@Book{OL7128648M, title: {The eternal struggle}, author: {H. M. Knadjian}, publisher: {Printed by the Republican Printery}, year: {1900}, place: {[Fresno}, } @Work{OL1084286W, title: {Letters from the scenes of the recent massacres in Armenia, by J. Rendel Harris and Helen B. Harris}, author: {J. Rendel Harris}, first_publish_year: {1897} } @Work{OL210132W, title: {Shepard of Aintab}, author: {Alice Shepard Riggs}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL1144919W, title: {Armenia}, author: {Robert Curzon}, first_publish_year: {1854} } @Work{OL2416556W, title: {An American physician in Turkey}, author: {Clarence D. Ussher}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL16777443W, title: {Ravished Armenia}, author: {Aurora Mardiganian}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL3732203W, title: {Ambassador Morgenthau's story}, author: {Morgenthau, Henry}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL205333W, title: {The red rugs of Tarsus}, author: {Helen Davenport (Brown) Gibbons}, first_publish_year: {1917} } @Work{OL7719357W, title: {In the land of Ararat}, author: {Barrows, John Otis}, first_publish_year: {1916} } @Work{OL7673896W, title: {Martyred Armenia and the story of my life}, author: {Krikor Gayjikian}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Work{OL208148W, title: {From Turkish toils}, author: {Esther Mèˆgèˆrdichian}, first_publish_year: {1918} } @Work{OL16789314W, title: {Turkish memories}, author: {Sidney Whitman}, first_publish_year: {1914} } @Work{OL16332380W, title: {The romance of missions in the land of Ararat}, first_publish_year: {1880} } @Work{OL14952394W, title: {All In A Lifetime}, author: {Henry Morgenthau}, first_publish_year: {2007} } @Author{OL2914010A, name: {Henry Morgenthau}, }