@Book{OL24955068M, title: {Paul Bunyan swings his axe}, author: {Dell J. McCormick}, publisher: {Scholastic Book Services}, year: {1963}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL24337795M, title: {The Boxcar Children}, author: {Gertrude Chandler Warner and Shannon Eric Denton and Mike Dubisch and Dorothy Gregory and L. Kate Deal}, publisher: {Scholastic}, year: {1989}, } @Book{OL6959245M, title: {Home geography for primary grades}, author: {C. C. Long}, publisher: {American Book Company}, year: {1894}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL31842057M, title: {The Boxcar Children}, author: {Gertrude Chandler Warner and Shannon Eric Denton and Mike Dubisch and Dorothy Gregory and L. Kate Deal}, publisher: {Scholastic}, year: {1989}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL26204741M, title: {The Box-car Children}, author: {Gertrude Chandler Warner and Shannon Eric Denton and Mike Dubisch and Dorothy Gregory and L. Kate Deal}, publisher: {Rand McNally \& Company}, year: {1924}, place: {Chicago}, } @Book{OL6588624M, title: {The real Mother Goose.}, author: {Blanche Fisher Wright and Checkerboard}, publisher: {Rand, McNally \& Co.}, year: {1916}, place: {Chicago}, } @Work{OL24656586W, title: {The Boxcar Children}, author: {Gertrude Chandler Warner and Shannon Eric Denton and Mike Dubisch and Dorothy Gregory and L. Kate Deal}, first_publish_year: {1924} } @Work{OL16249171W, title: {Hans Andersen's Fairy Tales}, author: {Hans Christian Andersen}, first_publish_year: {1846} } @Work{OL1449046W, title: {The Story of Doctor Dolittle}, author: {Hugh Lofting}, first_publish_year: {1920} } @Author{OL152307A, name: {Hugh Lofting}, birth_date: {14 January 1886} , death_date: {26 September 1947} }