@Book{OL42356518M, title: {The Sword of Summer}, author: {Rick Riordan}, publisher: {Puffin}, year: {2015}, } @Book{OL27937851M, title: {The Ship of the Dead}, author: {Rick Riordan and John Rocco}, publisher: {Disney Hyperion}, year: {2017}, } @Book{OL42339108M, title: {The Hammer of Thor}, author: {Rick Riordan}, publisher: {Disney - Hyperion}, year: {2016}, } @Book{OL26967683M, title: {9 from the Nine Worlds}, author: {Rick Riordan}, publisher: {Hyperion Books}, year: {2018}, place: {Los Angeles}, } @Book{OL29320635M, title: {Hotel Valhalla Guide to the Norse Worlds}, author: {Rick Riordan}, publisher: {Puffin}, year: {2016}, } @Author{OL30765A, name: {Rick Riordan}, birth_date: {5 Jun 1964} }