@Book{OL6551754M, title: {The Gypsies}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, publisher: {Houghton, Mifflin and Co.}, year: {1882}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL5703863M, title: {Gypsy sorcery and fortune-telling}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, publisher: {Dover Publications}, year: {1971}, place: {New York}, } @Book{OL7189605M, title: {The Gypsies}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, publisher: {Houghton, Mifflin and company}, year: {1882}, place: {Boston}, } @Book{OL9689073M, title: {The Gypsies}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, publisher: {Adamant Media Corporation}, year: {2004}, } @Work{OL8686272W, title: {Aradia}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL4108432W, title: {The English Gipsies and their language}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1873} } @Work{OL4108434W, title: {Gypsy sorcery and fortune telling}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL13091343W, title: {Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling: Illustrated by Numerous Incantations ..}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL4108393W, title: {English-Gipsy songs}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1875} } @Work{OL13091344W, title: {Gypsy Sorcery and Fortune Telling: Illustrated by Numerous Incantations, Specimens of Medical ..}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1891} } @Work{OL4108418W, title: {Aradia, or, The gospel of the witches}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1899} } @Work{OL4108422W, title: {The Mystic Will}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1907} } @Work{OL16235334W, title: {English Gipsy Songs In Rommany}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {2006} } @Work{OL8769684W, title: {The English gypsies and their language}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1873} } @Work{OL8769682W, title: {The English Gipsies}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1874} } @Work{OL8686271W, title: {Gypsy Sorcery}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1993} } @Work{OL4108355W, title: {English Gypsies and Their Languages}, author: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, first_publish_year: {1969} } @Author{OL770338A, name: {Charles Godfrey Leland}, birth_date: {August 15 1824} , death_date: {March 20 1903} }