@Book{OL14365285M, title: {The art of composition}, author: {Michel Jacobs}, publisher: {Doubleday, Page \& Company}, year: {1926}, place: {Garden City, N. Y}, } @Work{OL17000359W, title: {Marken und Monogramme auf Fayence, Porzellan, Steinzeug und sonstigen keramischen Erzeugnissen}, author: {Friedrich Jaennicke}, first_publish_year: {1878} } @Work{OL3846655W, title: {History of ancient art}, author: {Franz von Reber}, first_publish_year: {1882} } @Work{OL17029149W, title: {Manuel d'iconographie chre tienne, grecque et latine}, author: {Dionysios of Fourna}, first_publish_year: {1845} } @Work{OL10709587W, title: {Les doctrines d'art en France}, author: {André Fontaine}, first_publish_year: {1909} } @Author{OL4476935A, name: {André Fontaine}, birth_date: {1869} }