@Work{OL17732W, title: {Bible}, author: {Bible}, first_publish_year: {1200} } @Work{OL471565W, title: {And Then There Were None}, author: {Agatha Christie}, first_publish_year: {1939} } @Work{OL29301123W, title: {Self Heal By Design- The Role Of Micro-Organisms For Health By Barbara O'Neill}, author: {Barbara O'Neill}, first_publish_year: {2014} } @Work{OL28137335W, title: {Summary of John F. MacArthur's the Gospel According to Jesus}, author: {Irb Media}, first_publish_year: {2022} } @Work{OL28134263W, title: {Summary of John F. MacArthur's Twelve Ordinary Men}, author: {Irb Media}, first_publish_year: {2022} } @Author{OL10394876A, name: {Irb Media}, }