@Work{OL39320W, title: {Flush}, author: {Virginia Woolf and Eileen Atkins and Katyuli Lloyd and Jose KING and Jordi Fernando and Rafael Vázquez Zamora}, first_publish_year: {1694} } @Work{OL14873791W, title: {The Scoop}, author: {Dorothy L. Sayers and Hugh Walpole}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL65287W, title: {Three by Flannery O'Connor}, author: {Flannery O'Connor}, first_publish_year: {1983} } @Work{OL2752446W, title: {Hey Jack!}, author: {Barry Hannah}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL8067393W, title: {The Other Persuasion}, author: {Seymour Kleinberg and Gertrude Stein and David Herbert Lawrence and Radclyffe Hall and Edward Morgan Forster and William Faulkner and James T. Farrell and William Carlos Williams and Ernest Hemingway and John Horne Burns and Paul Bowles and Christopher Isherwood and Marris Murray and Tennessee Williams and James Purdy - undifferentiated and Gore Vidal and John O'Donovan and Helen Essary Ansell and Ingeborg Bachmann and John O'Hara and Maude Hutchins and Edmund White and Graham Greene and Elizabeth Taylor and Doris Betts and Jane Rule and Marcel Proust}, first_publish_year: {1977} } @Work{OL103198W, title: {The October Country}, author: {Ray Bradbury}, first_publish_year: {1955} } @Work{OL64149W, title: {God Went to Beauty School}, author: {Cynthia Rylant}, first_publish_year: {2003} } @Work{OL483553W, title: {With William Burroughs}, author: {Victor Bockris}, first_publish_year: {1981} } @Work{OL2648031W, title: {A woman named Drown}, author: {Padgett Powell}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL98465W, title: {Wampeters, foma \& granfalloons}, author: {Kurt Vonnegut}, first_publish_year: {1974} } @Work{OL716764W, title: {The virtues of aging}, author: {Jimmy Carter}, first_publish_year: {1998} } @Work{OL14862071W, title: {Watch with Me}, author: {Wendell Berry}, first_publish_year: {1994} } @Work{OL8071892W, title: {Soupsongs/Webster's Ark}, author: {Roy Blount Jr. and Roy Blount}, first_publish_year: {1987} } @Work{OL2648972W, title: {The trouble with the Irish (or the English, depending on your point of view)}, author: {Leonard Wibberley}, first_publish_year: {1956} } @Work{OL15587877W, title: {Squirrel Seeks Chipmunk}, author: {David Sedaris}, } @Work{OL15909074W, title: {The poetry lesson}, author: {Andrei Codrescu}, first_publish_year: {2010} } @Author{OL23352A, name: {Andrei Codrescu}, birth_date: {20 December 1946} }