@Book{OL7988460M, title: {The little emperors}, author: {Alfred Leo Duggan}, publisher: {Phoenix Press}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL26421275M, title: {Leisure}, author: {Josef Pieper}, publisher: {Ignatius Press}, year: {2009}, } @Book{OL19013850M, title: {The history of sexuality}, author: {Michel Foucault}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21265100M, title: {Madness and civilization}, author: {Michel Foucault}, publisher: {Vintage Books}, year: {1988}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6586296M, title: {Psychology of the unconscious}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Moffat, Yard and company}, year: {1916}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL21440964M, title: {Psychology and religion}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung and Gerhard Adler and R. F.C. Hull}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1958}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL395287M, title: {The end of time}, author: {Josef Pieper}, publisher: {Ignatius Press}, year: {1999}, place: {San Francisco}, } @Book{OL13525745M, title: {Collected Works of C.G. Jung, Volume 9 (Part 2): Aion}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1953}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL10491186M, title: {The Kin}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, publisher: {Macmillan Children's Books}, year: {1999}, } @Book{OL7988462M, title: {The Lady for Ransom (Phoenix Press)}, author: {Alfred Leo Duggan}, publisher: {Phoenix Press}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL10159601M, title: {The Supreme Identity}, author: {Alan Watts}, publisher: {Random House Trade Paperbacks}, year: {1972}, } @Book{OL3329506M, title: {Knight with armour}, author: {Alfred Leo Duggan}, publisher: {Cassell \& Co.}, year: {2002}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL24211795M, title: {King \& joker}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, publisher: {Mysterious Press}, year: {1993}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL21854126M, title: {Chemotaxonomie der Pflanzen}, author: {R. Hegnauer}, publisher: {Birkhäuser Verlag}, year: {1990}, place: {Basle}, } @Book{OL5060892M, title: {The lively dead}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1975}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL9807857M, title: {Conscience of the King (Phoenix Press)}, author: {Alfred Leo Duggan}, publisher: {Phoenix Press}, year: {2007}, } @Book{OL22736449M, title: {Modern man in search of a soul}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Harcourt}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL1546353M, title: {AK}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, publisher: {Delacorte Press}, year: {1992}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL11129499M, title: {Cornelius}, author: {Leo Lionni}, publisher: {D C Heath \& Co}, year: {1995}, } @Book{OL5795436M, title: {The spirit of Zen}, author: {Alan Watts}, publisher: {Grove Press}, year: {1960}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL16644571M, title: {Tangled hair}, author: {Akiko Yosano}, publisher: {Marshall Jones company}, year: {1935}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL2051710M, title: {Eva}, author: {Peter Dickinson}, publisher: {Delacorte Press}, year: {1989}, place: {New York, N.Y}, } @Book{OL5284687M, title: {In my own way}, author: {Alan Watts}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1972}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL6171279M, title: {Answer to Job}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Routledge \& Paul}, year: {1954}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL6163248M, title: {Leopards and lilies.}, author: {Alfred Leo Duggan}, publisher: {Faber and Faber}, year: {1954}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL20296849M, title: {Seamarks}, author: {Saint-John Perse}, publisher: {Harper \& Brothers}, year: {1961}, place: {New York, NY}, } @Book{OL17637041M, title: {Raymond Roussel.}, author: {Michel Foucault}, publisher: {Gallimard}, year: {1963}, place: {[Paris]}, } @Book{OL11313228M, title: {Exercises in physical geology}, author: {W. Kenneth Hamblin}, publisher: {Burgess}, year: {1975}, } @Book{OL22035094M, title: {Éloges.}, author: {Saint-John Perse}, publisher: {Gallimard}, year: {1967}, place: {[Paris]}, } @Book{OL8840888M, title: {Dits et Ecrits, tome 1 }, author: {Michel Foucault and Daniel Defert and François Ewald}, publisher: {Gallimard}, year: {2001}, } @Book{OL4740908M, title: {The History of Sexuality}, author: {Michel Foucault}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1978}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL22781167M, title: {Two essays on analytical psychology}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {World Pub. Co.}, year: {1970}, place: {Cleveland}, } @Book{OL11955290M, title: {Birds}, author: {Saint-John Perse}, publisher: {The Gallery Press}, year: {2002}, } @Book{OL18473974M, title: {Anabase}, author: {Saint-John Perse}, publisher: {La TILV}, year: {1993}, place: {Paris}, } @Book{OL23249431M, title: {Memories, dreams, reflections.}, author: {Carl Gustav Jung}, publisher: {Pantheon Books}, year: {1963}, place: {New York}, } @Author{OL17370A, name: {Carl Gustav Jung}, birth_date: {1875.07.26} , death_date: {1961.06.06} }