven life}, author: {Richard Warren}, publisher: {Zondervan}, year: {2012}, place: {Grand Rapids, Mich}, } @Book{OL7844607M, title: {Adventures in Prayer}, author: {Catherine Marshall}, publisher: {Fleming H Revell Co}, year: {1975}, } @Book{OL6799633M, title: {500 great things about being a dad}, author: {Steve Delsohn}, publisher: {Andrews McMeel Publishing}, year: {2001}, place: {Kansas City, MO}, } @Book{OL3419145M, title: {Just walk across the room}, author: {Bill Hybels}, publisher: {Zondervan}, year: {2006}, place: {Grand Rapids, Mich}, } @Book{OL30402339M, title: {How Jesus saves the world from us}, author: {Morgan Guyton}, publisher: {Westminster John Knox Press}, year: {2016}, place: {Louisville, KY}, } @Book{OL4466821M, title: {Woman liberated.}, author: {Lois Gunden Clemens}, publisher: {Herald Press}, year: {1971}, place: {Scottdale, Pa}, } @Book{OL24382168M, title: {Unveiled at last}, author: {Bob Sjogren}, publisher: {YWAM Pub.}, year: {1992}, place: {Seattle, WA}, } @Book{OL24937285M, title: {Every young man's battle}, author: {Stephen Arterburn}, publisher: {WaterBrook Press}, year: {2002}, place: {Colorado Springs, Colo}, } @Book{OL350719M, title: {The search for significance}, author: {Robert S. McGee}, publisher: {Word Pub.}, year: {1998}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL3309118M, title: {The reformation for armchair theologians}, author: {Glenn S. Sunshine}, publisher: {Westminster John Knox Press}, year: {2005}, place: {Louisville, Ky}, } @Book{OL4430644M, title: {The strategy of Satan}, author: {Warren W. Wiersbe}, publisher: {Tyndale House Publishers}, year: {1979}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL1096656M, title: {The services of the Christian year}, author: {Robert Webber}, publisher: {Star Song Pub. Group}, year: {1994}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL3323710M, title: {Whatever it takes}, author: {Dub Jackson}, publisher: {Broadman \& Holman}, year: {2003}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL790008M, title: {Sacred cows make gourmet burgers}, author: {William M. Easum}, publisher: {Abingdon Press}, year: {1995}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL697911M, title: {True for you, but not for me}, author: {Paul Copan}, publisher: {Bethany House Publishers}, year: {1998}, place: {Minneapolis, Minn}, } @Book{OL3176397M, title: {The hallelujah factor}, author: {Jack R. Taylor}, publisher: {Broadman Press}, year: {1983}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL375177M, title: {Jesus the storyteller}, author: {Brian L. Harbour}, publisher: {Smyth \& Helwys}, year: {1999}, place: {Macon, Ga}, } @Book{OL2219624M, title: {U.S. lifestyles and mainline churches}, author: {Tex Sample}, publisher: {Westminster/John Knox Press}, year: {1990}, place: {Louisville, Ky}, } @Book{OL3496323M, title: {The service of God}, author: {William H. Willimon}, publisher: {Abingdon Press}, year: {1983}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL8216437M, title: {Creation Evangelism for the New Millennium}, author: {Ken Ham}, publisher: {Master Books}, year: {1999}, } @Book{OL1722075M, title: {The church planter's handbook}, author: {Larry L. Lewis}, publisher: {Broadman Press}, year: {1992}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL33464808M, title: {Woman Seeking God}, author: {Dorothy Kelley Patterson}, publisher: {Lifeway Christian Resources}, year: {2013}, } @Book{OL25649070M, title: {Jesus, continued}, author: {J. D. Greear}, publisher: {Zondervan}, year: {2014}, place: {Grand Rapids, MI}, } @Book{OL15057298M, title: {Twelve sermons on prayer}, author: {Charles Haddon Spurgeon}, publisher: {Baker Book House}, year: {1971}, place: {Grand Rapids, Mich}, } @Book{OL1712570M, title: {When love is not enough}, author: {Stephen Arterburn}, publisher: {Focus on the Family Pub.}, year: {1992}, place: {Colorado Springs, Colo}, } @Book{OL1564231M, title: {Who is this Jesus?}, author: {Michael Green}, publisher: {O. Nelson}, year: {1992}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL2190964M, title: {Six hours, one Friday}, author: {Max Lucado}, publisher: {Multnomah}, year: {1989}, place: {Portland, Or}, } @Book{OL2043024M, title: {Gentle persuasion}, author: {Joseph C. Aldrich}, publisher: {Multnomah Press}, year: {1988}, place: {Portland, Or}, } @Book{OL8639596M, title: {Signs of Wonder}, author: {Robert Webber}, publisher: {Star Song Communications Group}, year: {1992}, } @Book{OL3701551M, title: {The Mayflower Pilgrims}, author: {David O. Beale}, publisher: {Ambassador-Emerald International}, year: {2000}, place: {Greenville, S.C}, } @Book{OL297107M, title: {Count it all joy}, author: {Barbara Joiner}, publisher: {WMU, SBC}, year: {1991}, place: {Birmingham, Ala}, } @Book{OL26658381M, title: {Wasted faith}, author: {Jim Elliff}, publisher: {Christian Communicators worldwide}, year: {2005}, place: {Kansas City, Mo}, } @Book{OL1563934M, title: {Help yourself}, author: {Joel C. Robertson}, publisher: {Oliver-Nelson}, year: {1992}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL3328328M, title: {Live your passion, tell your story, change your world}, author: {Robert E. Reccord}, publisher: {J. Countryman}, year: {2004}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL1725244M, title: {Our journey home}, author: {Gary Lee Bauer}, publisher: {Word Pub.}, year: {1992}, place: {Dallas}, } @Book{OL1433239M, title: {I know just how you feel}, author: {Cheryl Meier}, publisher: {T. Nelson}, year: {1994}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL1429639M, title: {Exploding the doomsday money myths}, author: {Sherman S. Smith}, publisher: {T. Nelson Publishers}, year: {1994}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL1530986M, title: {Our sufficiency in Christ}, author: {John MacArthur}, publisher: {Word Publishing}, year: {1991}, place: {Dallas}, } @Book{OL3407912M, title: {Fascinating stories of forgotten lives}, author: {Charles R. Swindoll}, publisher: {W Pub. Group}, year: {2005}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL4724028M, title: {Dark threads the weaver needs}, author: {Herbert Lockyer}, publisher: {F. H. Revell Co.}, year: {1979}, place: {Old Tappan, N.J}, } @Book{OL38247236M, title: {The Five People You Meet in Heaven}, author: {Mitch Albom}, publisher: {Hyperion}, year: {2003}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL5296957M, title: {Say it with love}, author: {Howard G. Hendricks}, publisher: {Victor Books}, year: {1972}, place: {Wheaton, Ill}, } @Book{OL32092735M, title: {Descending into greatness}, author: {Bill Hybels}, publisher: {Zondervan Pub. House}, year: {1993}, place: {Grand Rapids, Mich}, } @Book{OL5060812M, title: {How can I find you, God?}, author: {Marjorie Holmes}, publisher: {Doubleday}, year: {1975}, place: {Garden City, N.Y}, } @Book{OL28393862M, title: {Chariots of fire}, author: {Clarence Edward Noble Macartney}, publisher: {Abingdon-Cokesbury pr.}, year: {1951}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL28389515M, title: {The Babylonian legend of the Flood}, author: {Edmond Sollberger}, publisher: {Trustees of the British Museum}, year: {1961}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL7935074M, title: {Christianity}, author: {Calvin Miller and Pete Briscoe}, publisher: {B\&H Publishing Group}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL385437M, title: {I call you friend}, author: {Pamela Toussaint}, publisher: {Broadman \& Holman Publishers}, year: {1999}, place: {Nashville, TN}, } @Book{OL662034M, title: {Total church life}, author: {Darrell W. Robinson}, publisher: {Broadman \& Holman Publishers}, year: {1997}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL1276160M, title: {The King James only controversy}, author: {James R. White}, publisher: {Bethany House}, year: {1995}, place: {Minneapolis, Minn}, } @Book{OL2745375M, title: {The art of hospitality}, author: {Yvonne G. Baker}, publisher: {Accent Books}, year: {1986}, place: {Denver, Colo}, } @Book{OL4122130M, title: {Glimpses of Baptist heritage}, author: {Claude L. Howe}, publisher: {Broadman Press}, year: {1981}, place: {Nashville, Tenn}, } @Book{OL4411610M, title: {Their finest hour}, author: {Herbert Lockyer}, publisher: {Revell}, year: {1979}, place: {Old Tappan, N.J}, } @Book{OL4747456M, title: {Care and maintenance for the Christian life}, author: {William L. Blevins}, publisher: {Word Books}, year: {1979}, place: {Waco, Texas}, } @Book{OL4568812M, title: {Thanks, Lord, I needed that!}, author: {Charlene Potterbaum}, publisher: {Logos International}, year: {1977}, place: {Plainfield, N.J}, } @Book{OL10359997M, title: {The Case for Faith - A Journalist Investigates the Toughest Objections to Christianity}, author: {Lee Strobel}, publisher: {Zondervan}, year: {2000}, } @Book{OL5761825M, title: {Why I am a Baptist.}, author: {Joe T. Odle}, publisher: {Broadman Press}, year: {1972}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL5538159M, title: {To understand each other.}, author: {Paul Tournier}, publisher: {John Knox Press}, year: {1967}, place: {Richmond}, } @Book{OL6245515M, title: {The Puritan dilemma}, author: {Edmund Sears Morgan}, publisher: {Little, Brown}, year: {1958}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL6206526M, title: {These things we believe}, author: {Turner, John Clyde}, publisher: {Convention Press}, year: {1956}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL6180819M, title: {Baskets of silver}, author: {Charles Roy Angell}, publisher: {Broadman Press}, year: {1955}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL8041429M, title: {Doing Life With God}, author: {Bo Boshers}, publisher: {Group Publishing}, year: {2000}, } @Book{OL24875023M, title: {Overcoming setbacks}, author: {Stephen W. Brown}, publisher: {NavPress}, year: {1992}, place: {Colorado Springs, Colo}, } @Book{OL24939351M, title: {The Baptist faith and message}, author: {Herschel H. Hobbs}, publisher: {Convention Press}, year: {1971}, place: {Nashville}, } @Book{OL8847735M, title: {Lists to Live By: The Christian Collection}, author: {Alice Gray and Steve Dr Stephens and John Van Diest}, publisher: {Multnomah}, year: {2004}, } @Book{OL2740855M, title: {Neither slave nor free}, author: {Patricia Gundry}, publisher: {Harper \& Row}, year: {1987}, place: {San Francisco}, } @Book{OL7935753M, title: {Disciple Helps}, author: {R. Clyde, Jr. Hall}, publisher: {Holman Bible Pub}, year: {1985}, } @Book{OL26405908M, title: {The sleeping giant; arousing church power in America}, } @Book{OL7185035M, title: {Jean de Kerdren}, author: {Jeanne Schultz}, publisher: {Hurst}, year: {1900}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24253327M, title: {The adventures of Nicholas}, publisher: {Scholastic Book Services}, year: {1966}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24375772M, title: {The christian doctrine of God}, author: {Emil Brunner}, publisher: {Westminster Press}, year: {1950}, place: {Philadelphia}, } @Book{OL1861428M, title: {Armageddon, oil, and the Middle East crisis}, author: {John F. Walvoord}, publisher: {Zondervan Pub. House}, year: {1990}, place: {Grand Rapids, Mich}, } @Author{OL4437233A, name: {John F. Walvoord}, birth_date: {1910} }