@Book{OL26368543M, title: {Anarchismus}, author: {Christa Dericum}, publisher: {Evangelische Akademie Arnoldsheim}, year: {1987}, place: {Schmitten, Germany}, } @Book{OL46533517M, title: {Die Krisentendenz des auf den Wert gegründeten Produktionsweise}, author: {Rainer Künzel}, publisher: {Freie Universität Berlin}, year: {1976}, place: {Berlin, Germany}, } @Book{OL1120189M, title: {Jean Grave and the Anarchist Tradition in France}, author: {Louis Patsouras}, publisher: {Caslon Co.}, year: {1995}, place: {Middletown, N.J}, } @Book{OL28207356M, title: {Werke in 43 Bänden, Band 7, August 1849 Juni 1851}, author: {Karl Marx}, publisher: {Dietz}, year: {1957}, } @Book{OL46529496M, title: {Anarchisme en Nihilisme}, author: {Jan Börger}, publisher: {Jan Börger-Bibliotheek}, year: {1993}, place: {Moerkapelle, Netherlands}, } @Book{OL9051734M, title: {Tolstoj}, author: {Maximilian Braun}, publisher: {Vandenhoeck und Ruprecht}, year: {1978}, place: {Göttingen, Germany}, } @Book{OL32405207M, title: {Gesammelte Schriften}, author: {Edgar Allan Poe}, publisher: {Weltbild}, year: {1990}, place: {Augsburg, Germany}, } @Author{OL28127A, name: {Edgar Allan Poe}, birth_date: {19 January 1809} , death_date: {7 October 1849} }