@Book{OL2032280M, title: {Mediterranean light}, author: {Martha Rose Shulman}, publisher: {Bantam Books}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL49998M, title: {Mediterranean light}, author: {Martha Rose Shulman}, publisher: {W. Morrow}, year: {2000}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL536036W, title: {Richard Simmons' farewell to fat cookbook}, author: {Richard Simmons}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Work{OL145307W, title: {Dr. Andrew Weil's Guide to Optimum Health}, author: {Andrew Weil}, first_publish_year: {2002} } @Work{OL15150814W, title: {Richard Simmons Deal-a-meal golden edition cookbook}, author: {Richard Simmons}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Author{OL37844A, name: {Richard Simmons}, birth_date: {July 12, 1948} }