@Book{OL5047198M, title: {Switch Bitch}, author: {Roald Dahl}, publisher: {Alfred A. Knopf}, year: {1974}, place: {New York, USA}, } @Book{OL24613720M, title: {Flow my tears, the policeman said}, author: {Philip K. Dick}, publisher: {Daw Books}, year: {1975}, place: {New York}, } @Work{OL18939W, title: {Survivor}, author: {Chuck Palahniuk}, first_publish_year: {1999} } @Work{OL112364W, title: {Deviant}, author: {Harold Schechter}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL23204W, title: {Of Mice and Men}, author: {John Steinbeck}, first_publish_year: {1937} } @Work{OL74676W, title: {Portnoy's Complaint}, author: {Philip A. Roth}, first_publish_year: {1967} } @Work{OL86343W, title: {A Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man}, author: {James Joyce}, first_publish_year: {1818} } @Work{OL74502W, title: {The Iron Heel}, author: {Jack London}, first_publish_year: {1907} } @Work{OL50567W, title: {Sula}, author: {Toni Morrison}, first_publish_year: {1973} } @Work{OL13761882W, title: {Columbine}, author: {David Cullen}, first_publish_year: {2009} } @Work{OL98031W, title: {The city and the pillar}, author: {Gore Vidal}, first_publish_year: {1948} } @Work{OL51203W, title: {A single man}, author: {Christopher Isherwood}, first_publish_year: {1964} } @Work{OL23199W, title: {Cannery Row}, author: {John Steinbeck}, first_publish_year: {1945} } @Work{OL264729W, title: {Go Ask Alice}, author: {Beatrice Sparks}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL50456W, title: {Women}, author: {Charles Bukowski}, first_publish_year: {1978} } @Work{OL2271690W, title: {Faces in the water}, author: {Janet Frame}, first_publish_year: {1961} } @Work{OL3954921W, title: {Girl, interrupted}, author: {Susanna Kaysen}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL10695417W, title: {The Painted Bird}, author: {Jerzy N. Kosinski}, first_publish_year: {1965} } @Work{OL2667879W, title: {The last time I wore a dress}, author: {Daphne Scholinski}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL3275096W, title: {I'm with the Band}, author: {Pamela Des Barres}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL483566W, title: {The wild boys}, author: {William S. Burroughs}, first_publish_year: {1971} } @Work{OL5092622W, title: {Z for Zachariah}, author: {Robert C. O'Brien}, first_publish_year: {1975} } @Work{OL545418W, title: {Jesus' son}, author: {Denis Johnson}, first_publish_year: {1992} } @Work{OL555288W, title: {The Fuck-Up}, author: {Arthur Nersesian}, first_publish_year: {1997} } @Work{OL6210656W, title: {The heart is deceitful above all things}, author: {JT LeRoy and J. T. LeRoy}, first_publish_year: {2001} } @Work{OL85658W, title: {The Insult}, author: {Rupert Thomson}, first_publish_year: {1996} } @Work{OL9170458W, title: {Apathy and Other Small Victories}, author: {Paul Neilan}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL14854121W, title: {The gum thief}, author: {Douglas Coupland}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL8053255W, title: {Poppy Shakespeare}, author: {Clare Allan and Clare Allan}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL5356047W, title: {Audrey Rose}, author: {Frank De Felitta}, first_publish_year: {1975} } @Work{OL11277872W, title: {In the Miso soup}, author: {Ryu Murakami}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL50442W, title: {Hollywood}, author: {Charles Bukowski}, first_publish_year: {1989} } @Work{OL276093W, title: {The Bad Seed}, author: {William March}, first_publish_year: {1954} } @Work{OL1917736W, title: {Story of My Life}, author: {Jay McInerney}, first_publish_year: {1988} } @Work{OL15792620W, title: {Confessions of an opium eater}, author: {Thomas De Quincey}, first_publish_year: {1890} } @Work{OL12566005W, title: {Battle royale}, author: {Kōshun Takami}, } @Work{OL15148210W, title: {The omen}, author: {David Seltzer}, first_publish_year: {1976} } @Work{OL3008628W, title: {Leaving Las Vegas}, author: {O'Brien, John}, first_publish_year: {1990} } @Author{OL462115A, name: {O'Brien, John}, birth_date: {1960} , death_date: {1994} }