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Previews available in: English
American literature, English literature, Feminism and literature, Feminist literary criticism, History and criticism, Women and literature, Women authors, Women in literature, Misdaadromans, Écrits de femmes anglais, Écrits de femmes américains, Vrouwelijke auteurs, Histoire et critique, Letterkunde, Littérature américaine, Femmes dans la littérature, Feminisme, Engels, Femmes et littérature, Littérature anglaise, Angol irodalom, Nők és irodalom, Amerikai irodalom, Irodalomtörténet, PRO Gotham Book Mart (former owner) (Gotham Book Mart Collection copy), CHR 1991, Nők, Motívum, Irodalmi ábrázolás, American literature, women authors, American literature, history and criticism, English literature, women authors, English literature, history and criticism, Shakespeare, william, 1564-1616, hamlet, Women, psychology, New York Times reviewedPlaces
English-speaking countriesEdition | Availability |
Hamlet's Mother and Other Women
March 15, 2002, Columbia University Press
in English
- 2Rev Ed edition
0231071779 9780231071772
Hamlet's mother and other women
1991, Ballantine Books
in English
- 1st Ballantine Books ed.
Hamlet's mother and other women: feminist essays on literature
1991, Women's Press
in English
0704342731 9780704342736
4 |
Book Details
Table of Contents
Character of Hamlet's Mother
Margaret Mead and the question of woman's biography
Freud's daughters
Vera Brittain's Testament of experience
Winifred Holtby
Virginia Woolf and James Joyce
Virginia Woolf in her fifties
What was Penelope unweaving?
Marriage perceived
To the lighthouse
Alcott's Little women
May Sarton's Mrs. Stevens Hears the mermaids singing
May Sarton's memoirs
Bringing the spirit back to English studies
Women, men, theories, and literature
Feminist criticism in departments of literature
Presidential address
Politics of mind
Detective novel of manners
Gender and detective fiction
Sayers, Lord Peter, and Harriet Vane at Oxford.
Edition Notes
Includes bibliographical references and index.
The Physical Object
Edition Identifiers
Work Identifiers
Source records
Oregon Libraries MARC recordInternet Archive item record
Internet Archive item record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
marc_claremont_school_theology MARC record
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- Created September 12, 2008
- 15 revisions
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March 27, 2021 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
March 3, 2021 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
July 27, 2020 | Edited by MARC Bot | import existing book |
March 20, 2020 | Edited by ImportBot | import existing book |
September 12, 2008 | Created by ImportBot | Imported from Oregon Libraries MARC record |