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September 30, 2020 | History


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  • Cover of: The lives of the Popes
    Cover of edition historiabplatina00plat First published in 1479 20 editions

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  • Cover of: B. Platinae Cremonensis, De honesta uoluptate, de ratione uictus, & modo uiuendi, de natura rerum & arte coquendi libri X ...

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  • Cover of: The lives of the Popes.
    First published in 1685 4 editions

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  • Cover of: Vitae pontificum
    First published in 1479 3 editions

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  • Cover of: Historia B. Platinae de vitis pontificum Romanorum: ad. N. Iesu Christo vsque ad Paulum II. Venetum papam, longe quam antea emendatior, doctissimarumque annotationum Onuphrii Panvinii accessione nunc illustrior reddita : cui etiam nunc accessit supplementum pontificum primum per eundem Onuphrium vsque ad Pium V. & deinde per Antonium Cicarellam porrò ad Paulum V. qui hodie Cath. Rom. ecclesia praesidet, quae omnia breui & commoda chronologia illustrantur : accesserunt nunc demum omnium pontificum verae effigies : omnia summo studio emendata & correcto

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  • Cover of: De honesta voluptate et valetudine.
    First published in 1498 2 editions

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  • Cover of: De vitis ac gestis summorum pontificum, ad sua usq[ue] tempora, liber vnus.: Huic additae sunt vitae ac res gestae eorum qui interim fuere pontificum, a Paulo uidelicet II. ad Paulum huius nominis III.  Eiusdem item Platinae, De falso & uero bono dialogi tres.  Contra amores I.  De uera nobilitate I.  De optimo ciue II.  Panegyricus in Bessarionem doctiss. patriarcham Constantinopolitanum.  Oratio ad Paulum II. pont. maximum, de bello Turcis inferendo.

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  • Cover of: In hoc volumine hec continentur: Platyne De vitis maxi[morum] ponti[ficorum] historia periocunda ... Raphaellis Volaterrani Historia de vita quattuor maxi[morum] ponti[ficorum] nuper edita ... Platyne De falso [et] vero bono dialogus ... ; Platyne Contra amores dialogus ... ; Platyne De vera nobilitate dialogus ... ; Platyne De optimo ciue dialogus ... ; Platyne Panegyricus in laudem ... Cardinalis Niceni ... ; Diuersorum academicorum panegyrici in Platyne parentalia.

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  • Cover of: vite de'pontefici
    First published in 1663 2 editions

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  • Cover of: Delle vite de' pontefici: tradotto di latino in lingua uolgare, & nuouamente ristampato, & tutto ricorretto, & ampliato

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  • Cover of: Platynae historici Liber de vita Christi ac omnium pontificum (aa. 1-1474)

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  • Cover of: Lives of the Popes, Volume 1, Antiquity (The I Tatti Renaissance Library)

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  • Cover of: De honesta voluptate et valitudine: Un trattato sui piaceri della tavola e la buona salute

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  • Cover of: Lettere: introduzione e edizione critica

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  • Cover of: Historia delle vite de i sommi pontefici, dal salvator nostro sino a Paolo V.

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  • Cover of: B. Platinae Cremonensis Opus de vitis ac gestis summorum pontificum ad Sixtum IV. pont. max. deductum: fideliter à lit. ad literam denuo impressum, secundum duo exemplaria, quorum unum fuit vivente adhuc auctore, anno MCCCCLXXIX. alterum anno M.D.XXIX. : accessit, praeter B. Platinae vitam, brevis quidem sed longe utilissimus, romanorum pontificum, conciliorum sub illis celebratorum & imperatorum catalogus

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  • Cover of: Vitae romanorvm pontificvm a D. Petro vsqve ad Clementem VIII: ex Platinae historia in epitomen redactae, ac iuxta Onuphrij Paniunij eremitae augustiniani censionem ordinatae : his praeter alia accesserunt eorundem pontificum imagines ad viuum expressae, labore & industria Ioannis a Glano leodicensis incisae

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  • Cover of: Bartolomeo Platina delle vite de' pontefici: dal Salvator nostro fino a Paolo II. accresciute con quelle de' Papi moderni da Sisto quarto fino ad Alessandro VII. regnante

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  • Cover of: Bap. Platinae Cremonensis De honesta voluptate, de ratione victus, & modo viuendi, de natura rerum & arte coquendi libri X.

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  • Cover of: Bap. Platinæ Cremonensis, De falso & vero bono dialogi III: Contra amores I : De vera nobilitate I : De optimo ciue II : Panegyricus in Bessarionem doctissimum patriarcham Constantinopolitanum : Oratio ad Paulum ij po[n]tificem maximum.

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September 30, 2020 Edited by MARC Bot add ISNI
August 26, 2019 Edited by Camillo Pellizzari merge authors
May 18, 2017 Edited by MARC Bot merge authors
March 31, 2017 Edited by MARC Bot add VIAF and wikidata ID
April 1, 2008 Created by an anonymous user initial import