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They introduce the child to his or her first friendship with fiction." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=sixnurseryclassi00oshe" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7143012M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Six Nursery Classics</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Whittington and His Cat|Part of the Old World Wonder Stories Series. This story was first recorded in 1605, and it rapidly became a favourite. Richard Whittington was a real person, the son of a knight and himself a rich merchant in London. He served three terms as Lord mayor of London: 1397-99, 1406-07, and 1419-20. He died in 1423." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=historyofwhittin00newyiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7047194M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Whittington and His Cat</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Jack The Giant Killer|Part of the Old World Wonder Stories Series. The tale of Jack the Giant-Killer is one that has held considerable fascination for English readers. The violent themes and fantastic heroism may not be appropriate for all, but gained the tale numerous fans in the eighteenth century." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=storyofjackthegi00dalziala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7212298M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Jack The Giant Killer</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Jack and the Beanstalk|Part of the Old World Wonder Stories Series. Jack and the Beanstalk is an English fairy tale, closely associated with the tale of Jack the Giant Killer. Apart from representing a branch of the Arthurian legends, Jack tales also carry a strong and deep tie to the culture of the Appalachian mountains in the Eastern United States." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=traditionalfaery00summiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL14045736M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Jack and the Beanstalk</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Tom Thumb|Part of the Old World Wonder Stories Series. This English fairy tale about a little boy who is as small as his mother's thumb sparks a young child's imagination. It provides opportunity to exercise vocabulary and to teach new adjectives and comparative forms." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=tomthumb00londiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7118144M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Tom Thumb</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Heart of Oak Books II|In this volume, favorite fables and nursery tales are introduced according to the purpose of the editor throughout the series, which develops the cultivation of taste and a healthy imagination." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=heartofoakbookss00nortiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7096376M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Heart of Oak Books II</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Stories of Old Greece|An admirable collection of Greek myths which will greatly help children understand their counterparts of that period." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=storiesofoldgree00firt" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7236623M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Stories of Old Greece</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Goody Two Shoes|This book will always deserve a place among the classics of childhood for its literary merit, the purity and loftiness of its tone, and its sound sense." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=goodytwoshoes00newyiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7095326M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Goody Two Shoes</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Old French Fairy Tales|The tales by Madame la Comtesse de Segur in this book are as lovely as they are uncommon in English. The illustrations, however, are absolutely breathtaking." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=oldfrenchfairyta00sgrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL22618040M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Old French Fairy Tales</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="History of the Robins|The story of 'Dicksy, Pecksy and Flapsy' is a perennial favorite with English-speaking children, and this edition is the cheapest and prettiest put on the market." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=historyofrobinsf00trimrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7190159M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />History of the Robins</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Eyes and No Eyes|A story which has almost been forgotten in the flood of modern material, but which should never be left out of a children's reading. In pleasant style, it shows the value of keeping one's eyes open and teaches the important art of how to observe." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=eyesnoeyesothers00aiki2" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7092240M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Eyes and No Eyes</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="King of the Golden River|If a teacher or parent will permit their child to read this story, saying nothing whatever to them about it, they will discover how vividly its scenes get wrought into their conversations, their plays, and their games." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=kingofgoldenrive00rusk" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7162764M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />King of the Golden River</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Granny's Wonderful Chair|The Wonderful Chair is a favorite that has been out of print for years, but it is worthy of a place in such a library of children's literature as this." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=grannyswonderful00brow" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7156141M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Granny's Wonderful Chair</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Seaside and Wayside II|This series is intended to awaken in children a taste for scientific study, to develop their power of attention, and to encourage thought and observation, by directing their minds to the living things about them." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=natureread02wrigrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7053648M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Seaside and Wayside II</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="My Saturday Bird Class|A graphic account of familiar birds and an eye-opener for practical observation by young folks. The book is expressly adapted for spring months." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=mysaturdaybirdcl00millrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL22618087M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />My Saturday Bird Class</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Docas|This book is an attractive story of the life of the Indian of Southern California. It portrays the habits and customs of a race of rare good qualities, and gives an accurate picture of life in California just before it became part of the United States. It can serve as an introduction to geography and history." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=docasindianboyof00snedrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7112651M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Docas</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="America Children Stories II|This volume tells the story of the great discoverers and explorers from Leif Ericson to Henry Hudson. It gives a vivid description of the Spanish, French, English and Dutch navigators, and of the simple life of the aborigines. A story that is as attractive as romance." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=amhistorystories02chadrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7081523M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />America Children Stories II</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Heart of Oak Books III|This volume contains some of the best poems of childhood, old stories, fairy tales and ballads, in keeping with the aim of the series to provide the means for culture through good reading." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=heartofoakbooks00step" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7223305M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Heart of Oak Books III</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Stories of Long Ago|In charming style, about forty of the most interesting Greek myths and legends are told for children. The book also contains a large number of the best short poems based on the myths of the Greeks." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=storiesoflongago00kupfrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7195295M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Stories of Long Ago</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Rose and the Ring|This is one of the most delightful and amusing books for children and has been too little known. This edition contains all the author's drawings for the work as well as the curious rhyming headlines." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=roseringorhistor54thac" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL19344960M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Rose and the Ring</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Mopsa The Fairy|The graceful fancy, the pure and free English, and the lofty lessons conveyed in all of Jean Ingelow's stories for children, with no obtrusion of the moral, entitle her to a very high place in the ranks of successful writers for the little ones." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=mopsafairy00inge" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7078474M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Mopsa The Fairy</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Child Life in Japan|The author of this book lived long in Japan and took a keen interest in the people and their beautiful country. It is a true picture of old Japan, which is fast passing away." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=childlifeinjapan00ayrtuoft" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7230939M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Child Life in Japan</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Jackanapes|This is a charming tale, teaching lessons of manliness and truth, written in a style which has gained many readers young and old." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=jackanapes00ewin" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7253558M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Jackanapes</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Little Lame Prince|This story is full of interest as if it had not a moral to its name, It is genuine fairy-work, interlaced with the unexpected, alive with marvels." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=littlelameprince00craiiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7134108M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Little Lame Prince</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Adventures of Ulysses|This book serves young readers well as a starting point for the exploration of imaginative literature. It brings the child into contact with the 'Odyssey', perhaps the most fascinating single book in the world." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=adventuresofulys00lambuoft" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7199231M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Adventures of Ulysses</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Gulliver's Travels|No liberties have been taken with the text of this famous book, except to remove the obvious blemishes which make it unfit for young people's reading." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=gulliverstravels00swif2" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL13573593M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Gulliver's Travels</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Story of a Short Life|This touching little story is much less familiar to American boys and girls than it deserves to be, and its publication in this series will form an important addition to our juvenile literature." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=storyofshortlife00ewinrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7224223M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Story of a Short Life</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Baron Munchausen|This book of wonder-exciting stories, written to bring into contempt the exaggeration of the eighteenth century traveller's tales, has been appropriated by the children with that unerring instinct which led them to make Gulliver and Robinson Crusoe their own." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=talesfromtravels00hale" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7168585M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Baron Munchausen</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Story Without an End|This famous story was highly commended for children's reading, and appeals specially to the always living minds of young children." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=storywithoutend00caroiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL14043751M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Story Without an End</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Fridtof Nansen|A spirited and enthusiastic narrative of Nansen's youth, early manhood, and adventures in arctic regions. The story is clear and vivid, and the descriptions are accurate." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=fridtjofnansenbo00bull" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7213856M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Fridtjof Nansen</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="America Children Stories IV|Treats of the early settlements in the Mississippi Valley, the French and Indian wars, etc., and gives vivid and definite ideas of the heroes of the later colonial period." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=amhistorystories04chadrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7037258M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />America Children Stories IV</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Our Feathered Friends|No child can read this book and fail to become a more keen and intelligent observer of birds and their ways. The authors make use of the results of accurate personal observation, and appeal to children in a way to bring them into sympathetic touch with nature." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=ourfeatheredfrie00grinrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7082489M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Our Feathered Friends</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Seaside and Wayside III|This volume continues the encouragement of investigation by directing attention to the environment surrounding the children. The book contains lessons on plant life, grasshoppers, butterflies, and birds." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=naturereaderssea03wrigrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7054089M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Seaside and Wayside III</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Heart of Oak Books IV|This volume of the series contains some of the shorter poems and prose writings long accepted as best wherever the English language is spoken. It cultivates a taste for the purest literature, and aids the healthy development of the imagination." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=heartofoakbooks04nort" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7049588M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Heart of Oak Books IV</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="The Bird Book|This book gives the child a habit of keen observation and an interest and enthusiasm in bird-study. The lives of nearly one hundred birds that are well known and easily observed, receive particular study." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=birdbookeckstorm00ecksrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7204187M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />The Bird Book</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Seaside and Wayside IV|The charm of the clear, simple style of this series is preserved in this volume, which treats of world life in its different aspects and periods. Elementary astronomy and zoology form a large part of the work." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=naturereaderssea04wrigrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7149388M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Seaside and Wayside IV</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Tales From Shakespeare|In spite of a century's change, the value of this work has grown with years. The Shakespeare stories of Charles and Mary Lamb have always been, and will always be, eagerly read by men and women, old and young." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=talesfromshakesp00lamb2" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7212698M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Tales From Shakespeare</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="The Crofton Boys|This is a story of a schoolboy life, full of sound, earnest, common sense, and the charm of its tender feeling, clear English, and living human interest has won for it a high place in children's literature." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=croftonboys00mart" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7220902M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />The Crofton Boys</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Rab and His Friends|The delightful sketches have long since established themselves as classics in juvenile literature. They appeal to the healthy boy nature, and have a good moral tone." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=rabhisfriends00browiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7174378M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Rab and His Friends</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Strange Peoples|An absolutely accurate and intensely interesting account of the peculiarities of the strange peoples of the world. This book has the unique charm and force which can only come from personal descriptions of an author who tells what they have seen and known first-hand." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=strangepeoples00stariala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7020188M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Strange Peoples</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="American Indians|A well-written, true account which will appeal strongly to the young, and give them correct impressions of this much misunderstood people. The author has personal knowledge of the customs and life of more than thirty different Indian tribes. Both the past and the present life is portrayed and no tribal peculiarity is neglected." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=americanindians00starrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7156194M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />American Indians</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Heart of Oak Books V|Poems and prose writings by authors who represent the best production of the English language, and by which the reader will share in the common literary treasures of America." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=heartofoakbooks00nortrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7155493M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Heart of Oak Books V</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Chapters on Animals|An excellent book for older children who have animal companions of their own, and have learned in some degree to love and understand them." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=chaptersonanimals00hameiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7138811M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Chapters on Animals</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Robinson Crusoe|A particularly complete edition of this famous classic, not adapted or fitted to any grade, but for the boy or girl to read when ready for it as it is. All the action and all the psychological interest is evident in this edition." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=robinsoncrusoeed00defoiala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7218190M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Robinson Crusoe</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Undine|This work holds an established place among the little classics of German literature. As with any work, in order to become a classic and hold its position through generations, it must possess, in addition to the fundamental literary excellences, some particular originality and charm of its own. Undine is a great example of this." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=undinelamottefou00lamo" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL14046619M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Undine</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Typee|This book thoroughly satisfies every child's love of adventure, while it introduces new scenes and new lands all vividly described in strong, graphic English." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=typeeapeep00melvrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7178578M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Typee</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="The American Citizen|An interesting and patriotic book upon American citizenship. This work contains subjects that every child needs to know about before leaving school. The American government as it is, together with the political, social, and economic duties of citizens to the state and to one another are set forth in a clear and attractive manner." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=americancitizen00doleuoft" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7109569M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />The American Citizen</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="First Book in Geology|The aim of this book is to illustrate the principles of geology by reference to familiar experience with, for example, pebbles, sand, clay, the work of water and air, etc. A teacher's manual is provided." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=firstbookingeolo00shaliala" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7028233M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />First Book in Geology</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Ivanhoe|A special feature of this edition is the text, which is the nearest approach to a definitive edition that has yet appeared. The introduction, notes, and glossary provide the necessary information for a proper appreciation of the story." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=ivanhoes00scotuoft" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7032010M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Ivanhoe</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Last of the Mohicans|This story is presented without abridgment which provides the best understanding of the plot. There are questions upon the important matters in each chapter, and suggestions for brief written or oral exercises." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=lastofmohicansna02cooprich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7169671M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Last of the Mohicans</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Silas Marner|The editor gives an interesting introduction to the story, a very suggestive list of study topics, biographical outline, literary references, and a few words to the teacher." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=eliotsilasmarner00eliorich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL14006177M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Silas Marner</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Julius Caeser|This edition is especially suited to young readers, being devoted to the literary and dramatic interpretations of the plays, rather than to finding material for the study of philology." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=tragedyofjuliusc00shakrich" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7095777M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Julius Caeser</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Merchant of Venice|In the Arden of Shakespeare. The 'Arden' Shakespeare series was created by the British publishing firm of Methuen towards the end of the nineteenth century. The first series was aimed, typically of the period, both at the scholar and the general reader. Edited by a distinguished collection of scholars, it took 25 years to complete from the launch of the first title, Edward Dowden's Hamlet, in 1899." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=merchantofveni00shakuoft" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL14022625M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Merchant of Venice</a></li> <li><a class="title" style="padding-bottom: 4px;" title="Vicar of Wakefield|The introduction, notes and illustrations are intended to aid in developing an intelligent appreciation of the author's prose and of the perennial charm of 'The Vicar' as literature." href="http://www.us.archive.org/GnuBook/GnuBookEmbed.php?id=vicarofwakefield00golds" target="bookframe"><img border="1" alt="thumbnail" src="http://covers.openlibrary.org/b/olid/OL7160283M-M.jpg" width="155" height="185" style="margin: 9px 13px 4px 13px;" />Vicar of Wakefield</a></li> </ul> </div> </div> <div> <img id="down-arrow" class="right-button-image" src="http://invisible.net/openlibrary/down-enabled.gif" alt="Next Button"/> </div> <div style="margin-top: -10px;"><a href="#" onclick="ReSize('GnuBook',0);tOff('GnuBookCarousel');tOn('ShowCarousel')" style="color: #5dacec; text-decoration: none; font-family: Georgia, san-serif;">Hide This Collection<a/></div> </div> <div id="ShowCarousel" style="visibility:hidden;position: absolute; bottom: 30px; right: 30px; background-color: #e2edfa; border: 1px solid #5dacec; padding: 10px;"><a href="#" style="color: #900; text-decoration: none; font-family: Georgia, san-serif;" onclick="ReSize('GnuBook',200);tOn('GnuBookCarousel');tOff('ShowCarousel')">More Childrens Books ...<a/></div> </body> </html>