@Book{OL36619867M, title: {The Return of the King}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {HarperCollins Publishers}, year: {1999}, place: {London}, } @Book{OL29848958M, title: {The Fellowship of the Ring}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {Mariner Books \textbar{} Houghton Mifflin Harcourt}, year: {2020}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL33891934M, title: {The Hobbit}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {Mariner Books}, year: {2013}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL22581121M, title: {The Silmarillion}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {Ballantine Books}, year: {2002}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL37038870M, title: {The Two Towers}, author: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, publisher: {HarperCollins Publishers}, year: {2010}, place: {London}, } @Author{OL26320A, name: {J.R.R. Tolkien}, birth_date: {3 January 1892} , death_date: {2 September 1973} }